Septem ber U 2000 ju st out is published on the first and third Friday of every month. The deadline for submissions is 15 days prior to publication. out ¿¿about is a free community service of ju s t out. Listing for events and announcements that are specifically relevant to sexual minorities in Oregon and southwest Washington is provided free of charge. The calendar features events up to three weeks beyond the date of publication. Bulletin Board listings run for up to two months from submission date. outreach listings of up to 25 words (not including contact information) are pro­ vided free of charge to organizations and groups specifically serving the sexual minorities community. All listings are subject to editing, and inclusion is subject to space limitations, relevance and receipt by deadline. Listings expire twice a year (in May and November), and submissions run from the date received until the next scheduled expiration date. Listings are automati­ cally deleted upon expiration. To ensure uninterrupted listing, please submit updat­ ed information at least a month prior to the expiration date. Send listings to: just out (attn: Calendar) P.O. Box 14400 Portland, OR 97293-0400 Fax submissions to (503) 236-1257 or e-mail to Submissions cannot be accepted over the phone. Please type your announcements and include full contact information. ON VIEW | ONSTAGE_________ | Art on Alberta holds a last Thursday gallery walk every month from 6 to 9 pm, so mark Sept. 28 on your calendar and stroll along Northeast Alberta Street between 14th and 30th avenues, where you'll find 21 gallenes full of art. Maps are available at the galleries. Be sure to check out the new lesbian owned gallery Plain Jane at 2936 NE Alberta St., which is featur­ ing work by all 20 artists it represents. Another new spot. Groundswell Cafe-Gallery at 1800 NE Alberta St., is featunng work by gay multimedia artist Richard Schemmerer, who set out with his cam­ era to document the gentnfication of the Alberta Street neighborhood. Artists Repertory Theatre presents the Broadway smash hit The Beauty Queen of Leenane The play runs Sept. 8 through Oct 15. (Reiersgaard Theatre. 1516 SW Alder St. $15-$26. Call for times. 503-241-1278.) Defunkt Theatre presents David Mamet's The Woods, a frank examination of sex. violence and gen­ der communication. Sept. 14-Oct. 21 at the Back Door Theater. (Call for times and pnces. 4319 SE Hawthorne Blvd. 503-235-8779.) Late Nite Catechism continues its one-woman, every-nun show in which students are questioned and chastised in the best Catholic tradition, through Sept. 30. (8 pm Thursday-Saturday. 2 pm Sunday at Mam Street Theater. 904 SW Mam St $24 50-$29.50 from Ticketmaster.) A.N. Bush Gallery presents Australian Series: Fragile Circle, assemblages by gay artist Mike E. Walsh, through Sept. 3. (600 Mission St.. Salem ) Maryhill Museum of Art presents its collection of Auguste Rodin bronzes through Nov. 15. At the same time, the museum also will feature Queen Mane and the Romanovs. This fascinating museum has beautiful grounds and makes a great day trip up the Columbia River Gorge. (35 Maryhill Museum Dnve. Goldendale. Wash 509-773-3733.) Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland presents the lesbian-themed play Stop Kiss through Oct. 29 at the Black Swan. (Box office 541-482-4331.) Portland Opera presents Ragtime as part of its Best of Broadway senes Sept. 5-10. (Call for times Keller Auditorium. 222 SkV Clay St. Tickets start at $20 from the box office. 