odober 20 .2000 Ï^TïïîTTTTWTïinews < Injured? S tark S treet H otel R eopens ...C all m e he Ben Stark Hotel, closed and hoarded up for months, re­ opened in late September using its original name: the Clyde Hotel. Owner Pina Zaver, who hails from San Francisco, said she wants to return the establishment to its origi­ nal Victorian-era look and charm. The 98-room hotel, located at 1022 S.W. Stark St., has 25 remod­ eled rooms available for guests. Rates are between $59.99 and $140 a night. The hotel, built in 1912, is regis­ tered with the Oregon Historical Society. Zaver said it was one of Port­ land’s most expensive properties for almost 50 years before it deteriorated. She said the three-story hotel constantly will he upgraded during the next two years. The renovation started last January. Zaver said that most of her guests so far have been travelers who were familiar with the Ben Stark Hotel but that she welcomes new guests and hopes the gay community will visit. “We’re gay friendly.” I Proudly serving our community since 1989 in personal injury claims including: H ala G ores, P.C. Attorney at Law • Bicycle & Pedestrian Accidents Free Consultation No Fee Until We Get You Money Insurance Claims 503/ 295-1940 1 2th Floor 621 SW Morrison Portland Fo'i'ti 4*r> v.\ P&BAL ffa d L z L U i.- A S t t m . W l L egal M arijuana U se N ot W idely U nderstood One With Heart C 231-1999 Integrity, Experience Martial Arts Institute SE 43rd & Hawthorne liff Spencer says that the Med­ ical Marijuana Act of 1998 needs some work but that it allows important relief for many people. He thinks even more could benefit from The Clyde Hotel is back in business after months the legislation if they knew about it. of renovation Tire program, administered by the Oregon Health Division, allows patients to Foundation at 877-600-6767 or Voter Power at use marijuana as medication for cancer, glauco­ 503-786-1905. ma and H1V/A1DS. But users also can qualify if they experience severe nausea, seizures, severe pain and persistent muscle spasms not associated aution ainbow with these qualifying diseases. lag head Two organizations, Voter Power and the Stonny Ray Foundation, help people interested in ; ortland Police Sgt. David Yamasaki, who seeking relief through medicinal marijuana. A helps report hate crimes to the Sexual doctor’s endorsement is required, and people need Minorities Roundtable, says a disturbing trend is gixxl advice to get that signature, Spencer said. taking place on lixzal roadways. “Road rage” inci­ Others seek information about how to grow dents against drivers of cars displaying rainbows and other symbols representing gay pride have plants within the guidelines set out in the law. increased from zero to six in line month’s time. The groups also work to educate the public and Yamasaki said victims are reporting these to eliminate the stigma surrounding medicinal incidents citywide. No large-scale incidents were marijuana use. reported against sexual minorities, he added. Money can be an issue even before enrolling in the program. Some can’t afford the $150 appli­ cation fee and need help getting financial aid. “The program has been a tremendous suc­ rans ooklet ill cess,” said Spencer, who uses the plant to relieve ecome art of raining chronic pain and muscle spasms. he Sexual Minorities Roundtable and the The act only allows for users to grow their Portland Police Bureau recently released a own marijuana. Spencer said many people don’t have the knowledge or the financial resources to copy of “Transgender and Transsexual Issues for Law Enforcement,” a new Ixxiklet that will be set up such an operation. utilized in training officers. Tliis leads them to buy marijuana on the black The publication was designed to provide offi­ market, which is illegal according to the act. Spencer expects the advixiacy groups to address cers with a basic understanding of transgender and transsexual identity and expression. Topics these issues during the next legislative session. People shouldn’t be afraid to investigate covered include: legal documents and identifi­ medicinal use of marijuana, he said. The police cation, search and custody issues and logistics do not keep a list of who is enrolled in the pro­ involved in respecting the rights and privacy of gram, and Multnomah County’s district attor­ transgendered and gender-variant people. Earlier this year, the Multnomah County sher­ ney is now supportive, Spencer said. iff’s department implemented new procedures for Oregon has about 1,000 medicinal marijua­ na users. “Many more people who qualify aren’t btxiking and incarcerating trans individuals. Although few transgendered citizens are arrested aware of the program,” Spencer said. annually, the policies adopted are thought to be For more information, call the Medical Mari­ the most progressive of their kind in the nation. juana Program at 503-731-8310, the Stormy Ray C F : R T NEW 2000 Legacy GT 4D Limited Sedan A I T B ^ R e su lts B P W T “ P 40 A 0X 0/ 4 - 9 /o 36-48mos. 6 . 9 /o 60mos. 7 . 9 % 24 m o s . Stock #05386 MSRP: $25,115 Loaded Model at $ 2 1 ,9 9 5 SUBARU / he Beauty o f A l I Wheel D m e. Expires close of business 1 0-3 1-0 0 www.wentworth.subaru.com WENTWORTH I» If 107 SE G rand • 4 Blocks South of the Convention C en te r • 5 0 3 -2 3 2 -2 0 0 0