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L u d t , L M T 695-6929 * ^ or(k ^ e Elegance j ( S E 2 5 th & C lin to n ) S te v e K oehler, / * W edding and Commitment Vows - C ( 360 ) .................. mark larsen l.m.t. professional Swedish massage 5 0 3 888-9675 M acT utor@ macrory.com i- m creative focused work com plete peaceful relaxation Kelly Burke, LMT Got Mac? We’re experts at introducing small businesses to the web. W ell coordinate yo u r website w ith yo u r marketing strategy. You’ll be surprised how little it costs. Contact us for a free no-obligation consultation. —Dave Ressler B « i i , > o u rt lesbian/Goy Issues • Spirituality 111 omen's Issues • Self esteem Hbuse Survivors • RCOfl Recovery Life Changes and Transitions (503) 241-7254 free HIV t e s t i n g in northeast portland! TUESDAY EVENINGS 5-6:30 PM Northeast Health Center C C <v ut ut A) C Website Development 503-135-9363 dave@nettenna.com MLK B lvd . & NE K illin g sw o rth Enter in rear door near Emerson. Questions? Call 248.3030, ext. 0. M a l t R i B i k C a n t y l a a l t l R aiartwaal