October 6.2000 • just owt 45 1300 W. Burnside St. The evening will include raffles, snacks and live entertainment. Contestants may enter the night of the con­ test and will compete in a variety of different looks. The first Mr. Eagle PDX, Tony Frazier, has completed a successful year as the title holder. He represented Portland at the Inter­ national Mr. Leather contest in May and placed seventh out of 60 participants. Call the Eagle at 503-241-0105 for more information. Beautiful evening The ever-popular Portland singer/songwriter Lynn Frances Anderson returns to St. Johns Pub at 8 p.m. Oct. 7 to fill the house with her heart­ felt songs. She’s sure to include tunes from her two upcoming readings from her highly praised dehut novel, Summit Avenue, a his­ torical coming- of-age love story set during World War I. She reads 7 p.m. Oct. 9 at In Other Words, 3734 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., and 7:30 the next night at Twenty-Third Avenue Books, 1015N.W. 23rd Ave. Fire- G rilled H an ger Steak 0 ^ Don’t feel sorry for her Dept. This just in: Ellen DeGeneres is soothing her broken heart tooling around Los Angeles in her brand new, blue-topped Mercedes con­ vertible, license plate: EllenDG. According to Momma Betty, she’s got a nice new gal pal sit­ ting beside her. How do you spell r-e-b-o-u-n-d? ¡fT l Compiled by O riana G reen Lynn Frances Anderson latest album, Beautiful Morning. Anderson usual­ ly sells out the pub, located at 8203 N. Ivanhoe St., so get your ticket early. The cost is $10 from Fastixx or www.lynnfrancesandenHin.com. Herstorical love Lesbian author Mary Sharratt has scheduled 24 HRS Urban renewal In the mid-1930s artist Ed Quigley worked for the Works Progress Administration painting murals of Oregon history on the walls of Northeast Portland’s Irvington School. Last year these exquisite images were vandalized with spray paint, and a fund-raising effort got under way to repair and clean them. Art restoration expert Hiawatha Johnson to the rescue! He spent part of the summer working on the murals, which are located inside the front door of the school at 1320 N.E. Brazee St. NOW OPEN Visit our Internet site at www.justout.com •Submit your Just Friends Voice Personal Ad Ellen DeGeneres is using German engineering to mend her broken heart •Send in classified ads • Letters to the editor— your opinion counts •Transitions and notables •Order a subscription • E-mail Just Out staff •View all the newest Just Friends Voice Personal Ads •Check for news bulletins and calendar events W e’re waiting ' to hear from you! Hiawatha Johnson P H O TO BY MABTY DAVIS BRIDGEPORT f ALE HOUSE * 3632 S E Hawthorne Blvd. www. bridgeporthrew. com