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Some will wear gowns from the film The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. “Titis element of the show is only a tiny part o f a huge celebration, and for the right-wing reactionar ies— or whatever part of the community is out raged about it— they’re always going to he out raged,” ceremony director Ric Birch told Reuters. SOUTH AFRICA car bomb exploded outside the C ape Town gay bar Bronx on Aug. 20, injuring the doorman and shattering the windows. Activists said four other individuals in front of the club were hurt, hut police could not confirm that. A taxi driver told the SA PA news agency the explosion shot flames two stories high. “ I got one hell o f a fright,” he said. “My heart was still heating fast half an hour later.” Another Cape Town gay club, Blah Bar, was bombed last November. N ine people were injured in that blast. A outh Africa’s Pretoria High Court on Aug. 13 removed a 17-year-old from the custody o f her heterosexual father and sent her to live with her lesbian mother. Judge Eberhard Ber telsmann also overturned a 1993 ruling that restricted the mother and her lover from sleep ing in the same bed when the girl or her broth er were visiting. The girl’s case returned to court after she complained that the father imprisoned her in his house after he read her diary and learned she was having sex with her boyfriend. She also said that she was not allowed to watch television, listen to the radio or use the phone and that her father refused to speak to her, even on her birthday. S % outh A frica’s N a- J tional Coalition for G ay and Lesbian Equal ity is demanding a com mission of inquiry be formed to investigate reports that military doctors tortured hom o sexuals with forced sex- change operations and chem ical castration from the 1970s to 1994. According to the Mail & Guardian, military psychiatrists and chaplains colluded to identify gay I draftees and send them to W ard 22 o f Voor- trekkerhoogte military hospital for “ rehabilita tion.” T h e coalition’s petition is supported by Am nesty Internation al and the South African Council o f Churches. J JA P A N T 'okyo gays expressed surprise and anger Aug. 15 upon learning the first draft of the city gov ernment’s new human rights guidelines contains no mention of them, the Daily Yomiuri reported. G ay groups had been included in hearings where the draft was ham m ered out. A spokesman for Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara said gay issues were excluded from the document because “ the government has not yet received understanding [about homosexuals] from the majority of Tokyo residents.” Masaki Inaba, a spokesm an for the gay group Occur, responded: “A lthough the amount of information available to the public about homo sexuals [has] increased, it is still considered socially O K to pick on hom osexuals and label them second-class citizens. T h is is a result of the lack of information about gays and lesbians. G overnm ent recognition is necessary for the proper measures to he taken.” T he guidelines will he finalized before win ter, the Daily Yomiun said. U N IT E D K IN G D O M B ritain’s Royal A ir Force said Aug. 15 that a 39-year-old helicopter navigator who had a sex-change operation will continue to fly. Flight Lt. Caroline Paige, formerly Eric Cookson, served in Bosnia and the Persian Gulf. “About two years a g o ...l realized 1 was not living my true life— so I decided to do some thing about it,” she told The Sun newspaper. “Now I can’t wait to get back to flying.” PERU O ome residents and politicians in Cusco— for mer capital o f the Inca Empire— are upset after learning the city flag looks just like the gay rainbow flag. Officials are considering changing the design. “Many foreign visitors com e here and feel a little confused at our flag,” M ayor C arlos Valen cia said. “They stare at it, wondering." The Cusco flag and the gay flag Kith were cre ated, independently, in the 1970s. The only dif ference is a light blue strip in the Cusco banner. CANADA L jjal Dosanjh, British Colum bia premier, made history Aug. 6 by becom ing the first