december 15. 2000 • J u t mm 29 ’■ éP—. — æ * n |M n t L t w n . g3t€Sm% r tf’ r O f SO fT w lflin g OvvwfvIlY, try the sounds of 100 women singing "Winter Sky," the Aurora Chorus in concert, Dec. 17 at Par*rose nigst acnooi auditorium H m M M You have two chances to catch the "Holiday Spirit!" from the Portland Gay Men's Chorus, in concert Dec. 16 and 17 m m If you worship the Divine Miss M. you can gather with other worshipers Wednesday evenings at C.C. Slaughters to enjoy a special steak dinner and watch B e tte together. (6-9 pm. 219 N W Davis St. 503-248-9135.) P H O T O B Y M A P TV D A V IS The Adventure Group gets together for a Fun Run/Walk every Tuesday at Duniway Park (6 30 pm. Don 503-224-6747 www. adventuregroup. org.) Touchstone Coffee House plays host to a free movie night every Wednesday with popcorn for just a buck a bag. (7-9 pm. 7631 NEGIisan St. 503-262-7613.) Bring your poetry and stories to Open M ike Night every Thursday at Touch­ stone Coffee House. (7-9 pm 7631 NE Glisan St. 503-262-7613.) The Imperial Sovereign Sweat away your winter blues at Bringin' Down the House, a celebration of the win­ ter holidays at the Egyptian Club, featunng hosts Ms. and Mr. Oregon Leather, Cyd Athens and Charlie Salt Raffles throughout the evening will enhance the fun. Proceeds benefit Pnde Northwest. (9 pm-2 am 3701 SE Division St. $3. 503-236-8689) Court of the Raintree Empire holds a court meeting at the North Bank Tavern. (7:30-8:30 pm. 601 W Sixth Ave.) They’re hot, but there won't be any smoke when Swamp Mama Johnson takes over Jimmy Mack’s with their funky, bluesy sounds. (Call for time. 300 N W 10th Ave. 503-295-6542.) Fans of the seductive, tribal rhythms of Lava de Mure can be satiated at Mount Tabor Theatre and Pub during the Winter Semi- Formal Ball —of course, you get to define what that means to youJ Several opening acts—all with female lead vocalists—heat things up before Lava takes control. Proceeds benefit Raphael House, a shelter for women and children. (Opening acts 9 3 0 pm: Lava performs 11.30 pm. 4811 SE Hawthorne. $7 503-238 1646) Q M onday Lucky folks in Eugene who don't celebrate Chnstmas have a place to go: Hang out at Mother Kali's Bookstore with other kin­ dred spints and enjoy refreshments plus a 10 percent discount on all pagan, Jewish, Islamic and Buddhist books (Noon-4 pm 720 E 13th A v e . Eugene 541-343 4864) ing a wide range of danceable tunes at the beautifully renovated, smoke-free ballroom at Amegards. (9 pm. 1510 SE Ninth Ave $30 at the door o r $25 in advance from Touchstone. In O ther Words. It s M y Pleasure o r Fastixx. 503-735-3992 www lynnfrancesanderson com. ) Or if something glitzier is more your taste, sashay over to Darcelle XV for Risqué Biznii. as the best of the best entertainers make your New Year's Eve something special. Of course, there will be party favors and champagne at midnight followed by a compli­ mentary breakfast buffet. (208 NW Third Ave. Dinner and show $60 a person: show package $35 a person. 503-222-5338 ) For those who bend toward the exotic, per­ haps spending the evening at the Ash Street Saloon for 2001 A Space Odyssey with the erotic, theatncal band Lava de Mure would be just the ticket. (First Lava set at 10 pm. followed by a DJ set. then a final Lava set 225 SW Ash St. 503-226 0430 www lavademure. com. ) • • " Join Imperial Sovereign Rose Court Prince XX Shelley and Princess XXV Poi­ son Waters at the Silverado for Adventures in Hangovers III The fun includes a compli­ mentary buffet, dnnk specials and the Silverado male dancers, but positively no football1 (Call for time 1217 S W Stark St 503-224 4493 ) F riday The Portland Bisexual Alliance presents the workshop The Ethical Slut at Laughing Horse Books (7-9 pm. 3652 SE Division St. 503-775-9717) -, ■ >' ■M i ***** Kick up your heels for gay Punsts will celebrate this New Year’s Eve as the real beginning of the new millennium. Whatever puts you in the party mood, here's a good reason to don your finest gay appar­ el: The Lesbian Community Project presents 2001 A Lesbian Odyssey, a dinner dance extravaganza at the Lloyd Cen­ ter Doubletree Hotel (7 pm -1 am $35-$50 from LCP. It s My Pleasure and In Other Words 503-233 3913.) Another fun event is the Gay and Les­ bian Dance P arty featuring Lynn Frances Anderson and her band play- There's another lovely lesbian named Lynn in Portland who writes and sings songs, but this one plays pianoi listen to Lynn Thomas Sunday at Hobo's country w estern danc­ ing with the Rosetown Ramblers at Portland M etro Club (formerly PPAA) (10 p m -1:30 am 618 SE Alder S t $5 503-234 9944 www rdrop c o m /u s e rs / ramblers ) See On View and Onstage listings on Page 30.