nov ember 3.2000 * Cui, issniea * /* » 7 - —— FOR H O M E SERVICES Steady FULLTIME Employment Men’s Bath & Sex Club Neat— Drug Free— Reliable Apply in Person 7am-3pm CLUB PORTLAND 303 SW 12th Awe I BERRY PLUMBING Service & Repair • 15 Years Experience R e m o d e l in g • W ater H eaters R epipe S pecialist — Always the lowest rates available licensed and Bonded (CB# 106463 R e b e k a h B erry owner ac \ a o » g\ - (503) 4 9 1 -8 3 9 5 home m anagem ent services Lambda Legal u Defense and Education Fund, Inc. rp.everything, ine. (503) 516.6598 serv ice@ rp ev ery th in q .com Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, a national organi­ r l i a i o r j r j m r u * zation committed to achieving full recognition o f the civil rights of les­ bians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS, through impact litiga­ tion, education and public policy work seeks a Western Regional Director for its office in Los Ange­ les, CA. Primary responsibilities: leadership role in expanding fund­ raising in 10 state region, particular­ ly major donor cultivation; manage­ ment o f office; ability to expand visi­ bility o f organization in region. Qualifications: strong background in fund-raising; management exp; demonstrated commitment to the civil rights o f lesbians, gay men, and people with HIV/AIDS; strong ver­ bal, written and leadership skills. Civil rights or legal exp. preferred, but not required. Compensation: salary DOE; excellent paid benefits and retirement. Application: Send or fax letter and resume by 11/27/00 to: Deputy Director, LLDEF, Inc., 120 Wall Street, Suite 1500, NY, NY, 10005; fax: (212) 809-4210. Women, people of color and people with dis­ abilities are encouraged to apply. HÜ — momee» cexnucnM • Residential * Service Upgrades * New and remodel KEN MAJOR 503 254 3191 C.C.B. 108091 ^ R ñ F T 5 A \fiN t^ 5 l¿ N ñN P R^N2MflTI2N XS3S3S3S3 WADE FREITAG (503) 709-1867 HISTORICALLY APPROPRIATE M RESTORATION 53 RENOVATION 53 KITCH ENS »B A TH S Licensed, Bonded. & Insured CCB# 131520 HOME WORK KITCHENS • BATHS • AD D ITION S ‘ REMODEL — — ¡m a t m m HOUSING RENT WANT T HOUSE IN VANCOUVER, WASH. Two bedrooms, one bath, close to 1-5 and 1-205. $650/month + all utilities. Large yard. Call 503-231-8464. (11/3) • COZY APARTMENT IN SOUTHEAST. LOOKING FOR RESPONSIBLE person to share three-bedroom apartment in Beaverton. Close to MAX and bus. $375/month includes utilities. No drugs! Call Fred at 503-520-9648. ; G l/3) Lower unit in newly painted duplex, two bed­ BIG CREAKY OL’ HOUSE TO SHARE rooms, ideal for one person or couple. Private Three easygoing lesbians of diverse ages, gen­ front porch, share fenced back yard/deck with ders and races. $275 + 1/4 utilities, on bus line, owner, who lives upstairs. Appliances, water, washer/dryer, located near PCC Cascade. Call sewer and trash included. Washer/dryer hookup Romaine 503-460-2551. (11/17) and lots of storage in basement. New carpet, CREATIVE, CLEAN, FUN-LOVING 42- paint, kitchen floor. Nice floor plan with hard­ ; year-old lesbian with dog seeking 30+ female to woods in living and dining rooms. Close in on share charming Southeast home. Fenced yard, Southeast 29th &. Pine on quiet dead-end washer/dryer, dishwasher, near bus. $475/month street. Gay neighbors, two blocks to bus. includes utilities. No smoking, heavy drinking or Neutered cat OK. $650/month, first and last. drugs. Pet negotiable. 503-777-9259. (11/3) Excellent references required. Contact BJ at 503-226-0088 or 503-516-2723. Available OLDER-STYLE UPSCALE Southwest 1 Nov. 5. (11/3) Hillsdale house for upbeat male nonsmoking pro­ COZY HOUSE FOR RENT in Northeast fessional. Two fireplaces, all amenities, cable Portland. Has fireplace, three bedrooms, 1 1/2 t.v./computer, Nature’s, close in. $400 + utilities. 