** **■ •% ociaba 2Q.2QQ(L t r\ f f rs I’l U M i i i n e w s public good and therefore should not have been banned. ew rules from New Zealand’s Health Funding Authority permit lesbian cou ples and single women to access state-funded fertility treatments. In the past, such women often had to pay the $900-a-cycle fee them selves because of regional inconsistencies in eligibility criteria. LIVE IN THE HEART OF THE C I T Y. . . WANTE t>? A N D NEVER MISS A BEAT. N AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL | he Parliamentary Assembly of the Council 1, of Europe approved a sweeping series of recommendations in support of gay and lesbian equality Sept. 26. The assembly, which is composed of mem bers of parliament from 41 European nations, called upon European governments to, among other things, ban sexual-orientation discrimina tion in their national legislation; revoke all laws that criminalize gay sex between consenting adults; release anyone imprisoned for homosex ual acts between consenting adults; apply the same age-of-consent laws to homosexual and heterosexual acts; fight homophobia in schools, the medical profession, the armed forces and police forces; and enact registered-partnership legislation. “This is a great development,” said Nico Beger, an International Lesbian and Gay Asso ciation delegate to the Council of Europe. “The recommendations were carried by a majority of 77 percent. Although the vote is not binding on national governments, it represents a most pow erful statement of democratic opinion across Europe and as such will help influence the development of government policies across the continent.” Founded after World War II, the council aims to strengthen democracy, human rights and the rule of law in its 41 member states. The European Convention on Human Rights is the most important of its many hum an rights treaties. Violations of the convention are settled by the European Court of Human Rights. The council is governed by the for eign ministers of its member states (Committee of Minis ters) and by representatives from national parliaments (Parliamentary Assembly). \ \ 7 estem Australia’s parliament voted last 1 t month not to pay a pension to the part ner of openly lesbian member Giz Watson in the event of her death. “I thought I was demystifying it [homosexu ality] a bit for them,” Watson told The Australian newspaper. “I don’t bring it up often, and I argue more passionately about saving a bit of bush than this stuff. In some respects I’ve almost gone out of my way to be accommodating of their views, because if you want tolerance you also have to display it. But obviously it hasn’t had enough influence. Maybe I’ve been too nice.” ^ Granite countertops $ Personal storage units & N ew appliances * Prime downtown location i 20 units soli! in the first 3 weeks Ü Historic building with frozen property taxes Priced fro m 5 7 9 ,9 5 0 to 5 1 5 4 ,9 5 0 J e ff Burghart, PC . The Hasson Company MALAYSIA total of 111 Malaysian men were arrest ed by the Islamic Affairs D epartm ent’s morality police for “attem pting to commit homosexual acts” last year in Kuala Lumpur, the capital city. "Homosexuality is forbidden in Islam,” Abdul Kadir Che Kob, the department’s head of education and research, told TIME Asia. “It is a crime worse than murder. They are shameless people.... How can men have sex with men? God did not make them this way. This is all Western influence.” A total of 50 morality officers work for the department. They are permitted to arrest only Muslims and spring into action only after receiving a complaint. “Usually, people give us precise informa tion like where these men are,” Abdul Kadir said. “We then go to the place, say, a hotel room. We knock and force them to open the door, but they are usually fully clothed by then. We still charge them for attem pting to com m it homosexual acts. “We charge them in court [and] put them through what we call Islamic counseling sessions," he said. “They recite the Koran every day, and we will tell them they have committed a grave jn m, :■ «m *> ; • - ... ' A FRICA N A M ER ICA N HEALTH C O A LITIO N , INC. « Spacious, elegant lobb)’ & Hardwood floors www.pointcIickIive.net ^ ■ * I * TH E RO O SEV ELT 1005 SW PARK AVE. PORTLAND, OREGON 97201 503.274.4434 W A N TED ! A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N C A Y A N D B IS E X U A L M EN ! Come meet other African American Men like yourself and discuss real issues that affect you and your community. BR O TH ER 2 BR O TH ER is an organization dedicated to sharing the latest information through support groups for African American Gay and Bisexual Men. Life’s tough est decisions don’t have to be faced alone! If you’re an African American Male and are Gay or Bisexual contact Stephan at (503) 413-1850. All infor mation discussed is private and will be kept completely confidential. Sponsored by the African American Health Coalition, Inc. Portland Police Bureau Join the Premier Law Enforcement Agency in the Northwest Career Opportunities for Sworn Positions Community Police Officer: ■ $32,989 - $54,038 Approximate Annual Salary Entry Level Applicants Must: Be 21 years of age or older; Have a four year college degree. Lateral Level Applicants Must: Be 21 years of age or older; Have an Associate's Degree with 60 semester or 90 quarter hours from an accredited college; Have two years law enforcement experience. Career Opportunities in Support Positions NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Court of Appeal ruled this m onth that the Film and . Literature Board of Review erred in banning im portation of two anti gay videos from the U n ited States. AIDS: What You Haven’t Been Told and Gay Rights/Spe- cial Rights: Inside the Homo sexual Agenda were prohibit ed because they were riddled with misinfor m ation and used deceptive editing and propa ganda to spark fears of a gay conspiracy. They also depicted gays and people with AIDS as "inherently inferior,” the board said. T he appeal judges determined the videos do not depict sex in a way that is injurious to the The Roosevelt combines vintage style and sophistication together with the ultimate in urban amenities. Enjoy the charm o f city living in the only down town flats right on the park blocks and in the middle o f the Cultural District. A Police Records Specialist Trainee Open Continuous ■ $10.13 Per Hour to $16.50 Per Hour after Three Years ■ Excellent Benefits - Medical, Dental, Vacation Applicants Must: Be 18 years of age or older; Have a High School Degree or GED; Able to key with extreme accuracy; Have a valid driver's license. For More Information Call: (503) 823-0346 or Toll Free (888) 735-4259 Compiled by R ex WOCKNER, who has reported for the gay press since 1985. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism from Drake University and started his career as a radio reporter. Visit our Web Site at www.portlandpolicebureau.com An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer