â november 3 .200Û ." ■: Swan House is a specialized adult foster care home serving low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS who need assistance with personal care, mobility, medications or dnjg/alcohol mental health support. (Located in ' Milwaukie at 4 764 SE Logus Rd 503 786-4829) (5/01) • ..... AIDS & HIV — Metro: AIDS & HIV A ID S Prevention Team offers educational matenals and free condoms and lends out HIV books and videos for residents of Columbia County. (Information line: 503-397-4651.) ( 11/00) A D A P/C H IP: The AIDS Drug Assistance Program and the Community Health Insurance Program pay for health insurance premiums, prescription drugs and in­ surance plan deductibles and co-payments for eligible people with HIV/AIDS. Programs of the Oregon Health Division and Ryan White CARE Act Titles I and II. (8 am-5 pm Monday-Friday. ADAP: 503-731-4029, CHIP: 503-731-4576. Outside Portland: 800-805-2313.) ( 11 / 00 ) Cascade A ID S Project provides nonmedical ser­ vices to people whose lives are affected by HIV and AIDS in Oregon and Southwest Washington. Spanish language assistance available. (CAP Portland offices: Suite 310, 620 SW Fifth Ave. 503-223-5907 Washington County: 503-693-3234. Clark County: 360-735-9170.) (11/00) al men. You set the agenda. All ages welcome. (7-8:30 pm Mondays. $12-$15a session, free to those with Ryan White funding. 503-238-0780.) (. 11/00) Metropolitan African American Support Connection (M A A S C ) is a support group for African American men and women infected or affected by HIV. They meet on Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm at Project Quest, 3117 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (Linda 503-493-0288.) ( 11 /00) Multnomah County Health Department STD Program offers HIV and STD testing by appointment Monday-Fnday and on a first-come, first-served walk-in basis Also offers hepatitis A/B testing, treatment, vaccina­ tions and community education for gay and bisexual men. (Sixth Floor, 426 SW Stark St. 503-248-3700). (11/00) Multnomah County H IV Health Services Center is a full-service medical clinic, providing an on­ site pharmacist and nutritionist, medication manage­ ment, mental health services, wellness program and case management. Se habla espafiol. ASL and foreign language interpretation available. (8 am-5 pm Monday- Friday. Thursday until 8 pm. Fourth Floor, 426 SW Stark St. 503-248-5020. h u /00) Our House is a residential care facility for those living W IAR (Women's Intercommunity A ID S Resource) is a multiservice.program for women and children affected by HIV/AIDS. WIAR offers individual counseling, support groups, advocacy and other support services. Drop-in support group every Tuesday at 11 am; HIV prevention support group for HIV-negative women with HIV-positive partners every second and fourth Monday at 6 pm; Nurture Night for women and their children every third Wednesday of the month. Child care provided. All programs and services are con­ fidential. (9 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday 503-238-4420, 888-303-4420.)(U/00) Washington County Health Department pro­ vides free needle-free HIV testing services for gay and bisexual men at Beaverton Community Health Clinic (6-8 pm Monday. 12550 SW Second St. 503-846-4734.) ( 11/00) Coastal Oregon: AIDS & HIV Coastal A ID S Network is a community-based organiza­ tion providing HIV/AIDS prevention education and support services on the central Oregon coast. (2830 NE Highway 101, Lincoln City, OR97367 541-994 5597.)(11/00) with and dying from AIDS. (2727 SE Alder St., Portland, OR 97214 503-234-0175.) Clackam as County A ID S Relief Effort is a com­ (11/00) Galloway, Kelly & Luckett perform original munity-based organization providing HIV/AIDS preven­ tion education and support services. (3300 SE Dwyer Drive, Suite 306, Milwaukie, OP 97222 503-653-8738.) Partnership Project pro vides social work and nurs- £ lu e * ’ Ja z z a " d f » l l ‘ ( 11 / 00 ) Clackam as County Public Health Division offers anonymous and confidential HIV testing and counseling to anyone. Se habla espafiol. Interpretation services available Call for scheduled and walk-in testing times. (Oregon City: 503-655-8471. Milwaukie: 503-655-8735 Sandy: 503-722-6660)(1 1/00) First Wednesday Social is a potluck for HIV-r peo­ ple and their fnends. (Contact Phillip at 503-493-3761.) ( 11 / 00 ) Friends of People with A ID S Foundation offers assistance to those with HIV. Services include 72-hour food boxes, emergency travel and lodging, entertain­ ment, pet care, clothing, household goods and crema­ tions. (503-283-8535.7(11 /00) H.E.A.L.