Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, October 06, 2000, Page 32, Image 32

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    3 2 Just o u t » O ctober 6 . 2000
Helios Counseling offers mental health services to
Metro: Support
Hambleton P roject, Lesbian Cancer Support
N etw ork is a nonprofit organization offenng network­
ing and direct services to lesbians with
cancer. (503 642- /0 0 7 J (1 1 /00)
Late Awakenings, a support group for lesbians who
came out later in life, meets 7 pm on the first Tuesday
of every month at the LCP office (1001 E Burnside S t­
eal! for more information 503 233 3913 7 (t 1 /00)
LGIRTF (Lesbian and Gay Im m igration Rights
Task Force) Portland Chapter provides support and
information to gay and lesbian immigrants and their part­
ners and works to change dtscnmmatory U S immigration
laws (POBox 12526 Portland. OB 97212. www Igirtforg.
Iginfpdx0hotmal.com. 503-471 1568 7(11/00)
the lesbian, gay. bisexual and trans communities
(525 NE Oregon St . Suite 220. Portland. OR 97232
503 2 3 8 -0 7 8 0 )( 11/00)
Church, lower level conference room. 1220 NE 68th
Street. Vancouver 360-695 22 00 ) (11/00)
AFTER 8 works for political change and provides infor­
mation and referral for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people
m Benton and Linn counties and sponsors a Harvey
M ilk Awards Dinner in November (7 pm second
Tuesday 101 NW 23rd St.. Corvallis. PO Box 1828.
Corvallis. OR 97339 541-752-8157.) (1 1/00)
M en's S upport Group, sponsored by Sweet Spirit
and support group welcoming all those dealing with gen­
der identity issues, including transsexuals, cross­
dressers and intersexed. regardless of sexual orienta­
tion Monthly social activities, open meetings and
newsletters (503-646 2802 PO Box 4928. Portland.
OR 97208-4928 e-m al nwga0teleport.com.
www nwgapdx org/. M l 1 / 00 )
Metropolitan Community Church (MCC). meets every
second Thursday of each month at 7 pm to share con­
cerns. discuss gay issues and support the MCC com­
munity. Open to the public (434 18th St. David:
503-363-4828. Joseph 503-363-3392 ) 0 1/00)
sion group for bisexual and questioning women Women
of any age, race or national ongin are encouraged to
attend Locations vary (Discussion: 7-9 pm second
Fnday Social: fourth weekend o f each month.
503- 768-4293. PortlandBiW om en0aol.com ) (11 /00)
Rainbow FLAGS is a support group for gay. lesbian
and bisexual foster and adoptive parents and is open to
anyone who is supportive of this population fostenng
and adopting children Meets second Tuesday of every
month (503-281-8616.) (11/00)
port and resource referral services for survivors of
domestic and sexual violence (O ffice 503-722-2366.
Womanspace provides a 24-hour hot line and shelter
for women and children who have been abused physi­
cally. sexually or emotionally and plays host to a lesbian
and bisexual women's support group. (Cnsis:
541-485-6513. business: 541-485-8232. lesbian
alliance 541-302-2417 )0 1 /0 0 )
Metro: Arts & Music
Help create a Lesbian A rt G uild Call the Lesbian
Community Project for the date of the next planning
meeting For more information, call 503-223-0071 or
503 285 4339 (11/00)
The Portland Lesbian C hoir welcomes supportive
members and volunteers. (503-241-8994.) 0 1/00)
Portland Gay M en's Chorus is open to singers,
support members and volunteers. (503-460-3689
www pdxgmc.org.) 0 1 / 00 )
The Real Connection is a social gathenng for gay
men who are artists, wnters or musicians or who pursue
PSU Queers and A llie s offer educational and social
programming and support and referral services for peo­
ple of all onentations and colors. Everyone is invited to
participate in activities and meetings. (441A Smith
Memorial Center. Portland State University campus.
E-mail: queersandalhes0mail.pdx.edu.
www ess.pdx. edu/sfcsg/queersandalhes.
503-725-5681. 7(11/00)
Rose C ity D iscussion Club, the largest open pan-
sexual club m the Northwest, is open to all onentations.
fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensu­
al M onthly meetings, workshops and newsletter
(503-972-1869. rcdc01eleport.com,
www teleport.com /~rcdc.) (11 / 00 )
An informal Leather N ight and Red Hanky
S ocial are held the first and third Fnday o f each
month. (9 pm-midnight at the D irty Duck Tavern.
439 NW Third Ave. 503-224-8446.
PDXSaltyDg0aol com) (11 /00)
Together W orks, a confidential group for lesbians,
Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences is a fun-loving
gays, bisexuals and fnends. meets for socials and dis­
cussions of topics of mutual interest M eets second and
fourth Mondays. (7.30 pm May-September. 7 pm
October-Apnl. First Baptist Church. 125 SE Cowls St..