503-241 -1802. or Ticketmaster ) Portland Institute for Contemporary Art pre­ sents Ammalia. new work by Portland artist Malia Jensen, through Sept 17. (Noon-6 pm Wednesday- Sunday 219 N W 12th Ave. $3 nonmembers, members free. 503-242-1419 ) Portland Art Museum presents Let's Entertain an international multimedia exhibition, through Sept. 17. The museum also celebrates the opening of its new wing with a month of free admission through Sept. 17. (10 am -5 pm Tuesday-Sunday 1219 SW Park Ave 503-226-2811. www portlandartmuseum. org.) Stark Raving Theatre offers Suburban Motel Part 1. two one-act plays by George Walker, at Theater! Theatre! through Sept. 30. (Call for times and pnce 3430 SE Belmont St. 503-232-7072.) triangle productions! presents Oregon playwnght Peter Ackerman's Things You Shouldn't Say Past Midnight a gay bedroom farce about New York and multiple couples working out their kinks, at Theater! Theatre1 through Sept. 30 (Call for times 3430 SE Belmont St. $10-$17 from 503-239-5919. or Fastixx.) BULLETIN BOABP | NO ON 9! It's dangerous for our kids, and it's danger­ ous for our schools. Help Basic Rights Oregon stop the OCA's latest attempt to discnminate in our schools. Call Chad at 503-232-7176 or write to: PO Box 40625, Portland, OR 97240. (11/3) Free HIV testing in Vancouver Gay and tx men are welcome at an offsite testing clinic for needle-free testing. Every first and third Tuesday of the month from 5-6:30 pm at Metropolitan Community Church, 913 W 13th St. 360 397-3141. (10/20) Women's spirituality self-designed study group forming Basic structure, adviser, some group contact Celia program through the reformed Covenant of Goddess Church. Contact Alaina at or 503-288-3860. 0 0 /20) The God Connection Fall Couples Workshop. "Relationships That Work: 7 Habits of Highly Successful Life-Partners," facilitated by the Revs Casey and Berdell Moffett-Chaney (marned 17 years, one child). $25 a couple includes lunch. Oct. 7, 10am-3 pm. 503-481-7591, e-mail: casey@ godconnection org. (10/6) Every third Thursday of the month the Lesbian Community Project holds a Domestic Violence Group for women from 6-7 pm at the LCP office. 1001 E Burnside St. They will create a project to help themselves heal. 503-233-3913. (10/6) Volunteers are needed for the Konten Race for the Cure Sept. 15-17. There is a special need for help on race day, Sept. 17. at Waterfront Park in through Fnday (Drop in: 9 3 0 am-2 pm Monday-Fnday. 2941 NE Answorth St 503-4603822.) (11/00) OUti AIDS & HIV Metro: AIDS Sc H IV AIDS Prevention Team offers educational matenals and free condoms and lends out HIV books and videos for residents of Columbia County. (Information line: 503-397-4651 ) (11/00) ADAP/CHIP: The AIDS Drug Assistance Program and the Community Health Insurance Program pay for health insurance premiums, prescnption drugs and insurance plan deductibles and co-payments for eligible people with HIV/AIDS Programs of the Oregon Health Division and Ryan White CARE Act Titles I and II (8 am-5pm Monday-Fnday ADAP 503-731 4029. CHIP 503-731-4576 Outside Portland 800-805-2313.) ( 11 / 00 ) Cascade AIDS Project provides nonmedical ser­ vices to people whose lives are affected by HIV and AIDS m Oregon and Southwest Washington. Spanish language assistance available (CAP Portland offices: Suite 310. 620 SW Fifth Ave 50 32 23 590 7 Washington County 503-6933234 Clark County: 360 735 9170 ) ( 11 /0 0 ) Clackamas County AIDS Relief Effort is a com­ munity based organization providing HIV/AIDS preven HIV Health Services Center Multnomah County tion education and support services (3300 SE Dwyer Dnve. Suite 306. Milwaukie. OR 97222. 503-653-8738.) (11/00) Health Department, specializing in the treatment of HIV disease since 1990 A full-service medical clinic, including on-site pharmacist and nutritionist, medication manage­ ment. mental health services, wellness program and case management. Se habla espariol ASL and foreign lan­ guage interpretation available (8 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday Fourth floor. 426 SW Stark St. 503-248-5020). (11/00) Portland. 