» apra 7, 200Û 50 FOR S A L E COUNSELING r PILLOW TOP QUEEN SIZE BED, frame and headboard— bed 18 months old, spare room, hardly used. Frame and headboard 4 months old. Invested $1100, ask ing $650 OBO for complete set. (503) 257-8386. (4/7) POSH, BUT NOT PRICEY! Almost new, hardly used, giant Pottery Bam “Belvidere” couch. Khaki col ored. Two rows of pillows! $900 OBO. Originally $1600! (503) 775-1947. DENTISTRY 1 1 .... - ---------------------------i • ■ A program o f Phoenix Rising Foundation T eduardo mulero dds pc The Sexual Minority Youth Recreation Center is a drug & alcohol-free space for lesbian, gay, bi, and trans youth, age 23 & under. Come join us. Monday & Wednesday 4-8 pm Friday & Saturday 4- midnight 503.872.9664 Visit w w w .justout.com for links to groups and organizations peral and O S# M • Y • R • C U • Convenient West Side Location • Bleaching t Porcelain Vmwrs •(leanings, fillings, Crowns • Strirt Infection Control 424 E Burnside. Individual and Family Therapy Women and Children Issues Creating a better life through channeling your own inner wisdom. HAIRSTYLISTS (503) 203-6978 • www.muiero.com tita HAIR ZOO E - S HOP P I NG MICHAEL VON ROLLER GEORGE BROCKAMP 724 NW VIST AVENUE PORTLAND OR 97202 PHONE FOR APPOMTMENTS: (503) 220-5000 m ^ 3308 N.E. Peerless Ct. Portland, Oregon 503-331-1819 177-714 • i 2 71 VP Depression, anxiety, mood swings Gay/lesbian/bisexual issues Transgender issues Trauma, family & domestic violence Grief, personal loss Relationship and parenting issues Call 294-1423 for an appointment C u t lid cktek ti u t. We ifftr i lite leltctiii if difftrtil pride iten yoa n y u t fiid ii ynr locil itore. ; . ' :-v'v■ • V - • ’• : Si: '■■■■ 1429 S I Hawthorne Blvd - 231 Hearing « K A J.II1 G A R T S Danahy Sharonrose, MA Life Transforming Counsel Healing Heart and Home BODYWORK FOR MEN: single or duo, incall or outcall. (503) 805-6141, Chris; or 705-7614, Jim. All hours. Couples welcome. (5/5) Peacerose Cottage 503.262.9079 Is your social group or o rg a nization lin ked to justout? EROTIC EMPOWERMENT RITUALS. Downtown office and outcalls. (503) 237-3732. (4/21) Licensed Massaqe for Women w w w .ju s t o u t .c o m 0 H M High quality, balanced, pharmaceutical grade line of nutritional supplements sup port optimal health and strong immune function. To inquire, call Portland area distributor Deanna Tennancour, RN, toll-free: 877-212-8844. H E L P WANT POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY CAMPAIGN 2000 needs a campaign manager. Long hours, hard work. To find more information about us, go to www.geoci- ties.com/Portlandpac2000. To send us your info, mail resume to PO Box 11176, Portland, OR 97211. Affirmative Action Hirer. (4/7) FACILITIES ASSISTANT. Responsible for main tenance of shelter facility and noncash donations. Half time, starts $ 10/hr. Cover letter and resume to Clackamas Womens Services, PO Box 22547, Milwaukie, OR 97269. Closes 5 pm, April 14- Women and people of color encouraged to apply. (4/7) WEB DESIGNER/ASSISTANT WANTED—WEB DESIGN FIRM SEEKS CREATIVE PERSON Seeking part-time assistant for growing Web design firm. Must be comfortable with sites ranging from e-commerce to erotica. Experience with Flash, Dreamweaver, etc. and good HTML, Java, CG1/PERL proficiency. $10/hr. starting. E-mail resume and/or questions to webdesigner<®ironymedia.com. (4/7) www.UnderARainbow.cotn Barbara Limandri, PMHNP Lisa Puma, PMHNP Sharon Stahly, MSW Joan St. Jean, PMHNP Adrienne Wolmark, PhD Chris Dodge, PMHNP Essentials for Healthy Cells A Strong Bodies PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE in grow ing home services organization. Training provided, $10/hour to start. Fax resume (503) 516-9566. (4/7) % Hamilton House Serves Our Community HEALTH CARE CONSTRUCTION HELPER, with some outside work, some physical, flexible background/no experience OK, varied hours, insurance available. (503) 235-1037. (4/21) 21 ST AVENU! STYLE FOR TNI 21 ST CENTURY 1585 SW Marlow Aver #204 KRIS MOORE, RN. MS I Massagesmith 503-493-0332 In-Home, On-Site or Office FT, M inorities e n co u ra g ed to ap p ly A pplication d ea d lin e 4 / 1 0 / 0 0 For app lication p ack et call: 5 0 3 - 3 6 5 -9 6 4 4 Licensed Massage for Women Washington and Oregon Gay Men’s Counseling Services HEALTH CARE 2 3 5 -3 4 3 3 • 12 S.E. 1 4 th Ave. • CONFIDENTIAL S T D / h IV TESTING & TREATMENT «W W iW H W W W W W • HEPATITIS A/B VACCINATION FOR GAY AND BI MEN • Self-Esteem and Assertiveness • Relationship Counseling • Therapy and Support Groups • HIV and Health • Anger Management/Dometic Abuse • CONVENIENT AM & PM APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS • GAY & G A Y -F R IE N D L Y STAFF AND C LIN IC IA N S S T D C L I N I C 426 SW STARK D O W N T O W N O regon C o alitio n A g ain st D o m estic a n d S ex u al V io len ce •Technical Support Director $32,000 annually, plus benefits Amanda Smith, LMP, LMT EITUCCC S tead y FULLTIME E m ploym ent M en*« B ath & Sex Club N e a t—Drug F re e —R e lia b le A pply In P erso n 7 a m -3 p m CLUB PORTLAND 3 0 3 SW 1 2 th Ave -justnrrw N e e d s Part-Tim e D e liv e ry D riv e rs PO R TLA N D Multnimab Caunty Health Department g (503) 248-3700 Community Crossword answers R o b erto O livero , P h .D . CREATING THE BEST Carol A. Carver Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist L O S E A B E L 1 R O C K H G E T S O E S S U I T ’s n o t t o o e a r l y t o look your best fo r s u m m e r 2 0 0 0 ! • • * * Specializing in Lesbian/Gay Clients since 1984 Pioneer Plaza Building 305 SW C, Suite 4 Corvallis, OR 97333 Private Fitness Studio Certified Personal Fitness Trainers Successful Fitness Programs Affordable rates and packages IN EVERYBODY F IVloney is powei*. Support queer business. C it n e s s reators S t u d io 503-241-2844 N D E F E N L E D A F E E S O O S T Y A S I R U R Y T T E C H E O R E \ ROME S E R V I C E S Ascent Tree and Yard €are 707 NE Liberty St. S T F T H I E T E M Contact Katy at 503-236-1252 T E A R Medical Insurance Accepted (541) 757-2066 C L E 1 E A T H O L P u D S O N E C C R E K H A K 1 G U N . v is it US @ w w w .fitn esscre ato rs.co m 1314 NW Irving St., Loft 201 In the Pearl District s T R A Y 1st & 3rd Fridays 4-6 hours per route I V E_R_ N_S_ E D D Y 309-8733 Ornamental Pruning Tree Removal Stump Grinding Roof & Gutter Cleaning CCBfll 30403 Lie.Bond.Insured. 17 Years Exp.