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S ha w n V o r r a t h , A g e n t 6 7 1 3 NE 63r d St Suite 1 02 Vancouver, WA 360-735-1452 INVINCIBLE DOMESTICS H o u s e h o l d 5 0 3 * 5 8 1 -0 7 4 7 C l e a n e u s Bealsphoto@ aol.com Light or Deep Cleaning Services available Call for estimates and appointments Located Inside the Reed Opera House at Suite 207 • 189 Liberty St SE • Salem, OR 97301 503 - 417-1714 FARM K l I ili uscle Bound statefarm.com™ A tZ uatity ßteatUHfy Service Residential & Commercial ( 503 ) 629-0683 ßerfl for Appointment A M E R IC A N FA M ILY J PSYCHICS Psychic Visions INSURANCK S tate Farm Insurance C om panies Home Offices: B loom ington, Illinois Eddy K. Hauff office 503-281-5880 fax 503-281-9899 • Tells Past P resent & Future • H elp s in all P roblem s R eadin g By C herie V a n c o u v e r , W A ^ • Your D estiny Awaits You . • D o n ’t H esitate Call Today C £ 3 6 0 -6 9 4 -1 1 7 3 CELEBRATE R lïïn r îlT T T R 3531 NE 15th Avenue, Suite A Portland OR 97212 w w w .a m fam .c o m Auto, Home, Life & Business “Your Independent Insurance Agency” E P B & Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. 4 W o o d sto c k W onderful Offered @ $195.000. Craftsman, old POX. 4 spacious bdrms, NEW hdwd firs, tile, fireplace, porch, parlour & much more Y Y Y BECAUSE YOU HAVE ^ O T H E R THINGS TO DO ¿«s?* I — Reliable, superior service...Period Regular or on-call visits Immediate scheduling Serving East Metro Area MIME LEGAL SERVICES_I Tranquil Haven Protect Your Civil Rights Professional legal services are as dose as your phone. . . . . . . Preventative Legal Services • Motor Vehicle Legal Services • Trial Defense Services . ; • IRS Audit Services iÊÈÈm â • A 25% discount on all other legal services irking w ith q u a lity C a w J irm s a ll across A m e ric a ! Lass than $1" a day! Eastsida 503-235-1012 Wastsida 503-645-6830 NATUROPATH Suzanne Scopes, Light, bright and airy with an amazing Zen JjflPa Garden complemented by site built l Ox! O'tea house! Garden and house blend into a soothing retreat from the world. Fabulous 60's built home with 2 Master Suites, remodeled kitchen with corian counters and tile, 2 fplcs., hardwood floors. Techline built-ins in office. $239,900 Kathy Kershner, Sales Associate, ABR, CRS, GRl Caldwell Banker C O L D U JC LL BAN*CRU Barbara Sue Seal Properties Direct line: 5 0 3 - 4 7 1 - 3 4 6 5 V, B arbara SEAL www.PortlandHouses.com k^l SUB PROPERTIES J jv, ,*! n r . d . Naturopathic Family Practice H artford C ondo Greenway! Offered $85,000. Two bdrms, 1 bath, beautiful, balcony, fireplace, garage, storage unit! Upper unit! It’s great! Y Y Y T h is O n e W ill G ra b Y o u Farmhouse in trendy N. PDX, totally renovated! 