aprii 7,2000 » SCRUMDYDILIUMPTIOUS Mature, sober, attentive, gentle, 19 yo, SNF seeks SF; adorable, outgoing, fun-loving. New to area, maybe you can show me around. Prefers femmie but likes butch too. Box #1575 (4/7) &•> x.x.,:- ,, 1 I I :f.-1 iS P VOICE PERSONAL ADS WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN DECENT WOMAN Me: educated, Pisces, court beyond initial rush, take calcu­ lated risks/not stupid chances, respectful, comedic, irrever­ ence. You: 40s/50s, profession­ al, financially secure, usual nons, dancer, communicator, some same as above. Both: done the work, affectionate, seeking friends with process to LTR. Box #1523 (4/7)_________ SLOW JAM “Are you ready" I am 39 GWF ISO beautiful brown baby age 35/45 who enjoys music, danc­ ing, dinning and delightful con­ versations, w/ sense of humor. So much more baby take my hand. Slow jam together NO, LD, NS. Box #1526 (4/7) I LOVE LIFE I’m GWF over 30, wild, funny, frank, attractive, educated. Love to laugh, sing, play and rise above mediocrity. Interested in someone who knows themself, has a sense of humor and can have fun. Box #1567 (4/7) Submit your own ad for free right now at www.justout.com. I am looking forward to meeting you if you are a lesbian on a spiritual path who like dogs, chocolate and oceans. I am a 32 lesbian who loves all of the above, singing, and celebrating. Box #1563 (4/7)_____________ ORDINARY MAGIC SP woman 44 and great dog, new to area, seeks available P woman 30-50 for loving, gen­ uine, mindful, passionate LTR. Not perfect but evolving, gra­ cious, educated, reflective, refined seeking thoughtful, sophisticated, tender, worldly woman. Serious inquiries only. Box #1569 (4/7)_____________ Athletic femme, SWF, 31. Likes adventure and quiet nights at home. Seeking a responsible woman for shared outdoor activities such as hiking, camp­ ing and softball. Good sense of humor a must. Friendship first. Possible LTR. Box #1572 (4/7) LEZBIDESHIAC SEEKS BUTCH Mature, fun-loving 18 yo female seeks butch. A love for the arts and the outdoors is a must. Looking for someone who is clean and sober to worship my idiosyncrasies. Box #1574 (4/71 SEEKING HOTTIE ROLLERBLADE? 32 yo professional woman Christian, addictions free look­ ing for the same to hike, bike, rollerblade and play all sort of sports with. Box #1564 (4/7) CHARMING, CHIVALROUS, SOFT BUTCH Who is assured, positive, sexy, honest and fit. Seeking pretty femme who enjoys good con­ versation and theater, laughing, dancing and sex. Looking to explore possible LTR. Box #1566(4/71 ___________ Young 50 something couple-. He’s B, she’s not. He's tall, she’s not. She’s Bi, he’s not. Travel, RV, fish, antique, flea markets, and good food. We’re looking to meet a SBiF for fun, adventure and maybe more. Box #1556 m ______________________ SENSUAL MASSAGE & MORE Cute clean cut 35 yo WM, 5’8”, 145, brown/ blue. I look 25 and am STD free. I give a great mas­ sage. Looking for younger 18- 23 y/o males and 18-35 y/o females to practice on. No over­ weights please. Also looking for friendship. Box #1559 (4/7) PROFESSIONAL ANGEL GWF, 28, professional, attrac­ tive, wildly playful yet serious. Analytical, and genuine. Seeking an intelligent, attractive, and self-actualizing woman w/whom I can proceed with caution but experience this life with reckless abandon! Box #1570 (4/7)___ BOW-WOW Fun, friendly, lovelorn puppy dog seeks attractive kind, gentle, compassionate playmate for frolicking, petting, hanging out, food frenzies, intelligent barking sessions, walks in the park; cul­ tural activities; companionship; height/ weight proportionate; no drink or smoke. Box #1573 (4/7) m L A S S I F I E 0 ..... a c c o u n tin g , 4 7 a n im a ls , 47 a tto rn e y s , 4 7 , 4 8 b o d y w o rk , 4 8 c a re e r c o u n s e lin g , 4 8 c e re m o n ie s , 4 8 c h ir o p ra c to rs , 48 c o m p u te rs , 4 8 , 4 9 c o n s u ltin g , 4 9 c o u n se lin g , 4 9 d e n tistry , 50 e -s h o p p in g , 50 fe n g sh u i, 50 fitn ess, 5 0 fo r sale, 5 0 h a irsty lists, 50 h e a lin g arts, 50 h e a lt h c a re , 50 Advertising Deadlines H = Display ad reservation h e lp w a n te d , 50 h o m e serv ices, 50, 51 h o u s in g , 51 in s tru c tio n , 51 in s u ra n c e , 51 ja n ito r ia l, 52 p h o to g ra p h y , 52 p u b lic a n n o u n c e m e n ts , 52 real e s ta te , 52, 53 real e s ta te lo a n s, 53 serv ices, 53 sp iritu ality , 53 ta x