november 17.2000 » Liu a iavi*.i m ews no th in g further from the truth.” Among the accusations: • The university refuses to allow groups like FUEL and STAR to exist because they go against Catholic values. • No gay, lesbian, bi or trans groups exist at the school other than a confidential health serv ices group. • Students are being harassed in the dormitories for being queer, but the university says it cannot protect them because sexual orientation is not includ ed in the discrimination policy. • T he school sent back $1 million from a Portland alum nus last year because he w ant ed to start up a gay and lesbian scholarship fund with it. The flier encouraged con- certgoers to write to the univer sity and its campus newspaper to express their support for queer students. School officials did not return a telephone call from Just Out seeking comment. For more information send e-mail to or W o r l d AIDS D ay N ears c v <oci0K BroUeT A*s(* v a tW e * ln n ° . ,U e t e t , A&e n t oce<*B U ^ e t * , tXPeT v e U > ^ £t M te n u MORELAND 1 VETERINARY HOSPITAL Dogs • Cats • Reptiles Pocket Pets Quality Care fo r your variety o f pets. Robert Bruno, DVM Kay L. Bruno, DVM Boarding Available 10% O ff Vaccines on Thurs | 7201 SE Milwaukie Ave. ^ ^ " TPortland State University will | 1 play host to a World AIDS . . Day rock concert Dec. 1. World 11f University of Portland has come under fire for failing AIDS Day, always the fitst day of to “ W 0***« of queer students December, is celebrated throughout the world to “This is a wonderful thing because it goes raise awareness of the worldwide epidemic and to beyond our boundaries,” said Judith Rizzio, Our celebrate the lives of those lost to the disease dur House of Portland community relations director. ing the past 15 years. A 6:30 p.m. reception and 7 p.m. book read The Life Rock concert will feature music, a ing will precede the concert. spoken-word performance, a raffle and a health A preview of World AIDS Day will take fair from 8 p.m. to midnight at PSU s Shattuck place from 7 to 9 p.m. Nov. 29 at the World Hall, 1914 S.W. Park Ave. The event is being Trade Center, 121 S.W. Salmon St. A slide pre organized by alternative pop/rock band Third sentation will provide the latest information on Estate, which will perform along with fellow the grassroots efforts in Mutare, and a special local artists the American Girls, the Orange performance by the Afrikan American Ballet Collection and Pedro Luz. will follow. A $5 donation is suggested. The concert is open to people of all ages. A Events will take place to commemorate $5 donation is suggested. World AIDS Day throughout Oregon. A pam phlet listing more than 18 events is avail T he concert will benefit Africa AIDS Response, a nonprofit organization providing able from the Coalition for AIDS Education. services to Mutare, Zimbabwe, Portlands sister C ontact Alison Goldstein at 503-223-5907 city, where half of the residents are HIV-posi for a copy. j n tive. Some of the money raised will be used to Compiled by Just Out staff help build a clinic in that city. TM«h) »hut * fewHAl »4? 239-9972 Mon.-Tues.-Thurs. 8:00 - 7:30 Wed. & Fri. 8:00 - 6:00, Sat. 8.00 - l :00 We use a different vocabulary to answer your financial questions. English. © h e r e shouldn’t be any mystery to financial planning. That’s why a Waddell & Reed financial advisor takes the time to meet personally with, and get to know, you and your family. We listen and learn what you want to accomplish. Then we create a plan that’s specifically tailored to your needs and your goals, and explain everything thoroughly. If it’s time for you to make a plan, call Waddell & Reed. We speak your language. WADDELL N» pee stem Financial Services FA X yo u r ad to 5 0 3 -2 3 6 -1 2 5 7 i ' Member SI PC li^ f S it through w w w 2 5 2 betw een 10 a.m and A n d if you find th a t S T A M P , m ail your ad to P.O . Box 1 4 4 0 0 , P o rtland, OR 9 7 2 9 3 -0 4 0 0 Eric Brown, District Manager 500 NE Multnomah Portland, OR 97232 503.238.6036 Investing. W ith a plan SM