503-553-3680. (9/15) over-35 single professional lesbian women's gathering at a pnvate home for Second Chance for an socializing and networking. Would you like to meet oth­ ers like yourself Sept. 23 from 4-8 pm? Food, fun and music. BYOB. RSVP a must: 503-880-7580. (9/15) Lesbian/bi women in breakups: an eight session support group will be offered Tuesdays Sept. 19-Nov. 7. Call Julie O Donnell at 503-241-7002. (9/15) The YWCA of Greater Portland Counseling Center offers sliding fee scale counseling for individuals, couples and groups in a safe, confidential and support­ ive environment. They're located at 1111 SW 10th Ave. 503-294 7440. (10/6) The Lola Green Foundation for Recovery announces an eight week class. Understanding the Sex Industry which will address problems with commer­ cializing sex and focus on ways to eliminate the sex industry Tuesday evenings from 7 30-9 30 pm starting Sept. 26 with a sliding fee scale starting at $30. 503-236-7244 (9/15) The Bi-MEN Groups and Clubs have grown from just 100 bi guys in 1999 to more than 18.000 today and still are growing quickly Find Bi MEN groups at and www Find Bi-MEN clubs at com. (10/20) The Portland LGBT Film Festival is seeking a volunteer coordinator This unpaid position entails main­ taining a volunteer database, recruiting, training and scheduling volunteers If interested, please call 503 449-8772 and leave name, phone number and the best time to reach you. (9/1) Multnomah County HIV Health Services Center is a full-service medical clinic, providing an on­ site pharmacist and nutntiomst, medication manage­ ment, mental health services, wellness program and case management. Se habla espariol. ASL and foreign language interpretation available (8 am-5 pm Monday Fnday. Thursday until 8 pm Fourth Floor. 426 SW Stark St. 503-248-5020.7(11/00) Our House is a residential care facility for those living with and dying from AIDS. (2727 SE Alder St.. Portland. OR 97214 503-234-01757(11/00) Clackamas County Public Health Division IFARA (International Foundation for Alternative Research in AIDS) provides treatment offers anonymous and confidential HIV testing and counseling to anyone Se habla espariol Interpretation services available. Call for scheduled and walk-in testing times. (Oregon City: 503-655-8471 Milwaukie: 503-655-8735 Sandy: 503-722-6660.) (11/00) education through the TIE (Treatment Information Exchange) program Weekly meetings are led by profes­ sionals in a specialized area of treatment. (HIV treat­ ment and education Meetings Tuesday nights 503-736-0194 ) ( 11/00) First Wednesday Social is a potluck for HIV+ peo­ ple and their fnends. (Contact Phillip at 503-493-3761.) Life to Life is a therapist-facilitated support group addressing the changing needs of HIV+ gay and bisexu­ al men You set the agenda All ages welcome. (7-830 pm Mondays $12-$15 a session, free to those with Ryan White funding Intake through Phoenix Rising 503-238 0780 7(11/00) The Plus Club House Party provides an open social gathenng for people living with HIV and AIDS to mingle and network. The group meets in pnvate homes at 2 pm on the third Sunday of the month. (Brian 503-249-7030.HU/00 ) Metropolitan African American Support Connection (MAASC) is a support group for information, support groups and sports activities (or people living with HIV and AIDS (Suite 200. 3117 NE Martin Luther King J r B lvd . e-mail pquestQteleport com. 503-493 0288 7 (1 1 / 0 0 ) ( 11 / 00 ) Friends of People with AIDS Foundation offers assistance to those with HIV. Services include 72-hour food boxes, emergency travel and lodging, entertain­ ment. pet care, clothing, household goods and crema­ tions. (503-283-8535 7(11/00) H.E.A.L. Portland (Health, Education, AIDS Liaison) offers information about alternative views of AIDS causation and HIV testing. For information and a free packet, leave your name and address (503-227-2339) (11/00) The HIV Day Center, a program of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, offers social activities, support groups, peer support, professional counseling, massage, haircuts and home meal deliveries Hot meals are avail­ able at the center at 9 30 am and 12 30 pm Monday Afncan Amencan men and women infected or affected by HIV They meet on Thursdays from 6 to 8 pm at Project Quest. 