serv ices, 53 tra v e l, 53 ju s t friends, 4 6 , 47 ----------- APRIL 11 i t 8 - AA v b = Classified word ads r = Issue comes out \ N i- X '.F -• S - 8 M 1 d. 4 5 6 V 3 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 8 16 17 18 19 2 0 21 22 25 26 ® 1 7 2 (An extended list of deadlines is available at w w w .justout.com .) mmmmmí INDEX 28 29 T W 2 3 11 9 T F 8 4 TF 6 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 2 3 2 4 ® 2 6 27 ». ACCOUNTING WE ................. CLEOPATRAS Looking out for y o u r b est in terest. CAT SITTERS, INC. B onded • Insured • References S in c e 1 9 9 5 Taxes • Bu si nes s Consulting Accounting • Real Estate Taxation for businesses Susan and A. w (503) 233-5155 v ltlt individuals Nestor cAAl ' ATTORNEYS • n v:v- **£ | Certified Public A ccountan t! membership : 44 yo FTM “family” oriented, parent, horse(s) owner, country soul. Light smoker, non drinker. Courteous, spontaneous, intro­ spective, clean, great cook. Edu­ cated, seriously employed, polit­ ically vocal. Unafraid of what others may think. Seeking a woman similar in character for life. Box #1522 (4/7)_________ Young 40 FTM seeking femme girl next door, 30-45, for dating possible LTR. I enjoy life, all I need is YOU. Please be avail­ able, intelligent, fine, and fun. Are you ready?...then call! Box #1557 (4/7)________________ NO LABELS W A S !! FIRED UP FOR FUN! Totally zany socialite looking for energetic, self-motivated similar to take on the world with. Must have positive attitude and tons of enthusiasm, and willing to move in an exciting direction. Box #1558 (4/7)____________ Blocked 900# Access? Now you can bill JUST FRIENDS Voice Personal Ads to your credit or debit card. 1 -8 7 7 -8 0 0 -0 2 1 3 Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants American Institute of Certified F>ubSc Accountants Lvnn H an d lin M arlene Phone: 7 6 1 - 9 2 6 7 SpitaCeri/fHandCin Bookkeeping and Tax Service, Inc. ■ Business & Tax Planning / Preparation ■ Certified Financial & Retirement Planning ■ Full Service Bookkeeping 11916 SE Division Portland, OR 97266 E. F indling A T T O R N E Y AT EA, LTC, CFP shbat8@spritone.com FAX: 503-761-9341 L AW Mediation, Adoption, Divorce, Domestic Partnerships, and other family and relationship matters O ne M ain P lace to i S.W. M ain , S uite 804 P ortland , O regon 97204 e - mail : marfindl @ teleport . com Sm ooth ScuLtU f ßuAiu& U S&uuc&L P hone : 503-224-0077 My G oal is to Help You R each Yours . Hefty Sw PreOp Ts M2F 32 seek­ ing similar, or post op, or under­ standing gg for friendship, walks, coffee, weight-loss part­ ner, potential LTR. Strong les­ bian feelings, would like to explore with the right person. Size/ age/ race unimportant, no drugs/ smoking, light drinking. Box #1555 (4/7)____________ ■ 28 29 3 0 31 telephone: (503) 2 4 5 - 8 0 9 0 PASSIONATE KISSES Mia Hamm and Parker Posey are my ideal women. Too bad they are straight. I’m seeking a les­ bian combination of the two. I’m 31 yo; professional, athletic, spiritual and damn cute. No drugs, smokers, or barflys please. Box #1560 (4/7) Hello, very attractive femme SBL in early 20’s. Health conscience, 5’2”, athletic build. Looking for a mature, secure, stable, kind- hearted, and honest ethnic les- bian. Box #1530 (4/7) Exhibitionist is seeking an audi­ ence! Attractive, fit, 39 BiWM seeks men, women, or couples to get naked and perform as requested. Love to perform for pictures, videos, or in porn movies. Very open-minded so will entertain all ideas. Box #1622(4/21) ___________ ■■■'»........... M it ji M c M u lle n Sm all B u sin ess Specialist 5 0 3 / 2 3 5 -2 9 8 8 Bookkeeping • Consulting • Tax Planning Serving S E / NE Portland since 1988 A N I MA I S Custom Pet Markers Granite - River Rock ~ Cobble Stone Eternal Rem em brance for Pets 3 6 0 .6 9 9 .1 8 1 0 i Designer %pc£s ___ / THE PET SET H:J30-6 M F 9-1 S Socializing in Cat Bathing • Dog and Cat Grooming • Pet Supplies • Cat Boarding 1411 S.VV. 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97201 (503) 241-4051 Place your ad online at mniinnr.justout.com Accident & Injury Claims Divorce & Custody Unmarried Couples Criminal Law & DUI Insurance Law Litigation, State & Federal Wills, Estates, Trusts Incorporation Business Transactions Real Estate AIDS Issues Personnel Policies Workers Compensation Discrimination Wage and Hour Employment Law Conservatorships J nOSWMadinmStmeti S » X ' .