September 1,2000 * J u s t oait.^g aucc@teleport. com.) 9 and 11 am Sunday school for children is held dunng the 11 am worship service (2400 NE Broadway 503-281 -8868. mccpdx@aol com 7(11 /00) The Anawim Community. Gay men meet weekly for Chnstian meditation and prayer (7.3(7 pm Thursdays. 503-28 / 0722.7(11/00) ORGAN (Oregon Regional Gay and Naked) is a social club for gay men who enjoy being nude Monthly potlucks and events. Guests are invited to attend two events before deciding on membership. (ORGAN. PO Box 14174. Portland. OR 97293-0174.) ( 11/00) Portland Bisexual A lliance plays host to social and political events for bisexual and bi-fnendly people, orga nizes Portland Bi Day rally and publishes calendar of events Mixed-gender discussion groups are held 7 pm on the first and third Fridays of the month at Laughing Horse Books, 3652 SE Division St. (503-775-9717, pba@biportland org. www biportland o rg ) ( 11 /00) Portland Leather A lliance is a pansexual. not-for- profit organization dedicated to fostenng a positive com munity for safe, sane and consensual alternative adult sexualities in general and S/M/leather/fetish in particu lar (503-727-3148 w w w pdxleatheralhance org H 1 1/00) Portland M etro Prim e Timers is a social group for men (PO Box 5884. Portland. OR 97228 503-244- 7550 o r 360-254-1718 (1 1 /00) PSU Queers and A llie s offer educational and social programming and support and referral services for peo ple of all onentations and colors. Everyone is invited to participate in activities and meetings. (441A Smith Memonal Center. Portland State University campus. E-mail: queersandalhes@mail.pdx. edu 503- 725-568 1.7(11/00) Project Quest, offers individual, group, indoor and out door physical recreation opportunities for people living with HIV and AIDS. (503-493-0288.7(11/00) Southern Oregon: Social Abdill-E llis Lambda Community Center plays host to social events and groups Call for schedule. (Mailing address . PO Box 927 Ashland. OR 97520. Location. 281 Fourth St.. Ashland. OR 97520. 541-488 6990. lamb-, www.aelcca org. 7(11/00) Washington Social MenTalk o f Vancouver holds a social on the first Monday and a discussion group on the third Monday of each month at 7 pm. (Peter 360-576-6595. MenTalkofVancWA@ (\ 1 /00) SW W ashington Gay and Lesbian Socialites is a Vancouver-based organization whose members get together regularly for social events and activities It was organized to build a sense of community among gay men and lesbians in the Portland/Vancouver area. Newsletter available by mail or e-mail. (360-735-1901. (11/00) The Thorny Roses is a social group for lesbians, primari ly older than 45, who live in the Vancouver/Clark County area. (Judy 360-906-1763. ( 11/00) Rose C ity D iscussion Club, the largest open pan- sexual club in the Northwest, is open to all onentations. fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensu al Monthly meetings, workshops and newsletter. (503-972-1869 rcdc@ www teleport. com /~rcdc. 7(11/00) Together Works, a confidential group for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and fnends. meets for socials and dis cussions of topics of mutual interest. Meets second and fourth Mondays. (7 30 pm May-September. 7 pm October-Apnl. First Baptist Church. 125 SE Cowls St., McMinnville. Don 503-434-6266.) ( 11/00) Willamette Valley: Social GALA (Gay and Lesbian A lliance) meets at Lane Community College, Eugene. (541-741-4501. ext. 2336. 7(11/00) Gay M en's D iscussion Group meets Mondays from 7:30 to 9 pm at the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid. Eugene, (Hank 5 4 1 484-6259 or Trent at (11 /00) Lane County M en's Health N etw ork offers social events, retreats, workshops and training for bi, gay and trans men. Community calendars and mailings Training Metro: Physical Recreation B ridgeport Com m unity Church (U.C.C.) is a growing community of progressive, political people explonng and celebrating the Chnstian faith We are multicultural, lesbian, gay, bi and straight, and our chil dren are valued members. (10.30 am Sundays. 621 NE 76th Ave 503-2580992 ) 0 1/00) Community o f St. Andrew invites all to join a diverse Catholic faith community for prayer and fellow ship. (9:30 am Sunday Mass. 806 NE Alberta St. 503-281 4429 7(11/00) D ignity Portland meets for Mass Sundays at 4 pm at St. Stephens Episcopal Church followed by a social. (Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street e-mail: digni- typdx@aol com.) (11 /00) D irections N orthw est (ECWR) helps gay and les bian Chnstians integrate faith and sexuality through Bible study and fellowship (PO Box 86383. Portland. OR 97286 0383. 