40 i “ ** o u t * September t. 2000 C lc issiñed a c c o u n tin g , 4 0 a n im a ls, 40 a tto rn e y s, 4 0 K xlyw ork, 40,41 h. nix » vines, 41 career cou n selin g , 41 c erem o n ie s, 41 c h iro p ra c to rs, 41 c o m p u te rs, 41 Advertising Deadlines (An extended list of deadlines is available at www.justout.com.) in s tru c tio n , 43 in su ra n ce , 44 ja n ito ria l, 44 p h o to g ra p h y , 44 real e sta te , 44,45 real e sta te loans, 45 real estate services, 45 services, 45 spirituality, 45 tra v e l, 4 5 ,4 6 X X X , 46 ju st friends, 39 OCTOBER S M T W T F S S M T W T F S y 3 10 17 24 B s 11 12 I ß 19 25 26 6 13 20 27 2 7 8 14 15 3 )2 2 28 29 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 5 V 11 12 13 18 19 20 25®? 27 7 14 21 28 J Looking out for y o u r best interest. 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Lai A ttorney at Law 520 SW 6th, Ste. 825 Portland, OR 97204 clai@hevanet.com ( 503 ) 226-6945 M e d ica l M a lp ra ctice 8 t P e r so n a l In ju ry A tto rn ey fo o d w o rtl CARING FOR THE COMMUNITY A tto rn e y s x Susan A. Nestor | C er t i f i e d Public A cc o un t an t | telephone: m e m b e r s h ip : (503) 245-8090 O regon Society o f Certified Public Accountants Am erican Institute o f Certified Public Accountants Lynn H an d lin EA, LTC, CFP 761-9267 SpitaCeri/fiandCin Phone: Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ Business & Tax Planning / Preparation ■ Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping 11916 SE Division Portland, OR 97266 shbats © spritone.com FAX: 503-761-9341 Richard B. Schneider A ttorney at L aw is well versed in the special estate-plaining needs of the gay and lesbian community. Our practice is focused exclusively on estate planning. We are professional, we understand j the issues, and we are here to help. N j V CLEOPATRA'S is w A C A T SITTERS, IN C . Bonded • Insured • References Since 1995 (503) 233-5155 4 ftr “He*** \A*iA ca X cam ifto U iitlt" Free C o n s u lta tio n N o Fee U n less Y o u R eco ver FREE REPORT! O ne M ain P lace 295-1940 101 S.W. M ain , S uite 804 12 th Floor, 6 2 1 S W M o rris o n What Every Gay and Lesbian Couple Should Know About Estate Planning and Their Rights Each year the American public— gay and straight— spends over $1.5 billion on probate fees. In addition, the Will you may have is completely ineffective with respect to illness or disability. Is there a better alternative? Yes I CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE COPY. Law Offices of Richard B. Schneider, LLC 2455 NW Marshall SL, Suite 11, Portland, OR 972101 LLP Attorneys at Law • Wills and Probate • Family Issues & Adoption Willner Wren Hill & U’Ren, LLP GEOFFREY G. WREN Protect Your Relationships ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Domestic Partnerships Wills & Trusts Powers of Attorney Elderly Parents Medicaid Eligibility Mark M. 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( 9 / l ) M arlen e E F indling pilone: ( 503) 2*1-1215 fax: (503) 241-1216 e-mail: ‘information^1rhsllc.com vvvvw.rbsllc.com “GAY ft LESBIAN COUPLES FACE SPECIAL CHALLENGES IN ESTATE PLANNING’ mmmmm Hala Gores Years E xperience M em ber, O re g o n a n d W a sh in g to n lia rs A J ust S o c ie ty The BO D YW O R K heading is for state-licensed A N D R E W E. T O T H -F E J E L massage therapists only. LMTs do theraputic, ATTORNEY AT LAW nonsexual massage. Look under the Healing Art: BANKRUPTCY and Services headings for advertisements • P ersonal & B usiness • R epresenting D ebtors and C reditors previously found in this section 621 SW Morrison, Ste 1300, Portland, OR 97205 2 7 3-01 14 W OODY C L A R K E , LM T. Swedish, deep tissu and sports massage. Non-sexual. Outcalls o n f (503) 320-2168.(10/20) T IM M U L C A H E Y , LM T. Bodywork tha soothes, awakens and empowers. (503) 231-5755 (9/1)