McMinnville. Don 503-434-6266 7 ( 1 1/00)
group of women who enjoy exploring all aspects of the
environment. Activities include bird watching, nature
Metro: Physical Recreation
The Adventure Group. Portland's gay and lesbian
outdoors group, organizes a vanety o f activities and
social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking,
camping and rafting. (503-452-5680. www adventure-
group. org.) (11/00)
B order Riders M otorcycle Club, the largest
m otorcycle club for gay men and fnends in Western
Canada and the Pacific Northwest, plays host to day
runs and camping events, (bcbiker0yahoo.com,
www. bordemders. org. 7(11 / 00 )
CLIPS-Cycling Lesbiana in Portland meets twice
monthly for bicycle ndes. All nding levels welcome.
(503-254-6971. 7 0 1 /0 0 )
the month The group s threefold mission is support,
education and advocacy (6 pm coffee. 6 3 0 pm meeting
at First Presbytenan Church. 230 NE Ninth St
541-317-2334) (11/00)
FOREST Group outings are cooperative adventures
for women. Participants are responsible for providing
th a r own equipment and (lo o s in g outings appropriate
for their skill and fitness level. All skill levels welcome
(503-286-5382 www. odm. cc.pdx. eduZ-gijm ) (11/00)
Coastal Oregon: Community
Gal Pals is a new group for single lesbians (For infor­
mation visit www geocities.com /RodeoDnve/
*BC 006204454/3346/G ALPAL.htm l.)(1 1/00)
N orth Coast Pride N etw ork serves the lesbian,
gay. bi and trans communities in the Columbia Pacific
region publishes a quarterly newsletter; maintains a
resource center, which plays host to board meetings;
and presents "G ertrude's Wilde Social M ixer" in Astona
on the third Monday of each month. (Mailing address
PO Box 1317. Astona. OR 97103 Resource center:
Suite 209. 10 Sixth St.. Astona Monday social
5 30-9 pm at Café Umontown, 2 3 1 W Manne Dnve.
Astoria 503-338-0161 7(11/00)
K-9 C lub is a group o f kindred folks and their dogs
who meet to hike and talk in Portland parks on the
second Sunday of each month. (503-285-2986 7
11 / 00 )
Lesbian Equestrian G roup Do you have a horse 7
Looking to get together with womyn and horses for
equestnan activities in the Pacific Northwest? (Denise
503-654 3865. Lynn 503-777-2339. e-mail
kelrav0rdrop com 7 ( 11 / 00 )
Southern Oregon Community
A b d ill-E llis Lambda Com m unity Contar offers
cacy (7 pm firs t Tuesday at First Congregational
Portland M etro Prim e Tim er* is a social group for
men. (PO Box 5884. Portland OR 97228.
503-244-7550 o r 360-254-1718.
pdxprimetimers0yahoo. com. 3(11 / 00 )
Jew ish Gay M en's Group— call for meeting time
and place. (503-246-5939. efraim levt0aol com.) (11/00)
Parents, Fam ilies and Friends o f Lesbians and
Gays (PFLAG)— Bend meets on the third Monday of
Parents, Fam ilias and Friands o f Lasbians and
Gays (PFLAG) provides support, education and advo
P ortland Leather A lliance is a pan sexual, not-for-
profit organization dedicated to fostenng a positive com­
munity for safe, sane and consensual alternative adult
sexualities in general and S /M /leather/fetish in particu­
lar. (503-727-3148 w w w pdxleatheralliance.org.)(1 1/00)
nonprofit social organization dedicated to raising money
for chanties within the gay. lesbian, bisexual and trans
community. ISRC Event Hotline lists upcoming events.
(ISRC0aol com, www geocities.com /W estHollywood/
Heights/7887. 7(11/00)
Central Oregon: Community
Washington: Community
P ortland Bisexual A lliance plays host to social and
political events for bisexual and bi-fnendly people, orga­
nizes Portland Bi Day rally and publishes calendar of
events. Mixed-gender discussion groups are held 7 pm
on the first and third Fridays of the month at Laughing
Horse Books. 3652 SE Division St. (503-775-9717,
pba0tnportland org. www biportland.org.) (11/00)
Im perial Sovereign Rose C ourt o f Oregon is a
Women surviving abuse group meets the third
Thursday of each month at the office of the Lesbian
Community Project (6-7 pm. 1001 E Burnside St
503-233-3913.) (11/00)
dedicated to prom oting awareness, health, understand­
ing and acceptance of gay. lesbian, bisexual and trans­
gender people through education and social activities
$20 donation for newsletter; no one denied because of
inability to pay (541-273-2838 PO Box 43. Klamath
Falls. OR 97601 kalanfo 0ao l com
members xoom com /kala99/kalabdgin htm .) (11/00)
social club for gay men who enpy being nude. Monthly
potlucks and events. Guests are invited to attend two
events before deciding on membership. (ORGAN. PO
Box 14174. Portland. OR 97293-0174.) (11/00)
providing an accepting social environment for chubby
men and the men who like them that way (503-241-4535
or www.chubnet.net/gentlegiants.) ( 11 / 00 )
and information for men and women formerly or current­
ly partnered with gay. lesbian, bisexual or trans mates.
