Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, July 21, 2000, Page 5, Image 5

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july 21. 2000 »
ongoing tirade against Marty Davis, the publish­
er of Just Out.
Let’s see, where to begin... So many letters,
so much name-calling, so much bickering. It’s
time to stop. I thought about tackling various
points brought up in previously printed letters as
well as past columns by Davis. I’ve decided not
to, as taking sides with anyone will just add to
the current derision. Instead, I’m going to focus
on one thing: opinion.
It appears that the opinions of Marty Davis
have sparked the creative thoughts and explo­
sive emotions of quite a few readers. Bravo to
Marty, you’ve kept your readers interested in the
paper. For those writing in to attack her, bravo
to you too, you’re exercising your right to free
But we’re still talking about someone’s opin­
ion, something very subjective and personal. I
don’t believe Davis thinks that she speaks for the
entire community. She writes what is, for the
most part, an editorial column. It’s her take on
things. Everything Marty puts into her column
(behavior, economic justice, etc.) is merely her
opinion. If you disagree with her, that’s fine. I’m
sure that she doesn’t agree with all of her readers
either. But to attack her and say things like “-uck
off” is a bit on the extreme side.
I think some readers take things too serious­
ly. (Note: This would be my opinion.) Rather
than take offense, why not write a piece stating
your take on things (without attacking others)?
There’s too much infighting in the community.
Civilized discussion of issues would be far more
beneficial than what’s currently taking place
(once again, my opinion).
As for Marty’s column, keep it up. I like what
you’re doing.
J oe F erguson
Scouts out off schools
T o the E ditor :
Below is the text of a letter I have sent to the
Portland Board of Education, encouraging them
to stop giving the Boy Scouts special access to
our school system, which I’d like you to consid­
er printing in your letters column. If you do,
please also let your readers know that they can
find the complete text of this letter, as well as
the e-mail addresses of the members of the
Board of Education, at www.teleport.com/
-ennead/portlandscouts.html. It would be terrif­
ic if hundreds of people wrote the Board of Edu­
cation regarding this issue.
To all members of the Board of Education:
Like many people, I was disturbed by the Boy
Scouts’ firing of scoutmaster Jim Dale. Accord-
ing to all accounts, Dale was an exemplary
Scout, and the sole reason the Boy Scouts of
America dismissed him is his homosexuality.
As you know, on June 28 the Supreme Court
overruled New Jersey’s anti-discrimination law,
agreeing with the Boy Scouts of America. In
their arguments before the court, the BSA
asserted that anti-gay beliefs are an essential
message of their organization, and they therefore
have a First Amendment right to fire employees
for being homosexual.
I would never interfere with any organiza­
tion’s First Amendment right to express its
beliefs. However, now that the Boy Scouts have
declared opposition to homosexuality to be one
of their essential principles, it is inappropriate
for the Boy Scouts to be given any assistance by
the Portland school system beyond that given to
any other community group. In particular, the
practice of allowing the Boy Scouts access to an
essentially “captive audience” of students during
school hours should be halted immediately.
That practice has always been questionable,
due to the Boy Scouts’ policy of not allowing
atheist boys to join. However, they have now
piled discrimination against sexual minorities
on top of their discrimination against atheists.
How many groups will the Boy Scouts have to
exclude before Portland Public Schools stops
giving them special assistance?
I appreciate that, as The Oregonian (March
30, 1999) described the Board of Education’s
position, the Boy Scouts’ “emphasis on honesty,
teamwork, leadership and morality” makes them
“just the sort of community group that Portland
wants to engage in its schools.” However, I
doubt you would find it appropriate or accept­
able to help the recruitment efforts of an explic­
itly racist, anti-Semitic, or sexist organization—
even if the organization did significant good
apart from its prejudices. Portland’s lesbian, gay
and atheist citizens have the same right to feel
that their government does not purposely assist
in recruitment of members for an organization
which is explicitly bigoted against them—
which has, in fact, testified before the highest
court in the land that being anti-gay is one of
their central principles.
Therefore, I urge the school board to set an
example and cease offering any assistance to the
Boy Scouts that is not offered to all other com­
munity organizations. Honesty, teamwork and
morality are admirable virtues; but a group that
considers bigotry an essential principle is not
qualified to teach Portland’s children about any
virtue, least of all morality.
B arry D eu tsch
ffliCHElLs RU D D
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