September 1, 2QQ0 COMMENTARY by M a r t y D a v is The IN publication for the OUT population F ounded 1983 • J ay B rown and R enee L a C hance A rt D irector • R upert K innard V o l. 17 N o . 21 S e p t e m b e r 1, 2 0 0 0 FEATURES BEDSIDE M ANNERS: Guy men's health is about more than HIV p 19 HOME RUN: Everybody wins when the RCSA scores P 21 NEWS NORTHWEST • The force is with Darth Nader; lawyers in love; howdy, partners pp 5 - 1 3 NATIONAL • Businesses boycott Boy Scouts PP 1 4 - 1 5 W O R LD - Drag queens go for the gold pp 16-17 ENTERTAINMENT & CULTURE THEATER • Don Horn is out on stage P 31 MUSIC • Making music together, on and off stage p 33 THEATER • Jim Corti is out on the road p 34 DIVERSIONS • In defense of Rich; a famous androgyne visits Portland P 35 COLUMNS M S . BEHAVIOR • Ms. B dispenses tough love p 29 OUT LOUD • Anne and Ellen inspire Barbara Raab to reminisce p 36 Publisher doggedly dodges serious issues ...ponders perplexing problem of procurement y, what a busy couple of weeks it’s been for gay and les With gay and lesbian families coming in at a slightly higher rate of 87 bian visibility. pets per household, it’s obvious to me a huge need is going unfilled. But hack to my problem of invisibility. The start of this phenomenon Richard Hatch shows the nation that nobody kicks sand in this gay guys face, and America’s sweethearts coincided with the recent untimely demise of two personal household Anne and Ellen fall off the yellow brick road. In the items that absolutely require replacement. case of Heche, that old Hollywood truism rings loud and clear: A girl’s Who knows why the fates conspired to take away my hard drive and publicist is her best friend indeed. my mattress at the same time. Was it karma, mere coincidence, global While huff hoy and the odd couple were getting tons of press and warming.. .who knows? appearing in print, clips and sound bites everywhere, 1 was experiencing All I knew is I had to do some really serious shopping, and without a personal dilemma of a totally different nature. Overexposure in the warning the condition stmek. I walk into a store, and no one see me. press might well turn out to he Hatch’s downfall, hut 1 could have used a 1 am a middle-aged woman in a computer store. I am a demographic non-entity...I do not exist. little of his chutzpah as 1 found myself in an oddly perplexing opposite Repeated trips into computer stores led me to type of situation. consider taping credit cards to my body and sprin It seems 1 have become invisible. kling $20 hills about as I wandered, aimless and for Apparently, I don't look Marvel Comics fantasies aside, invisibility can lorn, among complex computer displays all touting he a hit annoying. In my case, the symptoms strike as though I'm headed back back-to-schixd specials. Apparently, I don’t look as only in specific circumstances— circumstances though I’m headed hack to school any time soon. 1 relating to my deep, intense dislike of America’s to school any time soon. could he the principal, for G od’s sake.. .did anyone favorite pastime: that horror of horrors, shopping. ever think of that? I hate to shop. I hate driving to stores. I hate The situation only worsened during efforts to spend money at my going into stores, and I really, really hate standing in line. For me, the neighborhood Nap Country store. Repeated visits left me convinced thrill of the hunt is definitely over. 1 am a had, had consumer. Fortunately, my shopping journeys are lim that it would go totally unnoticed if I just were to walk in and carry out ited. With only a few exceptions, I already own almost everything I’ll the mattress of my choice. Women— at least women who look like me (read: lesbianlike)— need for the rest of my life. apparently aren’t considered ideal candidates for ownership. I did not But the maintenance of my numerous furry housemates (pets, thank steal the mattress, however; moral qualms aside, it was really much t(xi you) causes me to spend way too much time procuring meals, entertain large to carry. ment and assorted animal health care items. To my nonconsumer-ori- But I have figured out a way around my shopping-challenged dilem ented mind, corporate America is not keeping up with the nation’s rabid ma. I can go to MacMall on the Internet and for 50 bucks extra have a need for personalized pet products and services. The task of feeding a herd of cats and dogs is seriously time-consum computer delivered yesterday. Why buy from a company that confuses its ing. Throughout the nation, Americans and their genetic offspring exist computers with cows anyway? And as for the mattress, I think the answer lies within the pages of my and apparently thrive on diets of fast food why is the immedi very own newspaper. It’s the kill-two-hirds-with-one-stone answer: I’m ate-gratification hall being dropped on pet food needs? Why aren’t the malls and streets of America littered with Pooch in a going to let the Just Friends Voice Personal Ads solve this shopping Box and Kitty King? When will the fat cats behind the golden arches dilemma. start marketing McMeow Meals with little catnip toys in each box? W O M E N S EEK IN G W O M EN Single lesbian enjoys movies, I want to he able to hit the drive-through on the way home and hark dinners out, walks on the beach out my order of “one deluxe doggie dinner and three bait burgers, and firm, pillow-top, queen-size please.” Sadly, though, the inevitable logical progression after pet fast mattress. Please leave name, food would he, of course, canine coronary care centers. This would he number and description of mat the ultimate in pet equality? tress. Box #0101 It is said American households have an average of 2.4 pets apiece. ...... M Y QUEER LIFE • Author climbs in bed with Dr. Laura . ... ■ ............................... .............. .........