Portland, Oregon FREE Easy does it A conversation, with self­ described Korean American, fag hag, shit starter, girl comic, trash talker and proud slut Margaret Cho by C hristopher D. C uttone 11 m I gay? Am I straight? I’m just slutty. So where’s my parade?” That’s Margaret Cho in her new touring show, I’m the One That I Want. The autobiographical comedy perfor­ mance, which enjoyed an extended off- Broadway run before cracking up audiences around the country, is proof positive that the public wants Cho, too. Cho, who grew up in the madcap milieu of 1970s San Francisco, did her first comedy routine at age 16. In the late ’80s and early ’90s, she stormed the standup scene, won a contest to open a show for then-godlike Jerry Seinfeld, toured on the college cir­ cuit, earned an American Comedy Award and quickly became a national celebrity. In 1994, Cho became the star of All- American Girl, a prime­ time sitcom—the first with an Asian star and mostly Asian cast—based on her comedic rendition of her first-generation immigrant family. Prodded by network execs, she went on a crash diet that nearly killed her and caused permanent damage to her kidneys. The same suits balked at Cho’s version of life as a Korean American—alternately calling it too “ethnic” and not “ethnic” enough—and, despite favorable ratings, canceled the show after one season. Disillusioned by the experience, Cho returned to the standup circuit, performing to sold out audiences while simultaneously enduring a depression that led her to abuse drugs and alcohol. But now she’s back in control and back onstage. I’m the One That I Want, which comes to Portland on May 5 and 6, relates the ups and downs of 31-year-old Cho’s life in the public eye, her TV-land trauma and recovery from its aftermath. The show has won over audiences and critics alike. Cho’s recent gigs are all over the cultural map. She’s on Sesame Street with Big Bird and Prairie Dawn, and she had dinner at the White House with the Clintons and the pres­ ident of South Korea. A longtime fan of Cho’s saucy shtick, 1 jumped at the chance to interview her. We spoke by telephone; here are the high­ lights.... Continued on Page 38