(7 pm Wednesdays G il503-243-5067. 7(11/00)
Klam ath Arma Lambda A ssociation (KALAJ is
ORGAN (O regon Regional Gay and Naked) is a
Gentle Giants o f Oregon is a group dedicated to
S traight Spouse Support Group provides support
( 11 / 00 )
Oregon Bears is a social group for bears and their
admirers Newsletter, activities and monthly social gath­
erings. (503-240-2813. www.oregonbears.org.)(11/00)
group for lesbians 35 and older, singles or couples. They
meet for a potluck on the third Saturday of each month
and take camping trips dunng the summer. Monthly
newsletter is $9 a year. (503-232-9714 7(11/00)
Single Parents by Choice a group for men and
women, meets on the third Saturday of every month for
a potluck social Child-fnendly space. (5-7 pm at Fnends
Meeting House. 4312 SE Stark St Karen
503-460-0888. David 503-284-4153. 7(11 /00)
support groups and resources for the sexual minonty
community and its fnends Comprehensive monthly
newsletter. Pmm. details local groups and events
(M ating address PO Box 927 Ashland. OR 97520
Location 281 Fourth S t . Ashland. OR 97520
541-488 6990. Iam bdacntr0aol com. www aelcca org.)
N orthw est Gender A lliance is a social and support
organization for cross dressers and transsexuals
Monthly open meetings and socials (PO Box 4928.
Portland. OR 97208 503646-2802
ww w .teleport.com /~nw ga.)(1 1 / 00 )
for African Amencan gay and bisexual men that meets
Wednesdays 5 to 7 pm. (Brian, 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -8 6 5 1 )0 1/00)
Willamette Valley: Health
and advocacy. (7-9 pm. Third Wednesday of each month
at First United Methodist Church. Room 225. 600 State
St (Mailing address: PO Box 121. Gates. OR 97346.
503-3939668 o r 503-897-2524 .7 (5/01)
Clackamas Women's Services offer shelter, sup­
socially. (503-701 8 3 0 2 )(1 1 /0 0 )
Funny Ladies Tsa and Posy Society is a social
Parents, Familes and Friends o f Lesbians and
Gays (PFLAG Salem) provides support, education
Bradley-Angle House provides emergency shelter
for female-identified domestic violence survivors and a
support group for women battered by women
(503-232-7805. 503-289-6869. ext. /7 7(11/00)
M ount Hood Womyn network professionally and
D ipstick Lasbians and Dykas w ith Hot Rods
MCC Church, NW 24th Avenue and Broadway
Lesbian and Gay Parenting Group, for parents of
Metro: Antl-vlolence
FRIENDS is a weekly support and discussion group
social activities for the lesbian and gay recovery com­
munity. Call for current meeting times and activities.
(2940-A SE Belmont S t 503-238 6091.) 0 1/00)
month at 7 30 pm at the 300 Club. (300 Liberty St SE
in Salem Bob 503-371-8395. e-mail
bobphil0uswest net or Imperial Pnncess IX. Lydia
Octavia 503-463-8585 7 (11/00)
Rainbow Al-Anon meets Thursdays at 6 pm at the
Live and Let Live Club holds 12-step meetings and
Im perial Sovereign C ourt o f the W illam ette
Empire meets the first and third Tuesday of each
N orthw est Gender A lliance is a transgender social
Portland Bisexual Women is a support and discus­
invite women with cool cars to go cruisin' with them.
meets to discuss their sobriety Sundays at 10 am at
Good Samantan Hospital (1040 NW 22nd A ve. Sixth
Floor, meeting room B ) (11 /00)
Eugene (PO Box 12244. Eugene. OR 97401) (11/00)
children 3 or younger, meets the second Saturday of each
month in Eugene (Aquene 541- 344 5847 /(11/00)
