September 1.2000 p i l ,, 0 07‘,C\,, i L lo o l l L C LI (503) T‘-,ad 236-1253 l üut tü «s imnmun,i> Trraagaa A Shakti Cove Cottages 10 Cabins, with kitchenettes, nestled in a grove of trees on 3 secluded acres. Beach access. Pets welcome. Affordable rates. 2 1/2 Hours from Portland on the beautiful Long Beach Peninsula. ( 3 6 0 ) 6 6 5 -4 0 0 0 v s. A > if f V V I j l A «4 T it ON y'V I vj I V * A « C I r IN BETWEEN FREE M ai rs Cabins & RV Park Gay owned. Located a short walk from downtown and the beach. Seven uniquely decorated cabins in a friendly setting. Visit us on the Web at or call Toll-free 1 - 888 - 787-2754 Tai with this ad1 T he S ee V ue H appy H o u r - 4:00 to 9:00 Great m u sic! G o o d tim e s-go o d people N o attitude Oceanview Motel on the Central Oregon Coast 2155 Lau ’ula Street, W aikiki ( 541 ) <80«) 928-7060 N e a r K alak au a and Le w e rs, d o w n the w a lk w a y next to “hrada". O C E A N S ID E “Carmel of the Oregon Coast” 9 mi. w e st of Tillam ook. Se ven units w ith spectacular ocean v ie w s and large private decks. F-ull kitchens in six units. Ail units are equipped with 'FVs. V C R s, and m icrow aves. Six units have fireplaces. $70 $ 175 TW o night m inim um / \ jts welcome at m ost locations bender., properties ( 5 0 3 ) 2 3 3 -4 3 6 3 Theatre How to use (Sorry only one per customer) W A IK IK I Connect Live with other guys Or just listen. Call 503-548-2007 If busy call 503-548-8888 and Enter free trial code 6117 ' 2 Long Beach Peninsula In Between, “The Friendly B a r” FREE GAY PA RTY LIN E! ? w ww HAWAII-BOUND? The 547-3227 K ama 1! W omen ’ s Q uest , H W SJg from $30/night. Sunrise beach walks outside your door. Shared or private rooms available, www . mahinas . com ( 808 ) 823-9364 PALM S P R IN G S CO N O O $495.00 W EEK! 3 BD/2 BA fully furnished w/ TV, VCR, wash/dry, overlooking pool in gated complex with pool, tennis, B B Q and excellent views. No smokers/pets. 503-762-5087 or email for link Explore the abundant treasures at C astle Superstore and rediscover Americans favorite pastime* just out to improve your social life 1.See JU ST FR IE N D S Voice Personal Ads on Page 39. 2. Call someone... leave a message 3. Wait for their call. Finish reading Just Out. 4. They call back. You talk. It’s good. 5. Make a dinner date. See page 18. IM p i Over 750 video titles Over 150 DVD tides Video sales & rental DVD sales & rental 3 Full length feature films 2 Theatres Male Features 7 days a week X X X - treme T uesdays All Male Features in Main Theatre : Northwest's Premier Adult Theatre open 9:30 am • 18 & older 1 2 3 2 S W 1 2 th a v e 2 2 3 -1 8 4 6 If you’re thinking about your health, don’t forget / about your sex. | j | p * tj Getting results is what we're about. ^ ÌS T D screening and treatment HIV testing with or w ithout names Hepatitis A/B vaccination M ultnomah C ounty H ealth D epartment 426 SW Stark, 6th Floor • ( 5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 . 3 7 0 0 Se e ... Had more than a few anonymous partners in x the last 6 months. ... Your partner is unaware you are playing on the side. ... Had sex while under the influence...regretted it in the morning. Portland 9815 SW Capitol Highway 503-768-9305 Medford 1113 Progress Drive Springfield 3270 Gateway Street Then it is time to get tested. Free walk-in HIV testing on M onday night at Washington County Health Clinic - Beaverton. 12550 SW 2nd (Between Hall and Watson) For more information please call (503) 846-4734