ûcloùer 20. 2ÛÛÛ CL issined ( 503 ) ask 236-1253 M ee or Larry for ad rates ■mm HOUSI NG FOR R E N T mmmmmrnm « SERVICES h e l p wan t e d S te a d y FULLTIME E m p lo y m e n t M e n ’s B ath & S e x Club N e a t—D rug F r e e —R e lia b le A p p ly in P e rs o n 7 a m -3 p m CLUB PORTLAND 3 0 3 SW 1 2 th Awe 4 B E R R Y P LU M B IN G * ^9 Service & Repair • 15 Years Experience R emodeling • W ater H eaters R epipe S pecialist — Always the lowest rates available r / T ( ^ S B V I Mb Licensed and Bonded ccb # 106463 R e b ek ah B erry owner A n * n m r (5 0 3 )4 9 1 -8 3 9 5 home management services Sign Maker Are you reliable? Do you like working with your hands? Then join the fast-paced sign industry as a sign maker. If you are quality conscious & work rp.everything, inc, (503) 516.6598 quickly under deadlines, call Tigard Fast Signs serviced>rpeverythi nq.com (503) 244-8813 Arts & Crafts experience requiring measuring a plus. l_ M a i° r jF ie c in c IIKTRKU (0UTIACTN* Medical Records Technician/Sr. The Senior Records Technician is respon sible for the maintenance of all client records for the Developmental Disabilities Division of the Dept, of Community & Family Services, including paper and com puterized records. Responsibilities include maintaining the computerized master client index, protecting client confidentiality, and ensuring the quality of documentation of client records according to federal and state laws, regulations, and professional standards. Requires two years of increas ingly responsible experience working with medical records, including the release of confidential record information and sub- poenas/court orders and equivalent to an Associate Arts or Applied Science degree from an accredited college with major coursework in medical records or a related field. Applicants must be currently certified and credentialed as an Accredited Record Technician or Registered Records Administrator. Starting salary is $15.42 per hour ($15.42 - $17.87 per hour full range). Apply by October 27. Further information and application materials are available at: www.co.multnomah.or.us or by calling (503) 988-5035 KEN MAJOR 503 254 3191 • Residential • Service Upgrades • New and remodel C.C.B. 108091 Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap H auling Ju n k R em oval Clean-Ups Licensed and Insured (5 0 3 )2 3 1 -2 4 4 4 ROOMS FOR RENT IN GORGEOUS HAW THORNE VICTORIAN The place is gorgeous. All-new appliances completely remodeled. Three rooms for rent Huge upstairs master bedroom, great closets • $475/month. Large bedroom with balcony $425/month. Dining room conversion $350/month. Six-month lease required. E-mail hotmarketeer@yahoo.com for more details, set appointment. Available soon. (10/20) COZY HOUSE FOR RENT in Northeast Portland. Has fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, fenced yard and large daylight basement. $850/month. Available Dec. 1. 503-253-9119. (H /3) NEWLY UPDATED 2-BEDROOM C O T TAGE. Washer, dryer, dishwasher. $700/month. 503.-2 31 -3596. Indoor cats OK. No smoking. ( W O R K KITCHENS • BATHS • ADDITIONS • REMODEL DESIGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN ' RE MODELERS TOM FITZPATRICK 503 2 8 2 -4 8 2 9 fax / phone 2629 NE 23 rd A ve .. P ortland , OR 97212 in WA « OR r C M 9 ?lon C O N S T R U C T I O N 10 / 20 ) SMALL COTTAGE, 1 BEDROOM. $650. Includes appliances, water, sewer, garbage and off-street parking. On bus line. Pets OK. No smoking. Available Nov. 13. 503-771-9563, evenings. (10/20) CLEAN, CUTE, 2-bedroom, 1-bath house for rent. Washer, dryer, gas heat, air condition ing, large fenced yard with deck and storage shed. Quiet neighborhood near school, bus, MAX, freeway access and shopping. 9123 SE Pine St. $875/month. 503-255-0950. (10/20) ROOMMATE W ANTED FOR GAY MALE household in Forest Grove. $250/month plus $100 nonrefundable fee. Call 503-992-7476. Call for appointment. Callback number a must! ( 10 20 / ) CUTE HOUSE, 1 BEDROOM, private hack yard, patio, garden spot, off-street parking, 1 basement, refrigerator, range, washer, dryer. $600/month, first, last and deposit. No smoking. Cat OK. 2126 SE Brooklyn. 