50 3 -7 2 7 -3 3 8 7 )0 1/00) Eastrose Fellow ship U nitarian U niversalist a welcoming congregation, offers Sunday service at 10 30 am. (1133NE 181st Ave , Gresham. 503-665-2628. eastrose@ (11/00) Estacada United M ethodist Church Reconciling Congregation where we really mean everyone is welcome Sunday worship at 10:30 am. (204 SE Mam St.. Estacada) (11/00) F irst Congregational United Church of C hrist is an open and affirming congregation in the liberal Christian tradition. Sunday worship is at 10:25 am, and church school for children runs concurrently. (1126 SW Park Ave.. 503-228-7219.) Full C ircle Temple is a place of worship for women of all ages offering workshops, song and drum circles, meditation rooms and altars of celebration, incorporat ing what you bnng to share. (10 am-10 pm Tuesday- Sunday. 3125 E Burnside St. 503-238-0675. 7(11/00) The God Connection Center fo r W orship, Growth and Leadership invites you to celebrate your spirituality with the Revs Berdell Moffett and Casey Chaney Liberal, practical: all are welcome. (10 am service every Sunday 4828 NE 33rd Ave 503-481-7591. 7(11/00) Grace Space, a newly formed multidenominational spintual center led by the Rev. Stephanie Torres, holds In te rfa ith S p iritu a l Com m unity meets every Sunday at the Heart Center for inspirational messages, children's celebrations and joy We honor and celebrate all sacred paths, recognizing each person's divine gifts and supporting spintual growth, healing and enlighten men! (6-730 pm 1578 Commercial St. SE. Salem 503-763-6030 7(11/00) P otter's House M inistries Life Center. Evangelical and chansmatic Chnstian (3830 SE 62nd Ave. 503-775-5024 ) 0 1 /0 0 ) Radical Fairies Fae Dirt info line: 503-235-0826 ( M orningside U nited M ethodist Church is a rec onciling congregation where everyone is welcome to participate in the full life of the congregation (8 30 and 11 am Sundays 3674 12th St. SE. Salem 503-364-5013 7(11/00) 11 / 00 ) S iste rS p irit offers women's spmtuality celebrations, discussion groups, a drumming circle, workshops and classes. Schedule of events available All women are welcome. (Office hours: 3-6 pm Tuesday-Fnday at 3430 SE Belmont St.. 4102 Mailing address: PO Box 9246. Portland. OR 97207. sistersp@ 503-736-3297. 7(11/00) Sweet S p irit M etropolitan Com m unity Church (MCC) holds worship at 11 am Sundays followed by coffee and fellowship as well as potluck lunches every second Sunday. (Services held at Amencan Legion Hall. 4774 Lilac Lane NE, Salem Mailing address: Pastor Ken Kerr. PO Box 12753. Salem. OR 97309. 503-315-7923) (11/00) Southm inster Presbyterian Church is a challeng ing. supportive community that welcomes all people It is the first More Light Presbyterian Church in Oregon. (Sundays at 10 am summer. 9 3 0 and hi am winter 12250 SW Denney Road. Beaverton 503-644-2073) ( 11 / 00 ) YOUTH________________ I St. P hilip N eri gay and lesbian outreach. A gay/les- bian-positive community for Catholics and their fnends Mass at 7:30 pm on Fndays followed by a social. (Pauhst Center. 2408 SE 16th Ave 503-231-4955.) ( Metro: Youth O utside In operates a clinic for anyone who can't qualify for the Oregon Health Plan as well as a needle exchange service. It also has some transitional housing for youth 20 and younger as well as for youth who are HIV+ and younger than 23. It also plays host to VOIC ES (Voices of Individual and Community Empowerment from the Streets), a self-support group for queer youth (10 am-6 pm Monday-Fnday 1236 SW Salmon St 503-223-4121 .7(11/00) 11 / 00 ) St. Stephen's Episcopal Church the new home of the Portland Gay Men's Chorus, has been welcoming all people since 1863. (Wednesday service 12:10 pm; Sunday services 7 45 am and 10 am. Sunday school and child care at 10 am. Southwest 13th Avenue at Clay Street 503-223-64241(11 /00) U niversity Park United M ethodist Church is a Phoenix R ising Foundation Inc. is a community agency primarily serving sexual minonty youth. The Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center (SMYRC) plays host to drop-in socials and support groups for queer youth. M etro groups held at SMYRC; other groups include: B ridg e 13. a youth speaker's bureau (503-872-9664). H ills b o ro Youth G roup (4 -5 3 0 pm W ednesdays at Room 125. Public Services Building. 