novemhfirl7.200Û (503> 236*1253 p j.lo o m 'll V L l l ò ò 1/ L C Cl REAL ESTATE LOANS I REAL ESTATE SERVICES Brackett Residential Services Real Estate Appraisal REAL ESTATE • ( ! I Conventional, FH A / SFR, Condo, 2-4 unit Serving Portland metro & Vancouver I ♦ N eed a N ew N est ? *C u te contem D /2.5 BA, vaulted c e ilin o y f ^ ^ V B I h e r 1. fam ily 1 room w it h ^ ^ ^ ^ p r o c e , huge master bedroom. W n T S E 67th, $144,900. I 1 ^W ilshire Capecod! 3BD plus 2 bonus rooms. Hardwood floors, fireplace, detached garage. Full unfinished basement. New exterior & interior paint, enchanting back yard w/ deck & pegoda. Great area! 4625 NE 40th/Prescott. $157,900. *F irs t class remodel on 1/4 acre! Darling 2 BD w/ inlaid hardwood floors — great tiled kitchen & bath. Newer carpet, plum bing & electric. Deck, pond, & waterfall. 2330 SE 90th. $125,000. To view an y o f these listings o r to view an y p ro p e rty listed OTTUU . 1 ! . VA PARA CRAFTSMAN WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW $224,900, 3Bd/2Ba, fam rm, office, deck/spa. WEST HILLS TUDOR $325,000. 4Bd/2.5Ba Lg formal dining rm, 3 fire places. Elegant & loaded w/ upgrades - chande liers, French wallpaper, granite counters, 5 min. to downtown. 1 .2 3 ACRE WOODED LOT $97.500 Coveted Aldercrest area, Milwaukie. DUPLEX NEAR PCC SYLVANIA $189,900 4Bd/2Ba, 2 fireplaces, 2 kitchens. Fam rm, 2 car garage, 1/3 acre private wooded lot, sunny garden, and views! Duplex on in-law set up. CONDO, DOWNTOWN NW PTLD $176,900 Very light unit in coveted neighborhood. 2Bd/1.5Ba, townhouse style w/ garden patio. IRVINGTON CONTEMPORARY $389,000 3Bd/3.5Ba, fam rm, fireplaces in liv rm and master suite. Glass walls let south light flood in. NEW IN BEAVERTON $185,000. 3Bd/2.5Ba, fam rm, 3 car garage. NORTH PORTLAND $107,950. 2Bd, new paint & carpeting, new kitchen, office, garage. MT TABOR RANCH $135,000. 3Bd, 2 car garage. All new paint & floor coverings. E A L T O “ Thanksgiving, mortgage style o r refinan ce, just in tim e fo r (503) 236-5599 (503) 938-1431 gary4loans@aol.coni 8SÄTÜ Majestic IHortgagr Srrvife* !■«*. Call Gail Davis: (503) 2 0 3 -2 2 1 4 Y 24-Hr. Voice Moil More specific info? Ask for my free brochure My satisfied clients tell the real story! E'mail - 4 • • • • • > ^ t i ♦ REAL ESTATE LOANS 503-680-5422 360-600-4373 " w W3 Mention this ad j E l for 5% off «fs m o rtg a g e fo r y o u r n e w house (503) 320-1271 *1*1 ESTATE Pack, load, unpack, unload SPECIAL SITUATIONS & SHORT NOTICES! Long- & short-term storage Business relocations afte r G a r y helps you g e t the best w w w .m arvin 3ohn£.Sc«rtt I & O C E A N S ID E , O C E A N V IE W STEVENS MORTGAGE CO. mmm H ID D E N HARBOR Top Q u a lity S ervice; V ery C o m p etitive R ates & Fees; Jum bo, FHA, VA, & C on ventio nal H om e Loans Experienced Representation "Serving Our Community Since 1988" Gary Boyer • Senior Loan Consultant Self-employed • Complicated credit • First-time buyers Hard to verify income • Unique partnership situations • Zero down payment • Investment property • FHA/VA loons Visit just out advertisers online at O ffic e : MARINA & RV PARK 24680 Hidden Harbor Dr. Ix»s Molino», CA 96055 O n the Sacramento R iver (530) 384-0177 (530) 384-1800 ’I W omen ’ s G uest H ouse fro m $ 3 0 /n ig h t. Sunrise beach w alks outside your door. Shared or private rooms available, www . mahinas . com (808) 823-9364 (503) 670-0535 ext. 106 l HOUSE, sleeps eight. Three bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, laundry, full kitchen, cable, VCR, CD, towels and bed ding included. Winter/nonholiday rates = $90/night. Smoke-free. Call John, 503-287-5216. (11/17) CAPE MEARES, O C E A N F R O N T, sleeps four. Two bedroom, one bath, laundry, full kitchen, cable, VCR, CD, towels and bedding included. Winter/nonholiday rates = $75/night. Smoke-free. Call John, 503-287-5216. (11/17) LENDER M ” Thanks is w h a t y o u 'll be o ffe rin g AsscKiate Broker >S ifc 4133 SE Division J SERVICES A Locally Owned Family Operated Business • • • • Marvin Salles R __ ADVANTAGE MOVING CO. the ho lid ays. G ail D avis > gri _ Jane B ra c k e tt. (5 0 3 ) 460-0609 mmm by any a g e n t please ca ll: R I mahinas@ hawaiian. net C e llu la r; (503) 720-6861 T he S ee V ue RELoanz4U@aol com O ceanview Motel on the Central Oregon Coast www stevensmortgage com/dave || D a v e D is h m a n V / I ^ A Q » / u * 2/ 4 A n 4 vice rro siu o m » A l f i m . a t . .VS P & B A (5 4 1 ) 5 4 7 -3 2 2 7 w w w .s e e v u e .c o m George Marvin Realtor Q] ( 503 ) 810-6476 i.iteQssiar S h ak ti C ove C ottages 10 Cabins, with kitchens, nestled in a grove of trees on 3 secluded acres. Beach access. Pets welcome. Affordable rates. 2 1/2 Hours from Portland on the beautiful Long Beach Peninsula. Your Community Your Mortgage Broker F irst & S econd M ortgage L oans • P urchase More than 50 percent of just out readers own their own home. or ( 3 6 0 ) 6 6 5 -4 0 0 0 R efinance r - t >-*> • S elf E mployed OCEANSIDE • I nvestment P roperties • VA L oans “Carmel of the Oregon Coast” • S econd H omes 9 mi. west of Tillamook. Seven units • 100% P urchase They need plumbers, electricians, roofers, painters and yard work. Advertise your business here. • I mprovement L oans K aren O blijck , • F irst T ime B uyers Mortgage Broker n Firat M ortgage Fax 283-0425 • NORTHW EST Certified • Bonded • Insured 503/493-3300 KAREN@nRSTMORTGAGENW.COM 2149 NE B r o a d w a y , S u it e 1 RCJL «130387 C.C.B. «120632 Past President and Board Member of Oregon Association of Home Inspectors with spectacular ocean views and large private decks. Full kitchens in six units. /Ml units are equipped with TVs, VCRs, and microwaves. Six units have fireplaces. $70$ 175 TVvo night minimum Pets welcome at m ost locations (8 0 3 ) ® $ r o p e r tle s 2 3 3 - 4 3 6 3