septentòei 15.2000 * J u st o u t 49 ( 5 0 3 ) ask 236-1253 M eg or Larry for ad rates C L O S E IN S O U T H W E S T R ealty T rust G R O U P , INC. High Level Performance In today’s hot market, you need a Realtor who is experienced, efficient and quick. Whether buying or selling — I promise to put on my running shoes for you. Scott Experienced ***£ : Scott BottaroGRi 503-2344887 Bridgetown Realty I DIVERSITY See my DISPLAY AD Ibis issue fo r even more ¿¡real listings. NEW ! V ictorian F armhouse - c it e ! $138,000. Total rehab with charm remaining. 3 bdims, 1 bath, den. built-ins. new everything roof to basement. 3727 N Borthwick. ▼ ▼ T P ainted L ady Rare extra 1/2 lot. $138,000. 3 IxJrms, parlour, charming, built-ins, new roof, no oil tank, basement, mud mi. Lots of house for the money. Great street appeal! 7102 NE 9th Ave. T ▼ T C ontemporary To the 10's! Portland Heights. 3610 SW Grover @ $375,000. New everything, garden, territorial views. Must see. ▼ ▼ ▼ U rban D ream Close-in—Irvington—Lloyd. Cute, Victorian, 2 bdrms, 1 huge bath, studio/din in basement, for­ mal liv & din. Stained glass windows, patio, front porch w / climbing roses! R eally nice! $137,000! 616 NE San Raphael. ▼ ▼ ▼ C ontemporary P D X H eights $375,000. Territorial views! Totally redone to the 10's! Possible extra living,space. 4 bdrms, 2.5 baths, gleaming hdwds. New everything. It's a beauty — great living rm area! Double garage. 2 kitchens! 3610 SW Grover. ▼ ▼ ▼ B eautiful B ukmeier New price: $269,900. 3 lg Ixlrms. 2 totally tiled baths, big tiled kitchen w / ncxik. French door to yard. Nice light, professionally landscaped, family rms, basement & garage. Walk to Wilshire Park. Alameda area! Off Rrya. 3827 NE 34th Avenue. ▼ ▼ ▼ C lassic 5 0 ’ s E astmoreiand H eights Beautiful home w / fruit trees & great landscaping. 3 bdrms, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, gleaming hdwds. Great house, great area! $179,900. 4140 SE Rural. ▼ ▼ ▼ 4Bd/2.5Ba Lg for­ mal dining rm, 3 fireplaces. Elegant & loaded w/ up­ grades - chande­ liers, French wall­ paper, granite counters, 5 min. to downtown Architecturally Notable $375,000 3200 SW Fairmount Blvd. Designed by Martin, Söderström, Matteson. This one of a kind two tadroom, two bath is a must see! Great ultra­ contemporary style with fabulous views from almost every room. Very hip and chic. Not for the ordinary. Come check it out. 4+ACRES, VIEWS OF 3 MTNS & SAUVIE ISLAND $127,500, Unobstructed views, privacy and your own spring-fed creek. 1.23 ACRE WOODED LOT $97,500 Coveted Aldercrest area, Milwaukie. PERFECT SW STARTER $144,900 3Bd/2Ba lg lot on cul-de-sac. Near park and Washington Square $212,500. 4Bd/2Ba, 2 fireplaces, 2 kitchens. Fam rm, 2 car garage, 1/3 acre private wooded lot, sunny garden, and views! Duplex on in-law set up. Near PCC Sylvania. SE CEDAR PARK BEAUTY! $204,950 3 yr old 4Bd/2.5Ba, fam rm w/ fireplace off gourmet kitchen. Double ovens, cook island, formal dining, lg master bath w/ soaking tub. EXCELLENT SW LOCAT^IN $174,000 4Bd/2.5Ba w/ hardwoods. gas fireplace, fam rm has woodstc'\^>~^-if^eautlful 1/3 acre lot bor­ ders park & greeN^pace. MT TABOR GIVE^^'^'tf 165,000 Owner wants fast sale, 4 B o /r ^ O ^ > 5 u d s , fireplaces in liv & fam rms, 2 car SW BEST BUY, PRICE SLASHED $159,900 3Bd/2Ba, fam rm, large liv rm w/ fireplace; office/den lg deck, newer roof. SPECTACULAR PANORAMIC RIVER VIEWS $699,000. 4Bd/4Ba, Barrington Hts contemporary on 1/3-acre. Soaring ceilings in entry, liv & din rms; executive library w/ oak panneling. 2 fam rms, game rm, loaded w/ upgrades & built-ins. 5275 sq. ft. Marvin Salles Associate Broker (503) 291-1900.