december 15. 2000 Catch a rising star Gay film company comes to Portland In search, of cast and crew by D avid J essup re you ready for your close- up? Richard Anthony Film Productions recently i announced upcoming auditions for several gay movies to be made in Portland. So, that begs the first ques tion: Is this pom? Spokesperson Harvey Billmaier says it’s more like the cable show 0 * —good, romantic, R-rated gay films with frontal or rear nudity and sug gested sexual acts hut no “action” in the sense of hard core pom. Scenes will be shot in Port land gay bars, on city streets and in the surrounding area. The upcoming movies will use locals as extras, co-stars and camera crew, plus the lighting and sound director positions are still open. The stars involved in these films will be a combina tion of locals and professionals hired by Anthony Films for the project. Despite the title, Murder in Portland purports to be a heart Want to hang out with these actors? Score yourself a part warming story o f young love in some upcoming films set in Washington state. The story revolves around a young gay boy, the Haboush), who is investigating gay bashing son of a Baptist preacher. and hate crimes in the state Capitol, meets Johnny, and they fall in love. He has not spoken since he witnessed a traumatic murder at a young age. He is moti Johnny’s past makes it difficult for him to enter into an intimate relationship, but Joel’s vated to leave home by his abusive father and understanding and caring soon win him over. travels to Olympia, where he meets a young Joel sets up a meeting between a popcorn for store owner who takes him in. tune heir and a state senator (played by Don The story follows this pair as they fall in nie Dill and Dennis T. Kleinsmith), and they love, and through caring and understanding, make quite the couple. the boy regains his ability to speak, his first The third film to be made in the area words being “1 love you.” Aww. next year is Hoover’s Little Boys. A young gay Another of the films, Traveling to man’s older lover dies of a heart attack in his Olympia, is about a young Washington man, arms. Johnny (played by Justin MacFarlane), who Several attempts are made on his life, but is doubly victimized by the “ Becca Bill” and nobody knows why. Some investigation reveals the correctional institution he is sent to at a shadowy connection between his deceased age 16. There, he brutally is raped by a gang lover and the dark underworld of the Vegas of boys. Strip, the mob and the Mormon Church. Upon leaving reform school after three All three projects will continue filming in years, he gets a job washing dishes at a down local gay bars for the next few months. town Olympia cafe. A well-to-do young According to Billmaier, shooting in Portland lawyer/activist, Joel (played by Michael is not easy. Although Anthony Films has worked on the streets of Portland in the past, he says, the city seems ----- determined to block the way for gay filmmakers to get permits and film things publicly. The filmmakers also run the Inter net site, where you can find more information. According to Billmaier, the gay powers that be in Hollywood watch these films, even if they don’t admit it. So, you might even be discovered by a tal ent scout from La-La Land. Auditions and interviews for the parts in Murder in Portland, as well as the open positions for the filming crew, will start 1 p.m. Dec. 17 at JOQ’s, 2512 N.E. Broadway. Everyone is welcome to come, even if you just want to watch. in D avid J essup is a Portland free-lance wnter. V °o* $ JO m m mm wmm ..... ...... « — ' 3 55 o* - - - 6 NIGHTS A WEEK - - - *, M on -T hurs 9 pm -2 am » F ri -S at 9 P pm - 2:30 am e* O’. They Spou'& a te' Lotwme/ <0 °o b 2 § ?o Ifa -W * iXpfeSH 2651 E. Burnside • (503) 234-6171 ______ Fee Off-Street Parking New Dance Floor & (A 3= Parties welcome • Pool table & pinball • Full bar • All lottery games O «0 visit our website at QH? w i t h Us! £01 C h r i s t m a s Eve Iti \m K a r a o k e 6pm. VP t O pen 4 pm X m »» D®yf / ¿zM m Full lottery/ATM (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -4 2 I 0 Boxxes/Brig— 1035 SW Stark St................................................1 CC Slaughters— 219 NW Davis St............................................. 5 Chopsticks Express— 2651 E. Burnside St............................. 13 Club Portland— 303 SW 12th Ave.......................................... 11 Darcalle XV— 208 NW Third Ave...............................................5 Dirty Duck Tavern— 439 NW Third Ave..................................... 6 Eagle POX— 1300 W Burnside St.............................................. 7 The Edge— 333 SW Park Ave...................................................10 Egyptian Club— 3701 SE Division St......................................... 8 Embers Avenue— 110 NW B roadw ay..................................... 9 Estrellas— 2845 SE Stark St......................................................4 Fox and Hounds— 217 NW Second Ave..................................14 Frontline— 1125 SW Washington St......................................... 3 Hobo’s— 120 NW Third Ave........................................................ 5 JOQ’s— 2512 NE Broadway ....................................................12 KokopoH's Choice— 2845 SE Stark St...................................... 4 Neighbors— 1417 Villard St............................................. Eugene North Bank Tavern— 106 W Sixth St......................... Vancouver Panorama— 341 SW 10th Ave.................................................... 1 Scandals Tavern— 1038 SW Stark St........................................1 Shanghai Steakery— 16 NW Broadway ............................... 9 Silverado— 1217 SW Stark St. .’ ............................................. 11 Starky's— 2913 SE Stark St. . . ...............................................4 300 Club— 300 Liberty St. S E ........... .......................... Salem 3 Friends CoNeehouse— 201 SE 12th Ave............................... 2 Three Sisters Tavern— 1125 SW Stark St.............................. 11 Touchstone Coffee House— 7631 NE Glisan St................. 15 Guide courtesy of just C lyde M o t e l since 1912 Newly remodeled & gay friendly Don't Drink and Drive Stay at the Clyde Starting at $ 5 9 .9 9 single occupancy (double/queen/two room suites available) continental breakfast included Centrally located in downtown and gay district. Walk to your favorite hot spots. 1 0 2 2 SW S t a r k S t r e e t phone-. (5 0 3 )2 2 4 -8 0 0 0 Portland. OR 97205 rax. (503)224-9999 ___________ www.clydehotel.com___________