October 6, 2000 > U ¡ il liv id ì inews For the Gay Man in your life Smith Memorial Center. In National Coming Out Day, Oct. 11 association with Pride Northwest, the student orga Election Day, Nov. 7 nization will mark the day with a fun and informative gathering. The event will feature booths and speakers repre senting a variety of groups in the Portland area as well as entertainment for both young and old. Orga nizers hope everyone will participate. National Coming Out Day is held annually throughout the country Oct. 11, memorializing the 1987 March on Washing ton for Lesbian and Gay Rights. The Human Rights Campaign, the event’s main organizer, says coming Decisions wt nuke ,u the ballot box will resonate l'or out encourages and empow decaries, including the make up of the Supreme ers every sexual minority to C ourt. Out choice: continue the path <»i progress or make a difference and edu take a sharp U-turn hack tu the am ¡-gl hr politics of li V M A N the '80s. We need your voice —• for our jobs, lor our cates others by letting them RICH I S c «vraie» families, for our lives. know who we are. Portland’s celebration of COME OUT VOTING • www.hrc.org National Coming Out Day will continue with a com munitywide dance 7:30 p.m. Oct. 13 at the same location. Admis campaign letter. The envelope warns readers: “Caution! Graphic Flier Enclosed! Portland sion is free, hut organizers will accept donations. For more information call 503-725-5681 or State University held free ‘gay sex’ forum under the GUISE of AIDS education.” send e-mail to queersandallies@mail.txix.edu. The O C A claims that the event was free of charge to students and that the flier is a clear example of a presentation in the public school oster sed system “that encourages, promotes or sanc to uel the ire tions” homosexual behavior— which would be ^ red Phelps and the GodHatesFags.com folks prohibited under Measure 9. What the letter are not the only ones to exploit the Gay Life fails to mention is that the attendees were all Health Network’s Tunnel of Love.. .Greatest Hole adults. on Earth forum. A promotional poster, featuring Dr. Corn- hole and Rimmo the Clown, initially was inner rings ogether designed to attract gay and bisexual men to a ommunity dvocates safer-sex event last spring at Portland State Uni P® he 17th annual Hart Dinner raised versity. The event, billed as a “thrilling forum on $63,000 for the No on 9 Campaign gay buttsex,” drew a capacity crowd of almost and $30,000 for Basic Rights Oregon 600. JL on Sept. 22 at the Oregon Zoo. The But a copy of the poster found its way into the Oregon Citizens Alliance’s August donor benefit attracted almost 500 p^k>ple. W ho W ill Pick the NEW SUPREMES? m 2544 FIE Broadway (NEBroadway & 26m) 503 331-1125 - • Cards ( « v X l l l i i :> > P U F Video Rentals ' Popular Magazines s mm • Books & Novelties • One With Heart WWW.GAIPIED.COM Martial Arts Institute SE 43rd & Hawthorne 231-1999 F f D C B T , A Proud to be your Good Neighbor Agent for 2 years. Shaw n V orrath 671 3 NE 63rd St Suite 102 Vancouver, WA 360-735-1452 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.® STATI F A I M INSURANCE » State Farm Insurance Companies • Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois statefarm.com™ Former Gov. Barbara Roberts chats with N o on 9 co-chair Ron Glanville and event co-chair Eric Brown during the Hart Dinner on Sept. 22 at the Oregon Zoo