155 N First S t.. Hillsboro). T ra n sitio n s (3 30-5 pm Wednesdays in Room 8. 11640 S W Parkway. Beaverton). (503-238-0780 ) member of the network of Reconciling Congregations and meets for worship each Sunday at 10 am (4775 N Lombard St. 503-289- 7843.) (11/00) Zion United Church o f C hrist, an open and affirm ing congregation, is open to gay. lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and heterosexual people who wish to worship in a Chnst-centered. warm, canng, multiage/race/cultural faith community. (Service 11 am Sundays. 2025 NE 23rd A v e . Gresham. 503-665-8741.K l i m ( 11 / 00 ) Pride P roject bnngs together Washington County lesbian, gay. bi. trans and questioning youth to plan and attend monthly social events Also information, referral, support and advocacy services for Washington County. (M olly 503-260-5792.) (11 /00) Washington: Spirituality East Vancouver United M ethodist Church. Reconciling, welcoming. (10 am Sundays. Rainbow is a multicultural peer support and activity group for gay. lesbian, bisexual, trans and questioning youth (4 30 pm Mondays at M etropolitan Community Church o f Portland. 2400 NE Broadway 503-281-8868 7 (11/00) The Adventure Group. Portland’s gay and lesbian outdoors group, organizes a vanety of activities and social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking, camping and rafting. (503-452-5680. www.adventure- ( 11/00) Sexual M in o rity Youth R ecreation C enter (SMYRC) is a program of Phoenix Rising Foundation Border Riders M otorcycle Club, the largest motorcycle club for gay men and fnends in Western Canada and the Pacific Northwest, plays host to day runs and camping events (bcbikei@yahoo com. www bordemders. o rg .)(1 1/00) offenng drop-in computer access, pool tables and an informal place to hang out. Also plays host to weekly youth support groups including Windfire, Trans Youth Group and Personal Deity Proxy (a creative group). (4-8 pm Wednesday. 4 pm-midmght Fnday and Saturday 424 E Burnside S t 503-872-9664. www sm (1 1/00) CLIPS-Cycling Lesbians in P ortland meets twice monthly for bicycle ndes All nding levels welcome. (503-254-6971.) (11/00) Youth H IV/STD Prevention P roject provides fun and educational programs along with counseling and testing to queer youth in a fnendly, relaxed environment Sponsored by Phoenix Rising Foundation in collabora tion with Multnomah County and Outside In. (503-872-9664. 7(11/00) FOREST Group outings are cooperative adventures for women Participants are responsible for providing their own equipment and choosing outings appropnate for their skill and fitness level. All skill levels welcome. (503-286-5382 www ) (11/00) Gal Pals is a new group for single lesbians. (For infor YouthNet. a program of Love Makes a Family, offers tutonng and mentonng for lesbian, gay. bi and trans youth as well as for children of LGBT parents. (503-227-1981 7(11/00) mation visit www /RodeoDnve/ *B0006204454/3346/G AL-PAL.htm l.)( 11 /00) K-9 Club is a group of kindred folks and their dogs who meet to hike and talk in Portland parks on the sec ond Sunday of each month. (503-285 2986 7(11 /00) Lesbian Equestrian Group Do you have a horse? Southern Oregon: Youth Looking to get together with womyn and horses for equestnan activities in the Pacific Northwest7 (Denise 503-654-3865. Lynn 503-777-2339. e-mail kelrav@rdrof).com.) (1 1 /00) The Sexual M in o rity Youth R ecreation Group o f Klam ath Falls provides support for gay. lesbian, Lesbian Garden C lub is a group of women who love gardens and gardening They exchange plants, seeds, advice and encouragement while having a good time Please call or e-mail for a current copy of the newsletter and information about upcoming events. (Kathe 503-909 2002. e-mail ( 11 / 00 ) Out Dancing teaches partner dancing for same-sex couples at Sally Mack's School of Dance Classes for different dance styles start the first Fnday of each month (503-236-5129.)(11/00) Portland Gay and Lesbian Com m unity Bowling Association meets Sundays at 4 pm at Hollywood Lanes. 40th Avenue and Halsey Street (PO Box 80002. Portland. OR 97280-1002 503-293-0438 BOWLpdx@aolcom. m em bersaolcom /BO W Lpdx/pcbahtm U d 1/00) bi. trans and questioning youth and their allies. (For more information, e-mail boytoy22@hotmail com.) ( Sunday evening celebrations. (5 pm at Unity Church. 