•u t ,15 news i t - A promised to donate 5,000 tickets to gay and les bian organizations next season and to undergo sensitivity training. “We will continue to do the right thing,” Graziano pledged. “We will continue to train our employees. We will continue to offer benefits to all our employees and domestic partners. We will continue to ensure that the nondiscrimination policies in our company are adhered to.” prohibiting “discrimination on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status.” What he failed to mention was that it came with a “don’t ask, don’t tell” stipulation. As soon as student activists announced the new policy in a press release, Bowen abruptly announced that its implementation was being delayed. Since then, they have tried to meet with him. MICHIGAN The students were able to secure a brief ay and lesbian activists are slamming meeting Aug. 22— only to be told to “trust” the J Republican state House Speaker Chuck A&.M administration on this issue and “don’t Perricone’s wife, Jenny, for sending a hateful write any more press releases!” In an Aug. 23 e-mail. The Triangle Foundation says her mes letter faxed to Bowen, the president was urged sage listed the “prerequisites” for being a Demo to reconsider his decision. crat, including believing “the A ID S virus is “Absent a clear, official statement on this spread by a lack of federal funding,” “gender matter, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender roles are artificial but being homosexual is nat students remain vulnerable to unfair and ural” and “homosexual parades displaying drag, unequal treatment and are discouraged from transvestites and bestiality should be constitu reporting victimization to campus or civil authorities,” wrote Elizabeth Toledo, National tionally protected.” Gay and Lesbian Task Force executive direc Perricone told the Kalamazoo Gazette that tor. “Failure to expressly forbid discrimination his wife didn’t mean to forward the e-mail but also sends the message to the campus commu that it was attached to another message. He nity that G L B T people are second-class citi called it “tasteless, crude and without merit. zens and that discrimination against them is Once my wife realized the nature of the e-mail acceptable.” she had received, she immediately apologized to Toledo noted that a number of Texas institu all concerned. She feels badly about this.” tions of higher learning— including the Univer Sean Kosofsky, Triangle Foundation policy sity of Texas at Austin, University of Houston, director, called the e-mail “offensive and irre Rice University, Texas Christian University and sponsible. The Republican Party has attempted Texas Women’s University— have nondiscrimi to posture themselves as ‘compassionate conser nation policies covering sexual orientation. In vatives’ who are tolerant of gays and lesbians, addition, Southern Methodist University has a but the actions o f Perricone show that the party policy banning student harassment on the basis is still living in the dark ages when it comes to of sexual orientation. acceptance and diversity.” on lim ited Edition 4 2 3 5 S h W oodsiock Blvd. • Portland. O R 9 7 2 0 6 503-774-3531 Single in Salem? ( TEXAS f l ay Bowen, Texas A&.M University presi- k dent, unveiled a new policy last month ★ ★ Anxious In Ashland? Yearning in Yaehats? 2 000 alud. www.climbatree.com 9 3 3 SE 3 1 st Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 4 office: 503-238-7617 ★ ★ campaign. I look forward to working with ice President A1 G ore announced her as we continue to fight to widen Aug. 28 that Campbell Spencer the circle of fairness and dignity to has joined his campaign as national include our brothers, sisters, director for gay and lesbian out friends and neighbors in the gay reach. She has almost 10 years o f and lesbian community.” experience working with the gay Prior to joining the Gore/ and lesbian and women’s com Lieberman team, Spencer was munities at both the national and the western field organizer at the state level. Human Rights Campaign in “I am very pleased to have W ashington, D .C . She also Campbell Spencer on our team,” worked in H R C ’s development Gore said. “Her leadership in the Gore department managing the mem community and strong relation bership expansion program for ships with activists throughout the the eastern half of the United States. country will be important assets to this The JUST FRIENDS Voice Personals 900# Is uood statewide. Use it to connect with others in your area. When an ordinary R ealtor sim ply won 7 do... ■ Compiled by Copy Editor JlM R ado STA, who can be reached at jim@justout.com. 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