34 * nûvemùflr 3 .2ÛÛÛ The Local Scene Thursday Nights on OPB-1V T O B E R 31 - N O V E M B E R 2 6 . 2000 HE LRIPPLE o f ^ l ü IJHMflfl by M artin ■ ■ î Experience a l journey that wea * a magic spell... ... hilarious , idios Oregon field Guide tL . A view of the Northwest s great outdoors. 8:30 pm 25 and under, > 0 tickets just fy t f r I ^ production sponsors. | | 1 I ® | Join us for GALA I Night, Tuesday, I Novembe r 7 ® Gerding/Edten RAH Construction GBO Architects I f j l A ® GALA is the Gay & Lesbian A u H io n r A C a r i o c W fht Series A m ericanA irlines A-cekinß £ ôÿ a ßee? Unte,? I L ove Y ou , Y ou ' re P er F ect t Now CliANqE OPB It’s Where You Belong • wwwopb org ¿too het shews in ¿we cecl venues... The Hot New M usical Revue FOR TICKETS CALL BOX OFFICE (503) 239-5919 FASTTIXX (503) 224-8499 AT THE WORLD TRADE CENTER AUDITORIUM TWIN PEAKS meets BLUE VELVET... VSÙ& fl $ FOR TICKETS CALL BOX OFFICE (503) 239-5919 FASTTIXX (503) 224-8499 THE tr u e ffiNRTURE 9F AT THEATERI THEATRE! ON BELM0MT lo u e