novembflf 17.2000 Fun seekers Don’t hibernate just yet! A new lesbian social group is forming with a focus on community building activities. Join in the fun of planning future weekly events during the next meeting 7 p.m. Nov. 28 at Touchstone Coffee House, 7631 N.E. Glisan St. You can even help them come up with a pithy name! Creative thinkers and visioneers welcome. Extra credit for joviality. cally, he hopes no one even notices his work! N otice him, however, on the Nov. 30 install ment of the series, which this time is a two- hour special beginning at 8 p.m. We’re still wild about him Nov. 30 is also the anniversary of the death of infamous queer author Oscar Wilde, who died in Paris, broke and alone, 100 years ago. One can only hope he’d feel vin dicated by his near “All photographers ly iconic stature by their nature are today and enter voyeurs.” S o says cele tained by the mini brated photog Michael industry that has Childers, whose new sprung up to keep book, Hollywood his name and works Voyeur , makes that case alive. Am ong the loud and clear. It fea notable new books tures 100 black-and- out about him are white images of mostly The Complete Let nudes, male and female, ters of Oscar Wilde some more erotically A Certain Genius tinged. Known for his and The man who sensual theatrical style, was Dorian Gray. Childers has shot sub O f particular note jects ranging from is the new bio Truly David Hockney to Chi Wilde: The Unset Chi Larue. It was pub tling Story of Dolly lished this fall by Wilde, Oscar’s G rrm rrreat photos abound in Hollywood Voyeur Janssen Press. Unusual Niece, who shared her uncle’s taste for same-sex relationships. Find out more about all these at T his m onth s episode o f In the Life features a profile o f Dr. Juanita Owens, the first out les bian o f color to serve as president o f an elected school board. N o surprise, this breakthrough “Let’s Stay Together,” an all-ages, all-women occurred in San Francisco, where she has long dance, benefits the Lesbian Community Project been an activist. A s an administrator at San and the Amazon Dragons dragon boat team Francisco C ity College, she worked diligently Nov. 18 at the Echo Theatre, 1515 S.E. 37th to facilitate the hiring o f gay and lesbian edu Ave. It kicks off with an hour of free country cators and administrators. western dance lessons from Mara followed by A lso on this program is a segment on music spun by DJ Lauren Sylvis. Lessons begin at Rom aine Brooks, an influential 20th century 7 p.m., and the dance glides from 8 p.m. until midnight. Get your tickets at the door only: $10- painter whose sexuality informed her work, and $ 15 gets you in plus two soft drink tickets and one a story about two new gay films, Punks and raffle ticket; $15-$20 gets you in plus two beer or Chutney Popcorn. Irene Farrera takes the spot wine tickets and one raffle ticket; children light when she performs at the Kennedy C e n younger than 12 are free. Identification is ter, plus we get an update on the Dr. Laura required, but no one will be turned away for lack Schlessinger controversy. In the Life airs at of funds. Complimentary snacks have been donat 11 p.m. Nov. 21 on OPB. ed by Trader Joe’s, and homemade goodies will be on hand from the Amazon Dragons. Call 503-233-3913 for additional information or to volunteer at the dance. i n A lso on O P B this month, Oregon Art Beat catches up with Hiawatha Johnson, a gay Port Compiled by ORIANA GREEN lander who specializes in restoration. So, ironi He's looking at you , A true trail blazer Come commingle *Ì # # « «8 C: V Stay tuned Yes We Can! 10 % Off Any Purchase O N STAGE THROUGH N O V E M B E R 26 : No Restrictions! • Notarize It! • Fax It! • Pack It! • Copy It! • Ship It! • Bind It! • And More! I I k — The Cripple of Inishmaan with coupon, not valid with other offers. Expires 12-31-00 loin us for \ . We Ship Anything Anywhere! MAIL BOXES ETC.* 8-6 M-F • 1-5 Sit • 12-5 Saa f e *> E x P ° S T AL U ps 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd 503-236-5587 Fx: 503-236-4293 GALA is the Gay & Lesbian Audience Series by Martin McDonagh