cy. (7-930 pm second Tuesday at First United Methodst
Church. 1838 SW Jefferson St. Mating address: PO Box
8944. Portland. OR 97207 503-232-7676.
www teleport com/nonprofit/pftag 7(11 /00)
gays and lesbians but is open to everyone Meetings
daily at noon except Sundays at 1 pm (Metropolitan
Community Church of Portland, 2400 NE Broadway,
enter on the north side of the building.) (11 / 00 )
Any Lengths Gay AA is a group for gay men that
5015 COYOTE is an association for sex workers in
Men N urturing Men is an expenential gathenng pro­
viding an opportunity to meet other gay. bt and ques­
tioning men in a playful, safe, sacred environment
Strive to understand intimacy and sexuality from a more
spmtual perspective in monthly meetings
(503-231-5755)111 /00)
Parents. Families and Friends of Lesbians and
Gays CPF LAG) provides support, education and advoca­
The Lunch Bunch plays host to AA meetings for
COQSURE « a social group for people who were
bom or raised female but who don't presently identify
as totally female (FTM. butch, boy, etc ). This includes
people who were bom female or intersexed and who
are unsure of their gender or who are considenng
changing identity from female to male, guys who are
explonng possibilities for inner and outer gender regard­
less of how the world sees them, individuals who are
not interested in transitioning but identify always or
sometimes as guys, as well as guys who are transition­
ing or have transitioned. We welcome significant others
and members of all sexual onentations in the Portland
area (503-471-1515 or subsenbe to our Onelist at
COQSURE0onehst com. 7 (5/01)
Metro: Recovery
Willamette Valley: Community
503-231 3 9 9 2 ) (11/00)
gay and bisexual men dedicated to the empowerment of
and improvement in the quality of life within our commu­
nity Board meetings every third Monday of the month
at 5 30 pm (Brian. PO Box 3182. Portland. OR 97208
503-417-7991. 7(11/00)
Metro: Mental Health
ensis line: 503 654-2288 7(11/00)
Fam ily C enter Outreech O ffice, a program of
Volunteers of America located in Southeast Portland,
offers support groups and drop-in services to women
and children who are survivors of domestic violence
(Natalie 503 771-5503 7(1 1 /00)
some creative activity Monthly potlucks on the second
Fnday CTodd 503-2365763. 7(11 /00) •
Rose C ity Gay Freedom Band is a concert band
open to lesbian, gay. bi, trans and supportive musicians
and fnends (PO Box 1082. Portland. OR 97207.
503- 790-2170 community oregonhve com /cc/rcgfb )
P ortland Women's C risis Line operates 24 hours
a day Interpretation services are available for women
who speak limited or no English (503 235 5333.
888 2 3 5 5 3 3 3 )0 1 /0 0 )
Roots and Branches and Bradley Angle House sponsor
a support group fo r queer youth who have expe
nenced emotional, physical or sexual abuse m an in ti­
mate relationship Free, confidential and safe
(50 3-238-0780)01/00)
11 / 00 )
Metro: General
Bisexual Community Forum is an age and gender-
inclusive social, support and education network founded
in 1980 Activities include dances, potlucks. field tnps
and a pdyamory interest group Meetings are held on
the first and third Mondays (7 3 0 pm at Mo/o s Coffee
Den. 2853 SE Stark S t Laury 503 285 4848 )0 1 /0 0 )
B rother to Brother is a family o f African American
walks, archaeology, rock collecting, camping, kayaking,
star gazing, an occasional 'le c tu re ' and a monthly plan­
ning potluck. No experience necessary. (6 4 5 -8 3 0 pm
second Thursday planning meeting 503 2893605 or
503-466-0058 or e-mail to Iespnw0aol.com .) (11 /00)
Lesbian social group fo r women 50 and older
meets on the third Saturday of the month (4-7 pm
503-642 3360. 503-331 0 4 1 5.7 (11/00)
Long Yang C lub— P ortland C hapter a social
group for Asian gays and lesbians and their fnends.
meets at 8 pm on the first Wednesday and third Sunday
of each month at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse (503-735
9425. www bngyangelub org/Portland 7(11 /00)
Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for self
identifying women who are mto SM Play parties are
held on the second Saturday of the month (lululist0hot-
mail com. www spiretech com /~awntie/lulu htm.
Lesbian Garden Club is a group of women who love
gardens and gardening. They exchange plants, seeds,
advice and encouragement while having a good time.
Please call or e-mail for a current copy of the newsletter
and information about upcoming events. (Kathe
503-909 2002, e-mail LGCOregon0aot com .) (11/00)
O ut Dancing teaches partner dancing for same sex
couples at Sally Mack's School of Dance. Classes for
different dance styles start the first Fnday of each
month. (503-236-5129 7 (11 /00)
P ortland Gay and Lasbian Com m unity
Bow ling A ssociation meets Sundays at 4 pm at
Hollywood Lanes. 40th'Avenue and Halsey Street (PO
Box 80002. Portland. OR 97280 1002. 503293-0438
BOWLpdxOaol com
members\aol. com /BOW Lpdx/pcba htm1 7(11/00)
Rosotown R am bler* Portland's gay and lesbian
square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and
advanced levels (PO Box 5352. Portland. OR
97228 5352 503 234 9944.
www rdrop. com /users/ram blers 7(11/00)
Tsam P ortland Tennis A ssociation plays every