503-246-4175.(11/17) baths, fenced yard and large, daylight basement. $850/month. Available Dec. 1. 503-253-9119. 1-2 BEDROOMS open in Northeast. Share (11/17) with young male couple and four outdoor dogs. Washer/dryer, all utilities, close to bus line and COMPLETELY FURNISHED freeways. No drugs, no smoking. Must he ...even the silverware! Quiet, garden-level employed. $325/month. 503-288-8506. (11/3) half-house for one or a couple. Two bedrooms LOOKING FOR TIDY, responsible, fun- with fireplace, air conditioning, cable, out-of- loving lesbian to share large two-hedroom with tune piano and all utilities paid. AT&T Internet available, on bus line, 17-minute drive to down­ two fireplaces in Northeast Montavilla neighbor­ hood. $325/month + 1/2 utilities. 503-255-6390. town. No smoking or heavy metal, please. (11/17) $675/month. 503-653-6133. (11/3) CLOSE TO GATEWAY. 300-square-foot GREAT PIEDMONT AREA beautiful and room. Share kitchen and hath. Nice. No pets. spacious 1930s two-story duplex with hardwood Lesbian household. Call 503-262-7569. (11/3) floors and fireplace. Two bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, washer/dryer hookup, five minutes to downtown. HOUSE TO SHARE in quiet Northeast . No smoking and no pets. $760/month. neighborhood. includes all utilities. 503-289-7678.(11/17) Washer, dryer, w 6 ^ ^ - < r a t e phone line. Pets negotiable. Nt^uTugs please. 503-735-4793. LAURELWOOD APARTMENTS (11/3) 1009 N.E. 47th Ave. One- and two-hedroom LARGE FOUR+ BEDROOM at with garage. $500-$600/month. Walk to MAX, Woodstock/69th. Pet lovers wanted. No smok- easy freeway access. Ask for manager’s special. ing/drugs or more cats. $325 + 1/3 utilities. Two 503-232-0959. (11/3) ! rooms available now. 503-772-5174. (11/17) DESIGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN * INSURANCE H O M E SERVICES Ä5 TOM FITZPATRICK j^R iM O P ILiR S 503 282-4829 fax / phone 2629 NE 23 rd A ve ,, P ortland , OR 97212 H a n d y W o r k s Richard «mme Auto, Home, Life & Business interior & exterior— all size jobs “Your Independent Insurance Agency” C O N S T R U C T I O N Kitchens • Bathrooms • Older Homes Expert (5 0 3 ) 235-1037 or (5 0 3 ) 449-6207 Bonded, licensed & insured Free Estimates #106085 Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. (503) 239-1074 H O M E SERVICES Q uality P kuninc • T kf >: P lanting • T kkk R f . movai . Installations. Carpet, Vinyl, etc. 503-288-5588. “We floor guys do it better on our knees." 01/17) Environmentally Conscious Tree Care I icensed • Bonded »Insured ix'N H 271K4 TRADESMAN PAINTING U r b a n K . H u tc h in s General Contractor • Beauty • Quality • Affordable • Bonded • Insured (503)232-2295 bem ad. Bondad Instead CCO* 114183 Roofing • Painting • Decks Remodel • Finish Work • Custom Masonry . Tim Berreth CCB#143101 f503J 740-1482 email: Tree Care G ay O w ned Eine P run ing I lo lid a y I ivo I ig h tin g merald Tree LLC P lanting • Removal Dana 503-522-7772 I iiv n sfd • Bonded • In mi red • C ( H #1411)20 J im M e y e rs jmeyers («Hele pon. com tree care MA’S RAINBOW FLOORS, appliances Ultra Electrical C onstruction C orp. • • • • • • RG H om e R enovations & Repairs R e e n i G o ld in “ No Job Too Small” -Flooring -Windows -Electrical -Plumbing -Sheet Rock -Ceramic Tile (5 0 3 ) 7 7 4 -5 0 4 8 1 H E J S *# H artford Marc Baker • Mary Miller Downtown Portland (503) 227-1771 Free Estimates Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB #126869 INSTRUCTIO N I Residential/Commercial Troubleshooting Service changes and upgrades Remodel/Additions Heating and A/C hookups Spa /Hot Tub Hookups 503 - 622-6649 CCB# 140692 Licensed • Bonded • Insured 5 Place your JUST FRIENDS Voice Personal Ad online at