Submissions should be sent to Calendar, F.O. Box 14400, Portland, OR 97293-0400; or faxed to (503) 236-1257. Deadlme is 15 days before issue date |0f5t OUt is published on the first Jy °f each month. just out These Aussies from the Sydney Dance Company get very physical in Salome Oct. 24 at Keller Auditorium They're flying high again—Do Jump! Extremely Physical Theatre presents Up in the Air through Nov. 12 at the Echo Theatre Storyteller Anne Rutherford is back with another innovative show, Furry Women, Silken Men: Stones o f People Who Live by Their Own Rules Enjoy her many D on't miss the last weekend! Sensory Percep tions presents the fourth annual Lesbian/ Gay/Bi/Trans Film Festival at Cinema 21. (616 N W 21 st Ave. Passes on sale at In Other Words. Gai-Pied and Balloons on Broadway. 503-242-0818 or Lesbian singer Rene Corbin returns to Touchstone Coffee House with her original Celtic songs. (7 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. Donations. 503-262- 7613.) characters, including Oscar Wilde and surly women bikers, through Oct. 22 at Subud House. (8 pm Oct. 21. 2 pm Oct. 22. 3185 NE Regents Dnve. $12 at the door. 503-235-6470.) The AIDS Memorial Quilt will remain on display through Oct. 28 at First Congregational Church. (1126 S W Park Ave. Call for hours. 503-228-7219.) east Spokane Street. $5. 503-234-9944.) The Forest Group gets senous with a seven-mile hike to Lewis River Falls. (Call They're hot, but there w on’t be any smoke when Swamp Mama Johnson plays Lola's Room at the Crystal Ballroom. (7 pm. 1332 W Shine those boots and head o ff to Crystal's Queer Country Jam at Portland M etro Club (formerly PPAA). (8-9 pm lessons, Burnside St. $6 at the door or from www. mcmenamins. com.) Pam and Maggie sing their hearts out at The Portland Bisexual Alliance discus sion group meets to talk about coming out as a bisexual. Open to all. (7-9 pm at Laughing If you missed the Measure 9 Forum on Oct. 2, you can see all tw o hours o f it on Port land Cable Access. (9 pm on Channel 23. It also airs at 9 pm Nov. 2 on Channel 22 and at 2 pm Nov. 5 on Channel 23.) Portland author Judith Barrington will read Horse Books, 3652 SE Division S t Bi-Line 503-775-9717.) The Social Action Council o f Congregation Beth Israel invites everyone to hear George Eighmey speak on the Implications of Ballot Measure 9 (11 am. 1972 NW Flan not your mother's book club1 K i m 1 The Rose City Discus- I 1 sion Club features Miri- # 1 | * am's presentation on M "Spanking Sense" at the Port- land Conference Center This is also the one meeting of the year J when attendees are encouraged to ‘ \ wear fetish attire: a changing area will be provided for those who prefer to exercise discretion. Socializing will follow at Lyons Restaurant across the street. (7-9 pm. 300 NE Multnomah St. $5-$8. 503-972-1869.) HimSDAY 9 pm -1 am dancing. $5, $8 with lessons. 618 SE Alder St.) Glisan St. Donations. 503-262-7613.) Eban and Charley, M onday Sauvie Island. (503-289-3605.) Touchstone Coffee House. (7 pm. 7631 NE a homegrown flick in the LGBT Film Festival plays Oct. 21 Ave. $5.) Enjoy a nature walk with Lesbians Enjoy ing the Sciences at the Wapato Access on Galloway & Luckett shake things up at Cornelius Pass Road.) Flame on every Sunday at Ohm during its new Queer Night (9 pm-2:30 am. 31 N W First Rosetown Ramblers roll out the fun during their skating party at Oaks Park. Please bring a donation o f nonperishable food for Esther's Pantry. (7:30-9:30 pm. Foot o f South 503-285-5765 after 10 am.) the Rock Creek Tavern. (8-11 pm. 10000 Old (8 am. 503-452-5680.) PHOTO BY LOIS GREENFIELD S aturd ay Suck up some grand scenery as the Adven ture Group hikes at Silver Falls State Park House. (7-9 pm. 7631 NE Glisan St. 110 NW Broadway. $5. 503-262-7613.) The famed and fab author Armistead Maupin reads from his new book, The Night Listener, at Powell's Books. (7:30-9:30 pm. 1005 W Burnside St. Free. 503-228-4631.) from and discuss her memoir, Lifesaving, at Borders in Tigard. The Tri-County Domestic and Sexual Violence Intervention Network is presenting the ninth annual Domestic (7 pm. 16920 SW 72nd Ave. 503-968-7576.) ders St Free. 503-222-1069) A n itf Bud pi.-scnts Australia s Sydney Dance Com pany ' A „tlui ! s t :.' : • ■ ' ISRC Coronation week continues with an In Town Show hosted by Prince Katrina and Princess Veronica at Embers Avenue. (8 pm B iB P W iP r forming Salome at Keller Auditorium. (7:30 pm. 222 S W Clay St. $18-$39 from Fastixx. 503-245-1600.) The Adventure Group gets together for a Fun Run/Walk every Tuesday at Duniway Park (6 30 pm Don 503-224-6747.) Full Circle Temple invites women to a workshop. "Yom First!" with Suki. (6 3 0 -8 pm 3125 E Burnside St. 503-238-0675.) Impenal Sovereign Rose Court Coronation Week kicks off with the Harmony of the Rose Awards Dinner at Darcelle XV Showplace (6 pm 208 NW Third Ave. $12. 503-306-0700.) and Sexual Violence Conference through Oct. 27 at Portland State University's Smith Center. (503-203-5435.) The Special Righteousness Committee holds a street-the ater No on 9 demonstration in front o f the Education Service Center. (5 pm. 501 N Dixon St. www. Bring your poetry and stories to Open Mike Night every Thursday at Touchstone Coffee Terri Grayum and Gwen Thomas celebrate five years of making music together Nov. 4 at the Community Music Center Sensory Perceptions and FilmTalk want to hear what you thought o f this year's LGBT Film Festival. Join them fo r a discussion at First Congregational Church. (7-9 pm. 1126 S W Park Ave. 503-242-0818.)