40 J a s * a t t i ’ apnl 7.2000 CULTURE .............. V .............. — — Portland diva reports on gay glam event by S nickers L a B arr SERVING BREAKFAST S even D ays a W eek “A”- ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY P “HOT TICKET"- N e w s w e e k FRIDAY, MAY 5 th and SATURDAY, MAY 6™ • 8 pm CRYSTAL BALLROOM PORTLAND n c w n a d u l a m i a t t t c f o ll o n n n b m c m o i a t l o c a t io n * t ic b a m f y m m . j o m i b a m íy c o n m * t ic c e d a n m m s p u b . t ic m a h m l o c a t io n a n d a t n c CAT'S TAt AALlftO O M B O I O f f « TICKET* AVAHANL i O N U IC AT WWW TICXETWEB COM OAT O f SHOW TICKETS AVAH AM E AT T IC CHTSTAL BALLNOOM B O I O ffic i ONLY. ALL T IC K n S SUBJECT TO A m JC A B U S iN V IC i CHANGES. TINS SNOW • OPEN TO PATNONB AOCS 21 AND OVEN CHARGE by P H O N E: ecs, pom, and paparazzi- Those are three accurate words to describe what happens when Snickers goes to Hollywood. Charmed! Especially when I attended the Gay Video News Awards. This particular event is sponsored by Adult Video News, a trade pub­ lication. Last m onth I packed my Gucci bag and— with my enorrhously talented writer, friend and AVN staff person Darklady— headed off to cover the glamour and glitz of the fifth annual event. This years ceremony was held in the grand ballroom of the Universal Hilton Hotel in Hollywood, Calif. This star-studded industry event honors excellence in the world of gay male sex videos. It acknowledges video production, directing, editing and screenwriting. 1 personally get sooooo excited over award events. I find liquid eyeliner is the only thing that calms my nerves! Oooooooh! The GAYVN event draws hundreds of fans, friends and professionals from the entire movie industry. Arriving at the event is not unlike arriving at the Oscars. The red carpet is over­ flowing with news reporters, cameras, limou­ sines and, of course, pom stars— making it almost impossible to navigate through the crowd. Snickers, being press from out of town, was also interviewed by a television reporter from West Hollywood. T hat was my official ¿ue it was time to start working the crowd as 1 do each year. My first mission was to locate the dinner table where I sat with the AVN staff, judges and screenwriters. Along the way, 1 had to stop and chat with folks, such as renowned veteran pom star Ron Jeremy. Also had a quick hello or photo with legendary actors Cole Tucker and Ken Ryker, as well as video producers Kristen Bjorn and Chi C hi LaRue. 1 know many of you readers who are avid adult gay video viewers will recognize and/or visualize the above- mentioned. Charmed! After locating my table, I spotted a few more people 1 wanted to meet and talk with. Fortunately, I made my way backstage to have an exclusive chat with the host of the event, Bruce Vilanch. He is a comedy writer, most vis­ ible on Hollywood Squares. Bruce was very per­ sonable and cool as a cucumber as we talked— while he ate a banana for that last boost of energy before he began to emcee. She really was a hoot, if you know what I mean. There are no secrets here. Soon, the music swelled and a booming voice announced 10 minutes until show time. (503) 225.0047 x239 FWJM m A t that point, I decided to snatch a m artini and get situated to watch the presentation and enjoy the exquisite dinner. So I sashayed past the table where Cam ryn M anheim from the hit series The Practice was sitting. W hat a sweet­ heart she was, constantly making herself avail­ able for photos and conversation. I think everyone has a crush on Camryn. (N o, she was not wearing a tight corset th at sent her undu­ lating cleavage to the sky.) Next, 1 passed by the tables that had packed around them the men of Falcon Studios. A nd then the ones with the M en of Odyssey; C atalina Video guys and the remarkably chis­ eled men from C olt Studios. By this time 1 was so overwhelmed, I needed to sit down. A case of the vapors for sure. T he show began. T he dinner of salmon and steak with all the trim ­ mings was as well-cut as most of the m en in the room. T he two-hours-plus award ceremony and show was eye candy for sure. I just want to share with you three winners among the many, P H O TO S BY S N IC K E R S M onday through Friday: 7:()()am to 10:30am Saturday: 7:00am to 11:30am Sunday:7:00am to 12:30pm many cate­ gories. Best gay video: Dream Team. Best gay per- _________________ former of the year: Jack Simmons. Best newcomer: Spike. As my heart, eyelashes and libido fluttered nonstop, I found myself wondering what I would wear next year. How ironic— 1 dress up to go to work, and most of the people in the room undress to go to work! G o figger! I S nickers L a B arr is a star o f Portland-area cable access television; check your local listings for show times. She welcomes messages on her voice mad, (503) 727-2491. Check out her faboo Inter­ net site, www.labarr.com.