QCtoùer & 2000 * ju s t — t nTTTJTTO^Tlnews — —_ .............. ......... ..... . T he teachers booked M ichael Johnston, de scribed hy the group as a ■ ■ Sä Ss fonner gay man who has - ■ sì AIDS, to speak Oct. 7 at '■■■y- . the Portland Conference Center, according to The Oregonian. A week later, the newspaper reports, a second workshop will fea ture a representative from the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, an organi zation that espouses psy chological treatment for gays and lesbians. The teachers insist ? fixait, Portland’s schools don’t give students the truth about homosexuality. In response, the workshops are designed to provide evi dence that homosexuality lit is a choice and can be changed. The teachers, also known as the Committee of Concerned Educators, say they have no formal relationship with the O re gon Citizens Alliance, Lon ^ Mabon or the Yes on 9 Campaign. In e-mail corre spondence with Just Out, Thomas Bruner, Cascade AIDS Project executive director, the group attempted to addresses the crowd during the 14th annual AIDS Walk on Sept. 2 3 at Pioneer Courthouse Square. clarify its stance: “We are not asking that anyone participate Social Security cards in the mail. "I didn’t think in any form of therapy. If they wish to try and it would make that big of a difference to register change their orientation, as many thousands and change names,” Casey Moffett-Chaney have, they should have the right to do so. They said. should not censor the studies that demonstrate But it did change her feelings. “I can’t that change is truly possible. T he schools should believe how different I feel,” she added. not censor the scientific studies, as they have, The couple will celebrate their 18th anniver that could demonstrate to schoolchildren who sary next spring and will celebrate with a large are feeling same-sex attraction that they can wedding. indeed change. Everyone needs to know that it has in no way been shown that there is any ‘gay gene.’ The common myth is that homosexuality th alk an is genetically predetermined. This is simply sci normous uccess entifically false. People need to know this, and you should let them know after you have ascade AID S Project not only raised a lot of checked out the studies.” money at its 14th annual AIDSWalk on The e-mail’s author refused to identify him Sept. 23, it set a record. More than 3,500 people took part in the or herself but was speaking on behalf of the event. Although C A P ’s goal was set at group. T he teachers, who weeks earlier asked $175,000, a spokesman said $200,000 in cash their colleagues to come out of hiding and stand and in-kind donations was raised by corporate up to the school district, also declined "to be sponsors, teams and individuals. interviewed in person by Just Out. The walk’s expenses completely were under Contact the Committee o f Concerned Educators written by 16 corporate sponsors, said Thomas at measure9info@yahoo.com. Bruner, the organization’s executive director. T h e 5K and 10K walk started and ended at Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square, where omestic artner walkers socialized, visited booths, ate and enjoyed entertainers under sunny skies. ocument ccepted at - ' ::T Your Vancouver Realtor! Knowledgeable Enthusiastic Dedicated Negotiator Buyers & Sellers M u st P re sen t C oupon Not valid on p h o n e o r out o f tow n o r d e rs E x p ir e s 1 2 -3 1 0 0 ombard FLOVVERS Located in Historic St. Johns 503 / 286-1330 Multi-Million Dollar Producer 8302 N. LOMBARD PORTLAND. OREGON 9720} WWW.JOHNLSCOTT.COM/KENNITHS Call 360-901-4944 o UdkH1 TV A\ 7TFN \Y 7 0 \ V / r \ L v A V ID W . v J W c b 4 O P. C . & A S S O C I A T E S serving the community since 1975 A tto rn eys David W. O w e n s Nell A n n e O ram * 101 T AIDS Q uilt on D isplay he First Congregational United Church of A. Christ is displaying a portion of the AIDS Memorial Quilt through Oct. 28 at 1126 S.W. Park Ave. Most of the 128 panels memorialize Portland citizens— among them Just Out co-founder Jay Brown. A “memorial banner” from the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus also is on display. The church will be open most days and evenings for the public to view the quilt. How ever, visitors should call 503-228-7219 to con firm the hours. j n ❖ ❖ FAMILY LAW Brady M. Ricks • Domestic Partnerships • Formation & Dissolution • Adoptions • Divorce & Visitation ❖ ❖ REAL ESTATE BANKRUPTCY • Advisins Businesses & Individuals • Home Purchase Reviews ♦ PERSONAL INJURY • Auto Accidents & TRUSTS • Probate & Trusts • Conservatorships & Guardianships • Advance Directives WILLS ♦ CRIMINAL It’s the way we live... I Compiled hy Just Out staff L aw SW MAIN, SUITE 700 • Portland, Oreson 97204 C wo Portland women used their new domes tic partnership registry document to offi cially change their last name and get new Social Security cards. Berdell and Casey Moffett-Chaney were the sixth couple to register as domestic partners with Multnomah County. T h e new registry for unmarried couples, including same-sex partners, was launched Sept. 1. Although the Social Security office person nel were unsure if their federal colleagues would accept the document as a legal means for chang ing their name, the Portland office submitted the document. Typically, certificates of marriage or divorce are utilized. W ithin one week, the couple received new at D ebra K. Hart R o se r Gray •licensed in Oregon and Washington AIDS W S D P D A S ocial S ecurity O ffice P rou dly Serving The G reater P ortlan d M etro A rea KEN SPURLOCK, GRI WE 14 E 15% OFF YOUR NEXT PURCHASE and it’s the way we bank. g lb a n k .c o m . . . C j & Clnternet Dank FDIC 5 0 3 °2 2 4 °3 1 0 0 ❖ LANDLORD/TENANT LAW • Concentration on Landlord Rights ❖ BUSINESS FORMATION & LITIGATION • Corporations, Partnerships, 11 rc a 11 pc • Commercial Collections of large accounts ❖ TAX ISSUES & APPEALS