________ Aovfimbfii-1Z-20ÛQ » — 5 nTîTTïTTTnnnews natural foods & gourmet treats unique toys & gifts K G W T ries C ounterprogramming A mid rumors that popular radio personality Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s controversial day time talk show might be canceled soon, KGW- TV seemingly is trying to be a better friend to the area’s gay and lesbian community. Program director Brenda Buratti said the station is donating commercial time and running a public serv ice announcement dur ing each episode. Two advertisements are used on a rotating basis. One of them fea tures Matthew Shep ard’s mother, Judy, giv Dr. Laura ing an emotional ap Schlessinger peal for tolerance. The Human Rights Campaign produced the ad, which is being aired nationally. Buratti said the ratings for Dr. Laura have been poor locally and across the country. As a result, KGW recently moved the talk show from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Its meager ratings apparently were not the numbers the NBC affiliate wanted for a lead-in to its noon news program. Buratti also said the controversy surrounding show made it an inap propriate choice to run before the news. Schlessinger, well-known for her disparaging comments about gays and lesbians, has been tar geted by a national campaign to remove her television show from the airwaves. Almost 100 advertisers have succumbed to the pressure— mostly coming from members of the Stop- DrLaura.com movement—and pulled out. Philadelphia CBS affiliate KYW-TV became the first station to drop Dr. Laura Nov. 10. The announcement came the same day CBS affili ates in other top media markets— including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Dallas— unanimously decided to down grade Schlessinger’s show to overnight timeslots effective Nov. 13. “Neither viewers nor advertisers seem to want Dr. Laura," said Joan M. Garry, Gay & Les bian Alliance Against Defamation executive director. “And the reason is obvious: No part of the Viacom family—CBS stations or Para m ount— can sell Schlessinger’s messages of exclusion and intolerance to a TV audience. “We hope that other stations across the country will follow CBS’ lead. G LA A D will continue to watch Dr. Laura and educate those advertisers who associate their brands with the show.” Although Schlessinger’s representatives emphatically deny it, one well-placed source told the New York Post that Paramount Televi sion has decided to pull the plug on the pro gram. “They’re shutting down production,” the tipster insisted Nov. 9. According to PlanetOut.com, Paramount already is preparing a replacement for Schles singer’s show so they can retain her timeslot on local stations once they drop her. The new pro gram reportedly will feature host Caroline Rhea of Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. But Paramount is contracted for a season’s worth of shows with stations around the coun try. And spokesperson Daniella Cracknell said talk of its demise is premature. “It’s not true,” she said. “We continue to believe in the viability of the Dr. Laura TV show, and we will continue to produce it for those stations and the 187 other stations that are part of the Dr. Laura station lineup.” C hurch S ays E veryone I s W elcome A s churches across the U nited States struggle with the issue of whether to rec ognize and respect homosexuality among members, the United Church of Religious Science is taking a stand about its inclusion regardless of sexual orientation. The church has had a policy of inclusion for some time, but earlier this year leaders resolved to make it more public. The Rev. Annie Green of the Portland Church of Religious Science supports taking a public stand because so many false ideas and excuses separate people. “It is a time to understand and live the truth that we must love our neighbors as ourselves,” she said. “There is no need for exclusion ever.” The church was founded by Ernest Holmes in 1927 and is based in Los Angeles. For more information call 503-261 -0677 or send e-mail to REVGRN@aol.com. O C A W rites C heck on and Bonnie Mabon followed a Multno mah County Circuit Court judge’s order and recently paid $840 to Cather ine Stauffer. The photojour nalist has an 8-year- Z old judgment against Io the Oregon Citizens Alliance for $32,000. 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