novembfli 17.2QQQ » 27 In the Life features a story about the new gay film Punks Nov. 21 on OPB T uesday Oregon country dyke Hawk Madrone reads from her new book. Weeding at Dawn, at In Other Words. The collection of personal essays, poetry and stories chronicles the 25 years she has spent living in rural Oregon. (7 pm. 3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 503-232-6003.) A new Lesbian Social Group meets at Touchstone Coffee House to plan upcoming activities. (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. 503-262-7613.) Fabulous dining for a great cause— make a reservation for one of the splendid dinners that make up the eighth annual Dinner at My House for Our House. Tonight's delight is "A Night for the Senses" at Butters Gallery, featuring entertainment by Thomas Laud­ erdale and Margie Boule. (6:30 pm. $100 a person. Get a brochure listing all the dinners or make reservations at 503-736-9276.) 5) W ednesday The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine is offering a free clinic for women who want to stay healthy naturally with the help of Chinese medicine. (7 pm. 10525 SE Cherry Blossom Drive. Call 503-253-3443 to reserve a space.) Lesbian author Madelyn Arnold reads from her novel A Year of Full Moons at In Other Words. See review in this issue. (7 pm. 3734 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 503-232-6003.) Q T hursday A portion of the AIDS Memorial Quilt will be on display through Dec. 1 at All Saints Church. (9 am-6 pm and 9-11 pm. 231 SE 12th Ave. Call Father Bruce at 503-963-8102 for viewing times.) Southern Oregon PFLAG holds a Gala Thanksgiving Potluck at the Mountain Meadows Clubhouse in Ashland. Bring your favorite childhood holiday food to share. (6 pm. 541-488-3436.) Up the gorge, the World AIDS Day Can­ dlelight Vigil features music and speakers at St. Paul Episcopal Church in The Dalles. (7 pm. 1805 Minnesota St. 541-296-2975.) Salem respects World AIDS Day with Remembering Makes a Difference— AIDS featunng speakers, performers and candle lighting at the Elsinore Theatre. (6-10.30 pm. 170 High St. 503-581-3296.) The Coastal AIDS Network sponsors a World AIDS Day Candlelight Service at St. James Episcopal Church in Lincoln City. (Call 541-994-5597 for details.) Eugene honors World AIDS Day with a Candlelight Ceremony and Reading of Names at the Hult Center. (6.30 pm. 541-342-5088.) december < a F riday Vancouverites recognize World AIDS Day with the 10th annual Candlelight Vigil at First United Methodist Church. (401 E 33rd Ave Call 360-735-9170 for time.) Folks in Southern Oregon observe World AIDS Day with a ceremony of remem­ brance, dedication and music at Con gregational Church in Medford. (7 pm. 1801 E Jackson St. 541-772-1777.) The Forest Group holds a potluck and planning meeting. (6:30 pm, potluck. 7:30 pm meeting. Call 503-285-5765 for directions.) Pam and Maggie sing their hearts out at Touchstone Coffee House. (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. Donations. 503-262-7613.) The Portland Bisexual Alliance presents the workshop ■Gender. A Guide to Current Debates" at Laughing Horse Books. (7 pm. 3652 SE Division St. 503-775-9717.) o S aturday Ever wondered what goes on at the Sexual M inorities Roundtable? Here's your chance to find out during its quar­ terly public meeting at Central Library. (801 S W 10th Ave. Call 503-823-0546 for t i m e ) Kick up your heels for gay country western dancing with the Rose- Plain Jane exhibits a group of works by Jennifer Mannila, Holly Rasmussen (ceramics) and Julie Hoetmer (painted furniture) starting Nov. 30 town Ramblers at Portland Metro Club (formerly PPAA) (10 pm-1 30 am. 618 SE Alder St $5 503-234 9944 www rdrop com/users/ramblers) Lesbian singer Rene Corbin returns to Touch­ stone Coffee House with her origi­ nal Celtic songs. (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. Donations. 503-262-7613.) o S unday Huddle 'round the electronic hearth as Showtime's Tour the new Classical Chinese Garden with the Lesbian Garden Club. (2 pm. Meet at the entrance.) Queer as Folk debuts. See On View and Onstage listings on Page 28. (Check local listings.) Before you get too excited, these women play sisters in Stark Raving Theatre's Goblin Market, a bizarre, magical tale of time travel that begins previews Dec. 1 at Theater! Theatre!