Q ju s t out * October 20. 2000 [TTTiTTTTTOTinews Crossing Barriers, Building Bridges: A Workshop on Sexual Minority Spirituality I Looking For Quality On A Budget? HURRY - OFFER ENDS OCT 31ST 15” OFF S a tu rd ay , O ct. 28th 2 0 0 0 ------------------ 9 a m -4 p m ------------------- EV ER Y WINDOW TREATM ENT Specializing in Sponsored by University Pork United Methodist Church HunterDouglas 4775 N Lombard, Portland OR • Free Fstimates • Free Installation --------- F a c ilita to rs---------- Dale Rhodes M.S., M.A. Dale is a spiritual director and founding member of The Interfaith Spiritual Center in SE Portland • 90 dafs same os cash on Serving Oregon & 5IV Washington Sharon Bowland L.C.S.W., M.P.S. Sharon is a psychotherapist in private practice C a l l N o w ! 5 0 3 -5 9 0 -4 3 3 3 Fee: $3535. Register at Door. For more information, contact Dale Rhodes at (503) 289-4103 or Sharon Bowland at (503) 284-3426 Salem 503-362-1643 www.budgetblinds.com Jewelry, art-glass, ceramics D ozens of students rally against M easure 9 on O c t. 17 across from C leveland H igh Sch ool C leveland H olds R ally A gainst M easure 9 bout 100 C leveland High students, staff and supporters protested the O regon C iti­ zens A llian ce’s Measure 9 on O c t. 17 at Powell Park across the street from the school in S o u th ­ A east Portland. O n e by one, students took the stage and addressed the supportive crowd. Som e speakers raged against the O C A , some spoke o f their experience in schcxil, and some shared their per­ sonal and often m oving stories. O n e story especially captured the crowd’s attention. A transgendered youth told o f her expe­ rience growing up in a rural area. Sh e said she was­ n ’t allowed to be openly queer in her small town. W h e n her peers found out she was different, seven people in the schcxd’s locker room raped her. “S ile n ce is death,” she said before walking away from the m icrophone and into the arms o f her partner. Kary A lo v eah , a te a ch e r at C lev elan d , warned o f the consequences that would follow if the measure passes n ext m onth. But even if it does, she said she won’t acknowledge it. “T h ere is no way in hell I will change what I’m teaching in the class,” said A loveah, who teaches stKial studies, m ath and philosophy. “A lot o f teachers feel the same way.” and exotic woods by America's finest artisans H er colleagu e S te v e P eter is upset becau se he th in k s th e public on ly hears o n e th in g about C lev elan d H igh: teach ers supporting M easure 9 and expressing op p osition to P o rt­ land Public S c h o o ls p olicies o n sexual o rie n ­ ta tio n . “People all over th e co u n try know about C le v e lan d H igh S c h o o l, but th ey d o n ’t know about th is," he said, referring to th e sch ool s support o f sexual m inority stu dents and staff. Original O f th e original six teach ers w ho w ent to th e m edia and expressed th eir outrage about P ortland Public S c h o o ls, on ly four rem ain at designs in sterling silver C le v e la n d . T h e grou p, led by S p a n is h in stru ctor Jose S a la n o , says th a t h o m o sexu al­ ity is a c h o ic e and th at th e d istrict is keepin g scie n tific ev id en ce supporting th eir claim from students. and 14k gold by Tami Dean. Peter said these teachers are an absolute minority. He has been out o f the closet as a gay man since 1988 and has found full support from the adm inistration, staff, students and parents. "A ll th at you hear about C lev elan d High Sch ixil is not true," he said. The Downtown Portland Portland Airport 503.284.9929 901 S.W. Yamhill - 503.223.9510 Washington Square 503.620.2243 C oincidentally, Peter’s classroom is n ext dixir to Salano s. Before Salan o stepped out in defense o f Measure 9 and challenged the gener­ al acceptance o f hom osexuality in the schools, K ary A loveah , C leveland H igh teach er the two m en got along fine, Peter said. “It’s uncom fortable but not antagonistic at all,” h e said. “I h av en ’t spoke to any o f them since this cam e out— sadly.” Q ueer M enace S trikes R e - education S eminar itin g th e necessity o f c o n fro n tin g the ^ hom op hobic brainw ashing o f young peo­ ple, Q u eer M en ace disrupted a m eeting planned by Jose S a la n o and o th er C lev elan d High teach ­ ers O c t. 7 at th e Portland C o n v e n tio n Center. T h e instructors claim Portland Public Schools is keeping scie n tific p roo f from students that hom osexuality is a c h o ice and can be changed. A district spokesman said th at the teachers know the channels they need to take to get Hxiks admitted to school libraries and that they have not followed those channels. Portland Public Schools does not prom ote homosexuality, he said. “W e had to let these people know that they could not sit com fortably and spit their mind- control rh eto ric,” a Q u eer M en ace press release said. “T h e se people are cruel and dangerous. T h ey want to underm ine my self-w orth and brainwash me in to being som ething I’m n o t.” T h e con feren ce was called to address the issue o f reversion therapy for gays and lesbians. Q ueer M en ace said th e “cure” includes forced electric shock, m ed ication and hospitalization. “W e do not w ant tax m oney funding extremists preaching h ate to child ren in public schixils,” the statem en t said.