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M an’s fear of homosexuality is the fear that we all have the potential to be gay; that like a vampire’s bite, it only takes one homosexual sex act to convert an otherwise “straight” person into a homosexual. The second fear is that pro creation would cease; no more babies. Both fears ignore the unique place each of us occupies in G od’s perfect balance. It is God who decided that there would be a range, a balance on the continuum of male/femaleness. One does not choose to be homosexual, rather one is bom with his or her place on the continuum of sexuality. Any attempts to disturb the balance that G od created through genetic engineering, etc., will only result in pain for us all. When we can accept G od’s continuum, with its range of sexuality, then we can celebrate all of life, and not have to be ashamed or threat ened by any of G o d ’s creation. One thing is true and can not be refuted: God does not support hatred. Hie lowdown on volunteers To t h e E d it o r : In response to all the letters to the editor regarding volunteering for Pride Northwest, 1 want to apologize on behalf of the board to those folks who have tried to volunteer and have not been called back. It is our new policy that volunteers be called back within 72 hours. This is made possible by our new volunteer coordinator, Karen Kroll. It is our goal to make first contact with everyone who calls our voice mail as soon as possible. After that, Karen will forward your information to the appropriate committee head. At that point, it may take some time for the committee head to get back to you. Please don’t take this personally. We think our volunteers are very important. However, we need the vast majority of our volunteers on June 16, 17 and 18 for security, festival setup, parade coordination, and trash patrol. To make the event run smoothly, we need about 100 people involved on those three days in June, but before then our volunteer needs are minimal. We will do our best to make contact with you as soon as possible. If you haven’t heard from Karen within a week, please call us again and let us know that we have missed you. If you want to be part of this event, please call our voice mail, or check out our Web site at J e f f r e y M . C o h e n www.pridenw.com. If you are interested in let Portland ting us know what you think, or getting involved with the planning stages of Pride 2000, our board meetings are open, and they are held Thanks and goodbye at Portland State University in Smith Memori To t h e E d i t o r : al Center, Room 323, at 6:30 on Thursday I’d like to take this opportunity to say nights. Please join us. farewell and thank you. Just Out is undergoing a redesign and will no longer publish “The Ama J es N elso n zon Trail.” Pride Northwest Board Chair The column started running in Just Out Portland when the paper was in its infancy and, as a mat ter of fact, Just Out inspired “The Amazon Trail." Over the years I’ve appreciated the sup A perfect balance port, loyalty and fun I’ve had with the publish To t h e E d i t o r : ers, editors and staff. There is no maleness or femaleness as most I will especially miss this means of communi of us have defined sexuality. Rather, God creat cating with so many gay Oregonians. You’ve ed a range of sexuality that is reflected in the been warm and appreciative readers, and I perfect balance of all life on earth. thank you for the letters, posts and even friend Each of us is bom with his or her place pre ships that have come out of touching one determined by genes as to their place on the sex another’s lives. ual continuum. “The Amazon Trail” continues to run in H JQ Q ijI Feeling philosophical, our reporter set out to delve into the minds of readers with the question: If you had a chance for a one-on-one conversation with any famous or historical person, living or dead, whom would you pick and why?” j ZQ(j Q C j l backstage passes. See the web site for details and the chance to win other prizes Sweepstakes ends April 14,2000. Enter today! www.planetout.com/sweepstakes •qua rod ^TPIanetOut .com www.planeTour.com | AOL Keyword: PlanetOut No Purchase Necessary Open only to legal residents of the US, 18 years or older. Void m FL, HI, AK 8 PR 8 where prohibited by law Sweepstakes ends 4/14/00 To obtain full official rules, send SASE to Equality Rocks Sweepstakes, PC Bo* 647, Sayreville. NJ 08871-0647 WA 8 VT residents may omit return postaqe Odds Of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received PRIZES: (1) Grand Prize 4 day/3 night trip for two to Washington D C to attend thelEquality Rocks Concert Trip includes two tickets to the Equality Rocks Concert on April 29, 2000, round trip coach air transportation for two from major airport closest to Winner’s home & hotel accommodations A p p ro b a te Retail Value (ARV) *2 .5 0 0 (1) Second Prize Digital camera (ARV) 1500 (5) Third Prize Digital music player (ARV) *3 0 0 each Total value of all prizes 14.500 Grand Prize winner 8 guest must depart on 4/2 8/0 0 8 return on 5 1 /0 0 If winner cannot travel at this time, the prize will be forfeited a an alternate winner will be selected To receive the names of the winners available after 4/23/00, mail a self addressed stamned envelope by 5 2 6 /0 0 to Equality Rocks Winners PO Bo* 707, Sayreville, NJ 08871 0707. S am A dam s J e f f F is h e r Portland P o rtlan d Chief of Staff to Mayor Vera Katz “I would pick Abra ham Lincoln, as I can think of no leader who has had more dif ficult tasks to face." G raph ic designer “I’d talk with Hillary Rodham Clinton and ask her, ‘Why the hell are you still with that man?’ ” C lay C a r p e n t e r W Portland P o rtlan d Salesman from hell “ Exciting " “A1 G ore...I’d like to find out just what the hell he’s doing— his campaign has run amok.” “Bill Gates, because he has a zillion dollars and I want 400 mil' lion dollars.” il l ia m P olson