1S.2ÛÛÛ 8 RE/M AX S ignature in our community, and few if any victims or per petrators seek help." The forum will he an attempt to bring the issue “out of the closet.” Stofft says the commu nity needs “a major education effort” before either survivors or perpetrators will feel safe coming forward to seek help. Call (503) 324-6099 or (503) 493*0288 for more information. If you or someone you know is being abused, call the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence at (800) 799*7233. P roperties ! B arnes & N oble T ries to ‘C lose the B ook on H ate ’ more than 70,000 sexual minority physicians and medical students as well as millions of sexual minority patients throughout North America. Founded in 1981 to combat homophobia in med icine, the organization is the largest of its kind. D ead H eat in TV P oll K P T V s “ 12 Talk Back Online Poll" recently received a flood of responses when it asked: Should domestic partners be entitled to the same benefits as married couples? Votes were accepted for 72 hours because the question was posed on a Friday. The results were 50 percent no and 49 percent yes, according to the station’s Internet site, www.oregonsl2.com. I '20% OH dll Perennials, Hdnging Baskets cinti Selected Contuiner Cicirdens. Just Listed! C u s to m -b u ilt, w h ite -b ric k , 4 b ed roo m , We feature 2-1/2 bath h o m e in R o s e C ity. L o t s o f w in d o w s , b r ig h t & sp a c io u s, hot tub, fa m ily ro o m & o ffice in k n o tty pine, n e w e r roo f/gu tters, u p d a te d electrical, fresh paint. $1 84,000 • Annuals • Perennials • Shrubs & Trees • Hanging Baskets • Garden Accessories • Statuary Tina Sch afer, g r i , a b r M ulti-M ilium D o llar Producer RE/MAX Signature Properties 282-4000 x 122 • European Baskets • Vases and Lamps • Pottery • Keepsake Gifts 8601 e-mail: tina@rmls.com W A F F SWTerwilliger Blvd. (next to the Chevron station) 503 . 977.6545 L E P I Q U E W h i l e m ost lu x u r y tow els ten d to he m ade o f te r r y clo th , an A m e ric a n invention, E u ro p e a n tow els are a d iffe re n t m atter altogeth er. U n lik e the flu ffy , loop y A m e r ic a n v arie ty , th ey are g e n e ra lly m ade from cotton w oven tig h tly in to absorben t p attern s, su ch as w a ffle p iq u e. A s the nam e su g g e sts, w a ffle p iq u e tow els featu re in d en tatio n s th at ran ge in siz e fro m alm o st in v isib le to v e ry large. For th ose accu sto m ed to th e w arm , ames & Noble and the Anti-Defamation League recently joined forces and kicked off a campaign—Close the Btxik on Hate— to help break the cycle of prejudice through edu cation. Bookstores in Oregon and Vancouver, Wash., will participate in the ongoing pro gram. In addition to the campaign, spokesperson Page Jordan says all of the locations will have permanent sections on diversity and will play host to events about the issue. To promote the program, Barnes & Noble’s Jantzen Beach store will play host to two events this month: Educa tors Night on Sept. 19 and Close the Book on Hate Story Hour on Sept. 28. “The campaign is dedicated to providing children and their par ents, caregivers, teachers and civic leaders with resources and programs they need to help end prejudice and discrimination in America,” a press release says. Although the program was planned long before Measure 9 was announced, Jordan admits the timing couldn’t be better. She says the campaign doesn’t necessarily reflect what is going on in Oregon but what is going on nationwide. A free brochure, “Close the Book on Hate: 101 Ways to Combat Prejudice," is avail able at all Barnes (Si Noble stores. It includes a recom mended reading list and related resources. “They’ve been flying out of the stores,” Jordan says. Call (503) 240*5578 for more information about events and the program. fu z z y fe e lin g o f d r y in g o f f w ith te r r y clo th , th is s ty le o f tow el o ffe rs a c o m p letely d iffe r e n t exp erien ce. N o t o n ly are w a ffle p iq u e tow els su p er-ab sorb en t, b u t th ey d r y q u ic k ly an d feel d is tin c tly le ss clam m y, m aking them a s ty lis h , p ra c tic a l ch o ice fo r the su m m er m onths. P ortland D octor A ppointed to L eadership P osition A ! FRENCH QUARTER 1 " Vj a ¿ u xm y/ai ¿Ae 6e</, 6a/A a /td Aoefy NORTHEAST PORTLAND PEARL. D I S T R I C T EUGENE 1444 N E 530 N W BROADWAY 14TH AT H O Y T F I F T H S T R E E T PLTBLIC M A R K E T 282-8200 223-3879 54 1 - 3 4 3 - 8 9 0 4 { p l e a s e e x p l o r e o u r c a t a l o g at w w w . e u r o l i n e n s . c o m } Portland doctor was named treasurer of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association in August. Melinda Muller, M.D., is a general internal medicine fellow at Oregon Health Sci ences University. She did undergraduate work at Southern Oregon University and O H SU and received her doctorate from OH SU. As treasurer, she will serve on the organization’s executive committee. Association President Saul Levin, M.D., says Muller has a wealth of experience in issues involving gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender health for someone so young. He says she has been active in the development of teaching strategies for those dealing in sexual minority health and in H1V/AIDS work. The association represents the interests of A typical weekend poll receives between 300 and 400 votes, a KPTV representative says; however, more than 700 viewers responded to this question. Although the Internet site has a filter device allowing only one vote a person, the television station says the opinion poll is not scientific. Multnomah County became the second municipality in the state to offer domestic part ners an official registry. The new ordinance went into effect Sept. 1. CAP H as H igh H opes for C A nnual AIDSW alk ^ ascade AIDS Project still is looking for .-'enthusiastic and creative people to get involved by becoming team captains for the 14th annual PGE AIDSWalk on Sept. 23 at Pioneer Courthouse Square. The event is the largest communitywide AIDS fund-raiser in Oregon and southwest Washington, the organi zation says. The family-oriented 5K and 10K walk begins at 10 a.m. Registration for the event is at