---------------------------- J U S t O llt P p V ol . 7 No. 11, S eptember 1990 P 37 OUT LOUD • Reunited— and it feels so good p 38 Ju s t o u t is publish ed on the first an d third Friday o f each month. Copyright © 2000 by Just Out. No part o f Just Out may he reproduced without written per mission from the publisher. The su b m issio n o f w ritten an d grap h ic m aterials is welcom ed. Written material should he typed and double-spaced. Just Out reserves the ri^ht to edit for grammar, punctuation, style, liability concerns and length. We will reject or edit articles or advertisements that are offensive, demeaning or may result in lejral action. Letters to the editor should be limited to 500 words. Announcements rejrardinj; life transitions (births, deaths, unions, etc.) should be limited to 200 words; photos are wel come. Deadline for su b m issio n s to the editorial department and for the C alen dar is the Thursday 15 days before the next publication date. Views expressed in letters to the editor, columns and features are not necessarily those of the publisher. Tlie d isp lay ad vertisin g deadlin e is the Monday 12 days before the next publication date. C lassified a d s must be received at the Just Out office by 4 p.m. on the Thursday eight days before the next publi cation date, along with payment. Ads may be placed by tele phone or via the Internet with Visa or MastetCard payment. Ad policy: Just Out reserves the right to reject or edit any advertisement. Compensation for errors in, or cancella tion of, advertising will be made with credit toward future advertising. Advertising rates are available upon request. Subscriptions are $17.50 for 12 issues. First Class (in an envelope) is $50 for 12 issues. Contact Just Out at P.O. Box 14400, Portland, OR 97295- 0400; (505) 256-1252, advertising 256-1253, fax 256-1257; e-mail Visit our Internet site at • N ightScene. the w eekly cable television pro gram. began its second season with all-new hit shows and a new co-host: Shan Leslie, the "all- Am erican lesbian.” The Right to Privacy Political Action C o m m itte e w aited tw o years for her to be available for this major fund-raising event benefiting O re g o n ’s gay and lesbian community. • The Club 9 2 7 celebrated its last w eekend, leav ing Portland with no lesbian alcohol bar. The non gay ow ners closed the establishm ent to lesbians and opened it to topless-dancing fans. • Team Portland brought hom e 4 7 m edals from the G a y G a m es III. The w o m e n ’s team s w on sil ver m edals in touch football, softball and volley ball. In swim m ing, Team Portland earned 15 gold m edals, 10 silver and six bronze. The tennis team w on a silver m edal, and Portland had one bronze in the m arathon. • Portland's gay and lesbian bars and restaurants and their patrons joined A C T UP's nationwide Marlboro and Miller boycotts. Both w ere owned by parent company Philip Morris, the single largest cor porate contributor to the Jesse Helms campaign. • A coalition planned a march and rally to address concerns about the increase of hate crimes in Portland. The event preceded the trial of neo-Nazi organizer Tom Metzger, who w as being sued in connection with the murder of M ulegeta Seraw. .. M .- • The keynote speaker for the ninth annual Lucille Hart D inner w as noted author Rita M a e Brown. PUBLISHER AND MANAGING EDITOR • Marty Davis ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR • Oriana Green COPY EDITOR • Jim Radosta STAFF REPORTERS • Katy Davidson, Jonathan Kipp CONTRIBUTORS • Marc Acito, Meryl Cohn, Mubarak S. Dahir, Michael Thomas Ford, Andy Mangels, Barbara Raab, Rex WtKkner, Pat Young ADVERTISING DIRECTOR • Meg Grace ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE • Larry Lewis NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE • Rivendell Marketing Company Inc. (212) 242-6863 ART I PRODUCTION DIRECTOR • Kevin Moore PRODUCTION ASSISTANT • Melissa Sayler • J u s t O u t caught up with Jon Rollins, new con ductor o f the Portland G a y M en 's Chorus. His musical background included a m a ster’s degree in organ perform ance from the M anhattan School o f M usic as well as 10 y e a rs ’ participation in the N e w York C ity G a y M e n ’s Chorus. • ...te ll m om m a goodbye ... a play about w om en, children and A ID S by Portland playwright D on Horn, prem iered at the W o m en . Children and H IV C o n feren ce. OFFICE MANAGER • Melissa Sayler DISTRIBUTION «Jerilyn Adams, Michael Albright, Linda Becraft, Kathy Bethel, Bonita Mattinson, Merid Schwartz, Ruth Traut, Larry Williams