3 bdrms, 1 bath — FAB kitchen! Easy care small yard. $128,000 — WOW! 3727 N. Borstwich. Y Y Y Residence: 503-786-4959 Pager: 503-920-8403 Fax: 503-284-1618 Mobile: 503-260-6231 C eliaL yon@ aol.com ■ ’ ^ —. . . C ^ l& S ric . r > m US Cutting-edge design, killer view $375,000 FOR IM M A C U L A T E H O U SEC LEAN IN G Dc Eric R. Brown O ptom etric Physician • C o m p re h e n s iv e E y e Eaam e • S p e c ta c le s a n d C o n ta c t L e n se s • M in o r O c u la r E m e rg e n c ie s FIND YOUR NEW HOME IN JUST OUT WiLSHiRF. P a r k - F r e n c h F a r m H o u s e Offered @ $184,000. Three bdrms, 2 baths, gorgeous hdwds, beautiful master suite. Incredible yard w/ pagoda, colonades, grapes, patio! Great walk-in closet. Y Y Y Office 503-287-8989, ext. 5774 2100 NE Broadway, Suite IB • Portland, OR 97232 C lin ic a l N u t r i t i o n JANITORIAL call Mike or Ed at 503-236-4335. (11/17) V iew s t o D ie F o r : L in n t o n Craftsman style home. 3 bdrms, 1 bonus rm, 2 full baths, hdwds, glass block, 2,000 sq ft of decking, garden, garage & several off-street parking spaces. Great home! Offered for $239,000. 4 mtn views, river & city. Y Y Y Sales Associate, Member Million Dollar Club Botanical M e d ic in e • H o m e o p a th y at Circle Healthcare Clinic 316 NE 28th Avenue • Portland 5 0 3 « 2 3 0 » 0 8 12 T o w n H ome Fit for a QUEEN — NEW Price$219,OOO.Sylvan area, 2 bdrms, spacious liv rm, formal din rm. Gorgeous decking, yard, big storage/workshop rm, 2 car garage. Take MAX to work! Y Y Y — C E L IA J. L Y O N — Women's Healthcare 1H K J& 4 M t T a b o r B u n g a io w Three bdrms, 2 full baths, large open rms, fireplace, entry, big windows, losts of light! Kitchen w/ extended sunporch, garage, patio, large front porch! Under $199,900. ▼ ▼ ▼ V ic t o r ia n — A w e s o m e ! Great home, 1/2 lot, 3 bdrms, great bones, gas furnace, country kitchen, pantry. Built-ins ... what are you wait­ ing for??? Hurry! $138,000 7102 NE 9th Ave. Y Y Y Personalized, H olistic C are Since 1985 Marc Baker • Mary Miller Downtown Portland (503) 227-1771 wwwepbb.com J 833 NE 80th, PORTLAND. Two bedroom, one hath. Gardener’s delight. Must-see. New sid- ing/windows. $99,000-$ 119,000. Don Jones, 503-256-1234, ext. 66, or www.DonJones.com. ( 12 / 1 ) C5031 4 9 2 -0 1 9 7 PrePaid Legal Services® Inc. I DIVERSITY See my DISPIAY AD this issue fo r even more great listings. •M A ID BRIGADE __ lu 503-233-8432 v m 1 m em ber HRC & NGLTF O n e V is it w ill C o n v in c e y o u AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE C a ll y o u r Fam ily A g e n t Realtor/Dream m aker MILLION DOLLAR CLUB MFMBF.R Palm & Tarot Card Reader I N S U R A N C E A company that support*! our community with rates that respect your relationship*) FOR SALE: Five star value in Rose City Park, 3bd/2bth, 1200 sq. f t. ranch, cozy fireplace, some hdwds, attached garage, nice lot, move-in ready, motivated Seller says “make an offer!” Steal it at $149,000! Diane Beals Photography 503 341-9743 R ay J R E A L ,E S T A T E Your Dream Home... Kent Has It ! In The Buff Proud to STATI mm (5031 284-1077 3030 NE Waidlar im* h u Meyeo 3200 SW Fairmount Blvd. For the creative visionary that prizes ultra-contemporary design and a great view from almost every room. Designed by Martin, Söderström, Matteson. Two bedroom, two bath! Very hip and chic. Live on the edge— come check it out. o W in d e rm e re Cronin & ( apian Really Group. Inc. Suzann Baricevic 5 0 3 -7 8 9 -1 03 3 Office 297-1033 Classified ad DEADLINE ( for the December 1st issue is 4 p.m. November 22nd