3117 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (Linda 503-493-0288 )(\ 1/00) Multnomah County Health Department STD Program offers HIV and STD testing by appointment Monday Fnday and on a first come, first served walk in basis Also offers hepatitis A/B testing, treatment, vaccina­ tions and community education for gay and bisexual men (Sixth Floor . 426 SW Stark St 503248-3700) (11/00) Partnership Project provides social work and nurs­ ing case management to people living with HIV/AIDS Get help coordinating all aspects of health care as well as financial management, food and housing assistance, and emotional support (8 3 0 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday 503-230-1202.HW 00 ) Project Quest offers health appointments, nutntional WIAR (Women's Intercommunity AIDS Resource) is a multiservice program for women and children affected by HIV/AIDS WIAR offers individual counseling, support groups, advocacy and other sup­ port services Drop-m support group every Tuesday at 11 am; HIV prevention support group for HIV negative women with HIV-positive partners every second and fourth Monday at 6 pm; Nurture Night for women and Come play women's competitive pick-up bas­ ketball every Thursday evening at 7 pm at Irvington Park, NE Seventh Avenue at Fremont Street. (9/15) Reclaiming My Life is a Portland men’s group now forming for individuals with HIV or other life-challenging illnesses who want to cope with and get beyond "stuck points" in their recovery process from drugs or alcohol Receive individual counseling and/or join a support group in safety, with confidentiality and with no cost. Sessions will be held on Fndays and/or Saturdays depending on needs Call Project Quest at 503-493-0288; you'll receive a return call to set up an initial appointment with a facilitator. (9/15) EMO's H IV Day Center needs volunteers. The DBX home meal delivery program relies on volunteer dnvers to deliver meals to homebound folks who are living with HIV and AIDS They need dnvers to do two to six stops one day a week in the iate afternoon or others who could be available as substitutes. They also need gener­ al volunteers at the Day Center for a variety of tasks Call Lowen at 503-460-3822. (9/15) Leatherwomen's Supper Club monthly potlucks are held on the third Saturday of every month from 7 to 9 pm These are SM/DS-onented discussions and social gathenngs for women-identified women The group has no dues, no workshops, no by-laws, no poli tics and no play parties. This is just a way to meet and socialize with other women with similar interests. For further information contact tynnes@teleport com or P.O Box 14931. Portland, OR 97293 (9/15) Gay men's monthly figure drawing group start ing in September; if you want to draw or pose, we need men! Contact Philip 503-493-3761 (9/1) their children every third Wednesday of the month. Child care provided All programs and services are con­ fidential. (9 am-5 pm Monday-Fnday 503-238-4420. 888303-4420.) (11/00) Washington County Health Department pro­ vides free needle-free HIV testing services for gay and bisexual men at Beaverton Community Health Clinic (6-8 pm Monday 12550 SW Second St 503 846-4734) ( U / m Coastal O regon AIDS & HTV Coastal AIDS Network is a community-based orga mzation providing HIV/AIDS prevention education and support services on the central Oregon coast. (2830 NE Highway 101. Lincoln City. OR 97367. 541 994 5597 ) ( U / 00 ) E astern O regon AIDS & HTV Worried about HIV? Free information and testing is available through the Umatilla County Health Department Off-site testing is also available: contact John at 541 -278-5432 (431 SE Third S t . Pendleton 7(11/00) W ashington AIDS & HIV Cascade AIDS Project Vancouver Project pro vides nonmedical services to individuals and communi ties m Southwest Washington These services include support groups, emergency financial assistance, volun­ teer programs, information and referral (Surfe M l00. 1104 Mam St . Vancouver 360-735-9170.H 11/00) PH OTO BY RICH IWASAKI Portland Taiko, an Asian American drumming group, performs with guest artists Obo Addy and Jeffrey Peyton Sept. 8 and 9 at PCPA's Newmark Theater