4525 SE Stark St. 503-287-3216 )0 1 /0 0 ) and networking men to build community from a grass roots perspective. (1966 Garden A ve. Eugene 541-342-5088. ext 23 tseager@hivalhance org.) ( 11 / 00 ) M arionberry Salon, formerly the Coalition to End Bigotry Book Group, meets monthly in Salem for potlucks and discussions of books touching on lesbian, gay or bisexual expenence (Cary 503-363-6036. caryandken@aol com. 7(11 /00) The Lesbian Connection (TLC) Lunch Bunch meets at 11 am every Sunday at the French Horn and on the second Fnday of the month from 5 to 8 pm at the Fifth Street Market food court in Eugene All women welcome (Bonnie 541 -683-2793.) (11/00) Rosetown Ramblers. Portland's gay and lesbian square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and advanced levels. (PO Box 5352. Portland. OR 97228-5352 503 234-9944. www rdrop com /users/ram blers 7(11 /00) Team Portland Tennis A ssociation plays every Sunday 8 am-noon at the University of Portland Women and men players of all skill levels are welcome (Alex Godinez 503 282- 72/07(11 /00) Team Quest, the athletic and exercise program of SPIRITUALITY 1 Metro: Spirituality A insw orth United Church o f C hrist is a multira cial. multicultural, open and affirming church Sunday worship is at 10 am. and church school for children runs concurrently (2941 NE Ainsworth St 503284 8767 Integrity, the gay and lesbian ministry of the Episcopal Church, meets on the second Fnday of each month in the Momson Room at Tnmty Cathedral. Euchanst is cel ebrated at 6 45 pm followed by a potluck and fellow ship (147 NW 19th Ave . 503-289-1687.) Interfaith S piritual Center. Gay men's spirituality groups form every other month Spintual directors from various world religious traditions are available for guid ance. classes and retreats (3910 SE 11th A ve . second floor 5 03-2332026. ext 3. www hometown aol com/d/rho5/webpage him/ 7 5701 MacArthur B lvd . Vancouver 360693-4761. ourclarkcounty Columbian com /273/. 7 (1 1 / 0 0 ) "Compassionate Heart Sangha," meets for meditation in the Buddhist Vipasana tradition Donation requested (7 3 0 9 pm Wednesdays at Flanders House. 2926 NE Flanders St Jon 503 2395539 7(11/00) Metanoia Peace Community (United Methodist) is a "house church." bnngmg gay and straight together (Daily prayer 7 20 am. Sunday gathenng 6 pm at 2116 NE 18th Ave 503 281 3 6 9 7 )0 1/00) M etropolitan Community Church o f Portland holds ecumenical Sunday morning worship services at Southern Oregon Youth O utreach (SOYO), a group for gay. lesbian, and bi youth aged 14-20 meets on the first and Thursdays of the month in Ashland (541-488 6990.7(11/00) F irst Congregational C hurch, United Church of C hrist. Two Sunday services, traditional and "less traditional" in an open and affirming congregation. (1220 NE68th St. Vancouver 360-693-1476)(11/00) M etropolitan Community Church o f the Gentle Shepherd. (10 am Sundays 913 W 13th St.. Vancouver 360-695-1480 7(11/00) M ichael Servetus U nitarian U niversalist Fellowship. (10 am Sundays 4505 E 18th St Washington: Youth Triple P oint Youth Program is a social/support group for gays, lesbian, tx and trans youth between 13 and 22 in Vancouver. Wash Meets 6-8 pm Tuesdays and 3 30-5 30 pm Thursdays at 1104 Mam St. Suite M 100 (Amanda 360-693-1188 H 1 1/00) 360-695 1891 7 (11/00) ( 11 / 00 ) Lesbian and gay m editation group 11 / 00 ) Willamette Valley: Youth Willamette Valley: Spirituality Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Q uestioning Youth G roup fo r ages 13-18 offers F irst Congregational Church United Church of Chnst. is an open and affirming congregation offenng worship and church school Child care provided Wheelchair accessible (10 am Sundays 700 Marion St NE. Salem 503 36336601(11/00) support, information and fun Free, confidential, drop-in (4-6 pm Fndays at Amazon Community Center. 2700 Hilyard S t. Eugene 541-684 3 4 6 6 ) (11/00) The Gay-Straight Alliance of the U nitarian U niversalist Congregation of Salem meets on the third Sunday of each month for a potluck (6 pm. 5090 Center St NE. 503 363 8716 7(11/00) Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender youth group fo r ages 25 and younger meets every Monday (5 pm Mondays at Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid S t . Eugene 541 346-1134 7 (11/00)