Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, October 20, 2000, Image 1

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R u r a l fo lk s ¡share ¡storieiS o f s m a l l - t o w n life
page 27
High visibility
ABC’s 20/20 interviews alternative family from Portland
by J onathan
ne of the longest-running and most critically acclaimed
evening newsmagazines, 20/20, soon will feature one of
Portland’s own alternative families.
We are used to hearing about gay men and lesbians
having children. Melissa Etheridge talked about her kids on
television. Anne Heche and Ellen DeGeneres also spoke of
their dream to have children.
One season, Oprah Winfrey followed the story of two men
having a baby with the help of a surrogate. She even sent a
camera to the men’s baby shower.
And then there is Rosie O ’Donnell. The media haven’t
shied away from the topic of gays having babies— or even
adopting foster children.
But what about the older children— the ones raised, at
least partially, in the closet? W hat about the kids who were
bom before it was a trend? T h e ones bom when it was
K ipp
unusual for a same-sex couple to create families that included
These stories aren’t reported often. Some say at least part of
the reason for this is because of lingering secrecy.
he upcoming 20/20 exposé is about one of Portland’s blend­
ed families. It is also about one of Portland’s “queer” families.
It is a story made up of so many smaller stories that these peo­
ple only could be one thing: a family.
And mainstream America— from Weed, Calif., to Manville,
N.J.— soon will learn more about this family of three children
and two moms from Portland.
Josh Graham and Alex Tinker are brothers. They are the ones
who will be featured in the 20/20 piece.
Continued on Page 13
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