-Portland (Health, Education, A ID S Liaison) offers information about alternative views of AIDS causation and HIV testing For information and a free packet, leave your name and address (503-227-2339). (11/00) The HIV Day Center a program of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, offers social activities, support groups, peer support, professional counseling, mas­ sage, haircuts and home meal delivenes Hot meals are available at the center at 9:30 am and 12:30 pm Mon­ day through Friday. (Drop in: 9:30 am-2 pm Monday- Fnday 2941 NE Ainsworth St. 503-460-3822.) ( 11/00) HIV Health Services Center. Multnomah County Health Department, specializing in the treatment of HIV disease since 1990. A full-service medical clinic, including on-site pharmacist and nutritionist, medication manage­ ment, mental health services, wellness program and case management. Se habla espafiol. ASL and foreign language interpretation available (8 am-5 pm Monday-Friday Fourth floor. 426 SW Stark St. 503-248-5020). (11/00) IFARA (International Foundation for Alternative Research in A ID S ) provides treatment education through the TIE (Treatment Information Exchange) pro­ gram. Weekly meetings are led by professionals in a spe­ cialized area of treatment. (HIV treatment and education. Meetings Tuesday nights. 503- 736-0 794 J (11 /00) Life to Life is a therapist-facilitated support group addressing the changing needs of HIV+ gay and bisexu­ C om m unity M usic Center ing case management to people living with HIV/AIDS. Get help coor­ dinating all aspects of health care as well as finan­ cial management, food and housing assistance, and emotional support. (8 3 0 am-5 pm Monday- Friday. 503-230-1202.) (11/00) Metro: Political Worried about HIV? Free information and testing is avail­ able through the Umatilla County Health Depart­ ment. Off-site testing is also available, contact John at 541-278-5432 (431 SEThirdSt.. Pendleton)(11/00) Basic Rights Oregon is a pro-GLBT civil nghts orga­ Washington: AIDS & HIV Cascade A ID S Project Vancouver Project pro­ nization committed to promoting fairness and ending discnmination in the state of Oregon No On 0! It's dangerous for our kids, and it's dangerous for our schools Help Basic Rights Oregon stop the O C A s latest attempt to discnminate in our schools Call Chad at 503-232-7176. (PO Box 40625. Portland. OR 97240 503-222-6151. BasicRO@aol com ) (11/00) vides nonmedical services to individuals and communi­ ties in Southwest Washington. These services include: support groups, emergency financial assistance, volun­ teer programs, information and referral. (Suite M l00. 1104 Mam S t. Vancouver 360-735-9170 .H U /00 ) Human Rights Cam paign— Portland Steenng Committee and Federal Club, the largest national gay and lesbian political organization, lobbies Congress, pro­ vides campaign support and educates the public Meets monthly to plan events. (4545 SW Northwood St 503-244-6951.)( 11/00) Willamette Valley: AIDS & HTV The Lesbian Avengers is a direct-action group dedi­ cated to the survival and visibility of lesbians, bisexual women and trans dykes. Meetings are every Sunday at 5 pm. (503-452-5408) 0 1 /00) HAAP, the Oregon State Penitentiary H IV /A ID S Awareness Program, is an inmate- based program providing peer education, information referrals and support to all inmates regardless of HIV status or sexual onentation. Many programs are depen­ dent on community volunteers. (HAAP, OSP Activities Department. Attn Karen Campbell, 2605 State St.. Salem, OR 97310 503-378-4207.7(11/00) HIV Alliance of Lane County provides education, prevention, client services and health care. Registered nurse available. Lunch/dinner program. Spanish lan­ guage assistance available. (1966 Garden Ave., Eugene. 541-342-5088 hivall@hivalliance.org.) (11 /00) Positive Connection PLWH of Yamhill County is an HIV consumer services advisory group that meets the second Tuesday of every month at a confidential location m Yamhill County (503 554-0701) (11 /00) Valley A ID S Information Network's 24 hour hot line provides HIV/AIDS. hepatitis and STD information, support and referrals. English hot line: English and Span­ ish matenals Speakers for schools, recovery and adult groups. (Benton County and Albany 541-752-6322. Oregon toll areas 800-588-2437.) (5/01) W ISH (Women's Initiative to Stop HIV) meets in The Lesbian Community Project is a multi-issue, multiracial, grassroots political and fun organization working for social justice and liberation for lesbian, bi and trans women and dykes. (Address 1001 E Burnside St. Mailing: PO Box 5931, Portland. OR 97228. 503-233-3913 ) (11/00) Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC) a national lesbian organization, now has a chapter m Portland for lesbians 60 and older who are interested in changing the social disease of ageism We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 1 pm (Call 503-286-3575 or 503-331-0415 for more information) (11 /00) Radical Women, active in the struggle against bigotry and exploitation, meets every second Wednesday at 7 pm a tjh eir office, 819 N Killingsworth St. (503-240-4462. rwpdx@igc org) (5/01) Rural Organizing Project is a network of human dignity groups taking action at the local and state level (POBox 1350, Scappoose. OR 97056. 503-543-8417. office@rop org.) (11 /00) Metro: Professional Eugene (541-682 4013 ) 0 1/00) Oregon Tradeswomen Network is a nonprofit The Plus Club House Party provides an open social gathering for people living with HIV and AIDS to mingle and network The group meets in pn- vate homes at 2 pm on the third Sunday of the month. (Bnan 503-249-7030.) (11/00) Project Quest offers health appointments, nutritional information, support groups and sports activities for people living with HIV and AIDS. (Suite 200, 3117 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., e-mail: pquest@teleport. com. 503-493-0288.) ( 11 / 00 ) Research and Education Group provides access to AIDS/HIV research trials of new drugs and thera­ pies for people in Oregon and Southwest Washington. (1650 NW Naito Parkway, Ste. 185. 503-229-8428 or 800-875-8428, e-mail: regroup@reg.org.) (5/01) THE BO YS N E X T DOOR r y ’KNOW, I T H IN K I T ’S 6 R £ A T N o v ‘ 10 a t *ha Eastern Oregon AIDS & HIV group dedicated to promoting success for women in the trades through education, leadership and mentor oppor­ tunities. Child care provided; everyone is welcome; free meetings (6 pm on the third Thursday o f each month at State Office Building. 800 NE Oregon St., Room 120 503-943-2228.) (11/00) COMMUNITY Metro: General To register your domestic partnership bnng $60 cash to the Multnomah County ofnces at 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd between 8 am and 4 45 pm weekdays Call 503-248-3027 for details. (11/17) Portland Area Business Association (PA BA ) is a professional networking organization serving the les­ bian and gay community and those who support our aims and purposes Monthly events and gathenngs (503-241-2222. w w w paba.com.) (11/00) It's M y Pleasure offers a wide array of ser­ vices to the community including a resource bulletin board, free housing listings and a free lesbian dating service (3106 NE 64th Ave 503-280-8080) (11/00) Love M akes a Fam ily Inc. is a non­ profit agency working for social change and supporting lesbian, gay. bi and trans families We do advocacy, outreach, edu­ cation and referrals regarding schools, same-sex marnage, adoption, parenting and more. (503-228-3892. Lmfamily@ teleport com.) ( 11 /00) Mediation Pilot Program provides mediation for people who think they've experienced unfair treat­ ment because of their sexual orientation in situations involving the workplace, housing and public accom­ modations. A confidential, free service sponsored by the city of Portland. (503-274-9886 ) Pride Northwest Inc. organizes community forums and the annual Pnde event. (503-295-9788, www.gaypdx.com/pnde ) (11 /00) Metro: Support Hambieton Project, Lesbian Cancer Support Network, is a nonprofit organization offenng network­ ing and direct services to lesbians with cancer(503-642-1007.) (1 1 /00) Late Awakenings, a support group for lesbians who came out later in life, meets 7 pm on the first Tuesday of every month at the LCP office. (1001 E Burnside St., call for more information 503-233-3913.H \ 1 /00) LG I RTF (Lesbian and Gay Immigration Rights Task Force) Portland Chapter provides support and information to gay and lesbian immigrants and their part­ ners and works to change discnminatory U S immigration laws (PO Box 12526 Portland. OR 97212. www Igirtf org. lgirtfpdx@hotmailcom. 503-471-1568)( 1 1/00) Men Nurturing Men is an experiential gathenng pro­ viding an opportunity to meet other gay. tx and question­ ing men in a playful, safe, sacred environment. Strive to understand intimacy and sexuality from a more spintual perspective in monthly meetings. (503-231-5755 )(1 1/00) by Marc Acito JUST TH£ PR£SSUR£ W H A T W AS you t w o h a ve b u n TOGaTHSR F O R T W £ L V £ . Y6 A R S , V ^JT H A T? th at TO B£ GOOD G AY ROLE MODGLS rD O £STH lSM £A N ~ THAT I’v e GOTTA s t a r t w e a r in g ' . . I . V » , , ( I 4 ■ UNDERWEAR? la i