out 4 Just out • October 20.2000 pain sprancs Serving your real estate needs for... CONDOS C reo C ray ( V acation H omes H otel P roperties A partment B ldgs . DOWNTOWN AT 927 SW OAK The NW’s best selection of gay erotica, including: •Every erotic photo book and art book in print •Every book of erotic fiction and nonfiction • Foreign and domestic mags, always at 10% off 760 ) 833-5434 •Vintage physique photos and magazines HärbelLi ■ R F A IJ O H S B 211 E. Palm Canyon Palm Springs. CA 92264 11-6 MON-SAT, 12-6 SUN, 226-8141 Corner o f Sandy Blvd. & N E 6 4 th 3 1 0 6 NE 64th Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 3 Gifts for Romance in an Elegant Setting I t '4 My P 5 0 3 -2 8 0 8 0 8 0 A Place o f Romantic Invention w w w .te le p o r t.c o m /- p le a s u r e MILCARD replacement WINDOWS N o w w e can replace y o u r old w ood, alum inum o r steel w indow s w ith M ilgard vinyl re p la c e m e n t w in d o w s. M a d e in O re g o n for O re g o n w eather. L ifetim e w a rra n ty w ith local service d irect from the factory m eans y o u w on ’t ev er re g re t y o u r decision to b u y the best. Y o u r new en erg y efficient w in d o w s w ith low E glass will keep y o u r hom e w arm er in w inter, cooler in sum m er, reduce condensation an d ad d sound-proofing. 23 y e a rs oi ex p erien ce at the sam e location m akes us one o f M ilg ard s most ex p erien ced certified dealer-installers C C B # 19095 ALL INSTALLATIONS ARE DONE ONE WINDOW AT A TIME FROM INSIDE. WE GUARANTEE NO MESS! NOW IS A GREAT TIME TO BUY! MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT FROM MILGARD. CALL NOW FOR A COURTEOUS IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM. Milgard Windows jf lW Constitution does it give the federal govern­ ment the authority to spend my money on fed­ eral education boondoggles or to take my money To th e E d it o r : Measure 9 is back. Unfortunately, whichever • and give it to charities of his choice? Gore says he believes the Constitution con­ way the vote falls, it likely will be a hollow victory. tains a right to privacy. Does that mean he’ll The best way to keep such measures off the ballot in the future is to give Oregon parents the stop Treasury agents from searching our hank accounts, looking for suspicious transactions? opportunity to place their children in the schools of their choice. Measure 9 would pro­ Will he end federal asset forfeiture, stop moni­ hibit instruction in public schools that encour­ toring e-mails and take that ridiculous V-chip ages, promotes or sanctions homosexual or out of our television sets? Bush says he wants to give taxpayer money to bisexual behavior. children to attend private schools. Won’t that This obscures a fundamental issue: Who mean federal regulation of private schools—turn­ should control what your children are taught in ing them into clones of the government schools? school? Certainly not voters. Gore, when asked about his participation in Let me note, my father was gay. He taught fund-raising scandals, says he won’t answer such me to respect people, even if they thought questions because they are “personal attacks.” homosexuality was wrong. Does that mean he never should he held person­ We all are entitled to our opinions. The problem starts when we try to force our beliefs ally accountable for anything he does in office? Bush hasn’t proposed the elimination or upon others. That’s what Measure 9 is about. The alterna­ reduction of a single government program, regu­ lation or law. So why does he refer to himself as tive that respects divergent beliefs is school choice; that is, parents can select the school that works the candidate of smaller government? Are you sick and tired yet? Looking for a can­ best for them, and funding follows the child. Parents who want their children to learn didate of consistency and a party of principle? about homosexuality in school could enroll Vote Libertarian! The goal of the party and them where it is discussed. Likewise, parents its presidential candidate, Harry Browne, is to who prefer that their children not hear about empower you to make your own decisions with­ homosexuality in the classroom could enroll out the government interfering at every turn. them where it is not part of the lesson plan. The Libertarian Party, founded in 1972, is the Many of the political battles being waged today party of personal freedom and personal responsi­ would he diffused if individuals had more latitude bility and will he on the ballot in every state in in making decisions for themselves and their chil­ the union for the third consecutive time—the dren. Oregon’s Measure 9 is one such battle. first time this has happened in 80 years. If we continue to politicize our curriculum, Vote for a party that believes YGU know we will continue to polarize our communities. best how to run your own life. George Bush, Al The solution is choice. Gore, Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan differ only in the varying degrees in which they want K urt T. W eber to run your life. Cascade Policy Institute Vice President Harry Browne wants you to he able to pursue your own dreams— no matter who or what you are. Vote Libertarian. Freedom off choice To t h e E d it o r : R obert H a nsen Trying to decide which presidential candi­ date to vote for? Here are some points that might be of help. A1 Gore says he believes fully in a woman’s right to choose. He doesn’t believe, though, in a woman’s right to choose to get out of the Social Security system—or to choose to smoke marijuana to relieve the pain of glaucoma or chemotherapy. George W. Bush says he believes in the strict construction of the Constitution. Where in the Libertarian Party of Oregon Fund-Raising Director being made to ban smoking in bars V* K athryn M c I ntyre J am es Salem law student (and nonsmoker) Portland educator "It sucks. Why else do you go to a bar? Why don’t we just take out the alcohol?” "1 support that 100 percent— and actually not only in bars but all public places. Keep it in your own home!” Eugene research assistant A ll 2 8 3 -9 4 8 1 Garland Horner O w ner CCB#19095 8124 N. Denver — * Letters must be accompanied bv a phone number for verification purposes. Anonymous letters and letters without sufficient contact information will not be published. This issue, Just Out asks readers: O qqqq asTiacûg “What do you think about the efforts A nnette L eonard C5 ° 3 ) INSULATED W INDOW CORPORATION Give me Libertarian, or... “I’m all for it. Smoking in public places should be restricted. 1 want to be able to go to a bar and not have to inhale other people’s smoke.” A. R ae B ec W illiams Eugene fitness consultant “I think that it’s a good thing, hut I think there should be a place that smokers can go, like smoking bars. Smokers are people, too, and that’s what we forget."