503-261-8889. Jim. ( H O M E H O U S I N G UVANTE 10 / 20 ) HOUSE IN VANCOUVER, WASH. Two bedrooms, one bath; close to 1-5 and 1-205. $650/month + all utilities. Large yard. Call 503-231- H O U S I N G IAIANTE ROOM IN NICE HOME SOUGHT by professional person. 1 live in Seattle, hut am in Portland on business 1-3 days a week. Interested in month to month or six month lease/rental. Near downtown area or airport. References. Robert, 206-478-3844. (10/20) WANT TO S SEEKING LESBIAN HOUSEMATES for comfy, SE home. Own hath. Have 2 old dogs. No more pets please. $285/month + 1/3 utilities. Alcohol, drug and tobacco free home. Tulips in spring! 503-774-0504. (10/20) FEMALE 25+ AND DOG seek same for Troutdale home, east of Portland, near 1-84, MHCC. No smoking or drugs. $375/month + 1/2 utilities. Nancy 503-665-8486. (10/20) ROOMMATE TO SHARE 5-bedroom house with 3 gay males. Southwest Portland near PCC. Prefer gay female. $250/month + utilities. 503-452-1691.(10/20) LOOKING FOR GAY FEMALE roommate to share beautiful westside townhouse. Private hath, garage, storage, washer, dryer and more available. Very close to MAX. $475/month, everything included. Call 503-681-8239 or 503-348-7230. (10/20) SHARE HOLLYWOOD DUPLEX. Beautiful upper, completely remodeled and new. Be clean. Light smoker OK. Either sex. Must like cats. $400/month + 1/2 utilities. $150 deposit. 503-288-4035.(10/20) ROOMMATE WANTED. St. Johns area. Basement. $400/month. Includes utilities except long distance. Smokers OK. Dog OK if compati ble with mine. Available by Thanksgiving. Call 503-247-3544. (10/20) HOUSE TO SHARE in quiet Northeast neighborhood. $375/month. Includes all utilities. Washer, dryer, cable, private phone line. Pets negotiable. No drugs please. 503-735-4793. (H /3) LARGE FOUR+ BEDROOM at Woodstock/69th. Pet lovers wanted. No smok- ing/drugs or more cats. $325 + 1/3 utilities. Two rooms available now. 503-772-5174. (1 1/17) ROOM NEEDED TO RENT. Hopefully living with rainbow members. Me.7 Don’t smoke and no drugs. Neat and helpful person. Range: $350/month + utilities. Please page: 503-220-6634. Evelyn. (10/20) INSTRUCTION, „HOME SERVICES HandyWorks Richard Knittle interior & exterior— all size jobs MA'S RAINBOW FLOORS. Instillations. Carpet, Vinyl, etc. 503-288-5588. “We floor guys do it better on our knees.” (11/17) Kitchens • Bathrooms • Older Homes Expert (5 0 3 ) 2 3 5-1 037 or (5 0 3 ) 4 4 9 -6 2 0 7 # 106085 "censed&insured (503) 239-1074 Jim Meyers tree care jmeyers®1 teleport com Q uality P runing • T ruk P lanting • T rkk R kmovai . E nviro n m entally Conscious Tree Care TRADESMAN PAINTING V? • Beauty • Quality • Affordable •Bonded • Insured l icensed »Bonded «Insured eeh# 127189 ^ R flF T 5 A \flN h E 5 l¿ N IW R ^N 2M flTI2N S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 WADE FREITA6 (503) 709-1867 HISTORICALLY APPROPRIATE W RESTORATION HI RENOVATION «KITCHENS « BATHS Licensed. Bonded. & Insured CCB# 131520 Urban K. Hutchins M _________ _ Free Estimates General Contractor (503)232-2295 L a n M d B ondK l Irw n d CCS# 114183 Roofing • Painting • Decks Remodel • Finish Work • Custom Masonry Tim Berreth CCB#143101 RG “No Job Too Small” Home Renovations & Repairs Reeni Goldin -Flooring -Windows -Electrical -Plumbing -Sheet Rock -Ceramic Tile (503) 774-5048 Free Estimates T503J 740-1482 Licensed • Bonded - Insured • CCB #126869 email: Thetradesman@webtv.net Ultra E lectrical C onstruction Corp. • • • • • • Residential/Commercial Troubleshooting Service changes and upgrades Remodel/Additions Heating and A/C hookups Spa/Hot Tub Hookups 503 622-6649 - CCB# 140692 Licensed • Bonded • Insured Tree Care INSURANCE... Auto, Home, Life & Business “Your Independent Insurance Agency” | □□□□□ Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. Gày Owned bine Pruning I ioliday 1 ree Lighting merald Tree LLC Planting • Removal Dana 503-522-7772 \ I u riM il • BoniU il • In-urcit • t C'B #141020 T I HhJSU H artford Marc Baker • Mary Millor Downtown Portland (503) 227-1771 wwwepw>.com