Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, September 15, 2000, Page 15, Image 15

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    September 15. 2000 • Jt ist M it j 5
Plu;» 1 : iv j m tnews
P artners R egister with C ounty
From left, the Rev. Berdell Moffett-Chaney, the Rev. Casey Moffett-Chaney, Dick Levy, Larry Hobnet,
Jennie Eisenbraun and Beth Allen proudly display their certificates
Continued from Page 1
Same-sex couples still have a long way to go
until equality is reached, Katz says. “But we’re
going to celebrate anyway.”
Stein spoke out against the Oregon C iti­
zens A lliances Measure 9 during the ceremo­
ny. Sh e said the community must draw the line
and not tolerate discrimination. “In fact, we
celebrate gays and lesbians coming together,”
she says.
Linda Tody and Sandy Johnson also regis­
tered during the ceremony. T h e couple, who
met 18 years ago, say they do feel like pio­
neers and welcome being role models for
long-term relationships.
Johnson says she wasn’t !ix)king for a partner
when she met Tody. She wanted to work on her
J ust R egistered
bout 300 people attended “ 1,000 Years of Commitment,” a recep-
r \ . tion sponsored by the Oregon Gay and Lesbian Law Association,
Sept. 9 at Portland City Hall. Partygoers enjoyed donated ftxxl and
drinks, danced and communally supported the 36 couples who regis­
tered their relationships with Multnomah County. Daniel Cadigan, one
of the event’s organizers, says almost 100 couples have utilized the new
registry since Sept. 1.
City Commissioner Lisa Naito (left), County Chair Bev Stein (center) and Mayor
Vera Katz (right) congratulate Sandy Johnson and Linda Tody
spirituality at that time in her life.
But Johnson clearly recalls what she believes
led to her finding Tody. She asked God for
something one day all those years ago.
It was a simple request but one that would
change her life. “I asked the Lord, ‘If you have a
partner for me, let them love me as much as 1
love you,’ ” Johnson says.
Soon after she met Tody— at her
To register your domestic / xjrtnershif), bring
$60 cash to 501 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd. between
8 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. weekdays. Call
(503) 248-3027 for more information.
J onathan K ipp is a Just Out staff reporter
who can be reached at jkipp@teleport.com.