« us 3ohn-CScort RIAL ESTATI fa t South Tabor Value! Suzann Baricevic 0 W indermere 503 789-1033 - Cronin & Caplan Realty Group, Inc. LARGE HOME & LOT, QUIET CUL-OE-SAC Smce 1983 CELEBRATE WEST HILLS TUDOR $339,000. + I Office 297-1033 Classic SXS 50’s Duplex • ♦ < • • • • • > I Î li/fy /DON 7~New/a Realtor i A - Realtors ju s t don t fate* - Doercptiinÿ s - / adreadÿ have {financing - / don t ok tie i in te rn e t Hawthorne B ungalow (503) 232-4763“ 5015 SE Hawthorne WRONG. Without a great Realtor, buyers are always a step behind. THE PALM SPRINGS MARKET IS HOT!! Put down the Sunday paper and stop driving in circles! Let a unique, service- oriented Realtor— and real person!— guide you through the buying process and into a home you'll truly love. Shop in Portland for Palm Springs real estate!! Homes, Condos, Commercial, Apts, Hotels, and Professional Property Management Services! Buy now! Prices appreciating rapidly. Great investment opportunities. Scott Timberlake (503) 284-8666 Kathy Reed (760) 325-7784 I'll show you an y property on or off the Internet, prescreen homes to your tastes, keep you current on all new possibilities, allow you to make informed choices, and negotiate the best deal on the best house you've ever imagined. In short, I make buying a new home a clear, no-pressure experience— at no cost to you. So, relax! Call today, and leave the details to me. Your life is busy. My life is real estate. ■ ***■ G ail D avis , Private Troutdale Ranch R E A 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, A/C, Hot Tub, 1,676 Sq.Ft.,.Open & Lite. Backed up to Green Space gri L T O R Your Dream Home. Kent Has It ! (?3||3rope?iles * 4 1 3 3 SE Division Call Kent today to see this Call $1 7 4 , 9 5 0 Gail Davis: Call Ken for more info (503) X 203-2214 t 5 0 3 -6 8 0 -4 8 0 0 24-Hr. Voice Mail P ersimmon R ealty NEW L IST IN G ! I More specific info? Ask for my free brochure My satisfied clients tell the real story! 1 Experienced Representation M odern M asterp iece Architect designed contemporary, stunning valley views, best west- side location, extensive use o f glass block, tile, granite & slate, spa, rooflop garden, one level & great for entertaining, 3BR/2BA, wine room, office, unique energy efficient design. D on’t miss this one o f a kind property. Hurry - it’s priced to sell at $ 3 8 5 ,0 0 0 . Rea I to r/D ream m aker M ILLION DOLLAR C U I» MF.MBER 503-233-8432 vm . Sales Associate, Member Million Dollar Club Office 503-287-8989, ext. 5774 2100 NE Broadway, Suite IB Portland, OR 97232 In the Heart of Historic NW George Marvin Realtor PI 810-6476 V isit w w w .ju stou fo r lin k s to g ro up s a n d o rg a n iza tio n s $169,950 Great home with hardwood floors, built-ins, deck, big porch, 3+bed, 2 ba, 1468sf. Possible apartment in basement w/ sep entrance and kit­ chen. On a quiet street in great neighborhood. m em b e r HRC & NGLTF ^ $235,000 Quality construction throughout this Mt. Tabor plex with 2 bdrms, 1 bath each side. Other fea­ tures incl; tuck-under garages, basements, hdwd firs, din areas, newer roof & windows. Super location close to schools, transp, & shopping. Jan Caplener co ant to ie pressured — C E L I A J. L Y O N — Residence: 504-786-4959 Pager: 503-920-8403 Fax: 503-284-1618 | Mobile: 503-260-6231 eliaLyon@ $119,950 Great starter home feels much bigger than it looks. Super colors and decorating touches abound in this 1926 built cottage with hardwood floors in formal living and dining rooms. Kitchen features include original cabinets, and built-ins and large nook. Bonus room off the bedroom could be an office or huge walk-in closet. 2BR/2BA townhouse-style condo in “move-in" condition. Gleaming hardwoods, clawfoot tub, & pedestal sink add to the charm. Courtyard fountain and security gates makes this a serene & secure place to come home to. Enjoy N W Portland living at its best! Elaine Scheeland ( 503 ) 699-3874 COLDUUCLL BANKERU .i T W I0 M Í gj Be patient the next issue of Ijustout will be on the stands O c t o b e r 6th