Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 07, 2000, Page 33, Image 33

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aprii 7, 2000 » J a f ■ !* 33
Metro: M ental Health
H clio« C ounseling offers mental health services to
the lesbian, gay. bisexual, and trans communities. (525
NE Oregon St.. Suite 220. Portland. OR 97232.
¿031238 0780.) (5/00)
Metro: Recovery
ny Length * G ay A A is a group fo r gay men that
ets to discuss their sobriety Sundays at 10 am at
i Samaritan Hospital. (1040 N W 22nd Ave., 6th
; meeting room 8 J (5/00)
va and L at Live C lu b holds 12 step meetings and
jc ia l activities for the lesbian and gay recovery commu­
nity Call for current meeting times and activities.
40-A SE Belmont St. 15031238-6091.)(4/00)
i Lunch Bunch hosts AA meetings for gays and
ans. but is open to everyone. M eetings daily at
i except Sundays at 1 pm. (M etropolitan
nmumty Church o f Portland. 2400 NE Broadway,
nter on the north side o f the building.) (5/00)
sinbow A l-A non meets Thursdays at 6 pm at the
/ICC Church, NW 24th Ave. and Broadway. (15031222-
5756). (5/00)
Willamette Valley: Health
Vom anapac* provides a 24-hour hot line and shelter
or women and children who have been abused physical-
, sexually, or emotionally. Also hosts a lesbian and
»sexual women's support group. (Cnsis: 15411
5-6513. business: 15411485-8232. lesbian alliance:
\1541] 302-2417.) (4/00)
IW .W .V.V.'
tetro: A rts & Music
i W ednesday S o c ia l is a potluck fo r HIV+ peo-
> and their fnends. (Contact Phillip at (5031234-1811.)
! P ortland Lesbian C h o ir welcomes supportive
nembers and volunteers. (15031241 -8994.) (5/00)
C ocksu re is a social group for female-bom, gender
variant people including FTMs, transguys, genderqueer-
sand significant others. We are based in Portland and
welcome folks from Oregon and Washington. For more
info about our monthly meetings and e-mail network, call
(503) 471-1515. (5/00)
D ip stic k Lesbians and D ykes w ith H ot Rods
invite women with cod cars to go cruisin' with them.
(Rachel 15031 735-1184. Devioune (5031289-3104.)
F irs t W ednesday S o cial is a potluck for HIV+ peo­
ple and their fnends. (Phillip [5031234-1811.) (5/00)
G en tle G iants o f O regon is a group dedicated to
providing an accepting, social environment for chubby
men. and the men who like them that way. (15031241-
4535 or www.chubnet.net/gentlegiants) (5/00)
H o o d lan d /M o u n t Hood w om yn are building a per­
sonal and professional community. Alcohd and drug-free
social activities and networking. (Kim (5031 701-8302.)
Im p eria l S overeign Rose C o u rt o f O regon is a
nonprofit social organization dedicated to raising money
for charities within the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans
community. ISRC Event Hotline lists upcoming events.
(15031306-0700. ISRC@aol.com.
An informal L eath er N ig ht and Red H anky S ocial
are held the first and third Friday o f each month. (9 pm-
12 am at the Dirty Duck Tavern, 439 N W Third Ave.
(5031224-8446. PDXSaltyDg@aol.com)(5/00)
Jew ish G ay M en's G roup—call for meeting time
and place. ((5031246-5939, efraimlevt@aol.com.) (5/00)
L a ir D ungeon hosts monthly discussion groups and
separate men's, women's and pansexual B /D /S /M par­
ties. Refer to web site for schedule.
(www.hawkenet.com /lairofthe/wolf.htm l.) (5/00)
Lesbians Enjoying th e S ciences is a fun loving
group of women who enjoy explonng all aspects of the
environment. Activities include bird watching, nature
walks, archaeology, rock collecting, camping, kayaking,
star gazing, an occasional"lecture" and a monthly plan­
ning potluck. No experience necessary. (6:45-8:30 pm
second Thursday planning meeting. (5031639-8936 or
(5031466-0058 or e-mail to lespnw@aol.com.) (5/00)
Lesbian social group fo r w om en SO and over
meets on the third Saturday of the month. (4-7pm.
15031281 -4424. (5031331-0415.) (4/00)
P ortlan d B isexual W omen is a support and discus­
sion group for bisexual and questioning women. Women
of any race, age or national origin are encouraged to
attend. (7-9 pm second Friday at Common Ground
Wellness Center. 2926 NE Flanders St. 5.30- 7.45 pm
fourth Sunday at It 's My Pleasure. 3106 NE 64th Ave.
$2 donation. (5031283-6433 ) (4/00)
P ortland Leather A llian ce is a pansexual. not-for-
profit organization dedicated to fostering a positive com­
munity for safe. sane, and consensual alternative adult
sexualities in general and S /M /leather/fetish in particu­
lar. (15031 727-3148. www pdxleatheralliance.org.)
Portland M etro P rim e Tim ers is a social group for
men. (PO Box 5884. Portland. OR 97228.15031244-
7550 or (3601254-1718. pdxpnmetimers@yahoo.com.)
PSU Q ueers and A llies invites everyone to partici­
pate in activities and meetings. Educational and social
programming, support and referral services for persons
of all orientations and colors. (441A Smith Memonal
Center, Portland State University campus. E-mail: queer-
sandallies@mail.pdx. edu.
(5031 725-5681.) (4/00)
Rose C ity D iscussion C lub, the largest open pan­
sexual club in the Northwest, is open to all orientations,
fetishes and lifestyles that are safe, sane and consensu­
al. Monthly meetings, workshops, and newsletter.
(15031650-7052. rcdc@teleport.com,
www.teleport.com/-rcdc.) (4/00)
Together W orks, a confidential group for lesbians,
gays, bisexuals, and friends, meets for socials and dis­
cussions of topics of mutual interest. Meets second and
fourth Mondays. (7:30pm May-Sept.. 7 pm Oct.-April.
First Baptist Church, 125 SE Cowls St.. McMinnville.
Don (5031434 6266.) (4/00)
Metro: Physical Recreation
The A dventure G roup. Portland's gay and lesbian
outdoors group, organizes a variety of activities and
social events including hiking, skiing, mountain biking,
camping and rafting. (15031452-5680. www.adventure-
group.org.) (5/00)
B o rd er R iders M o to rcycle C tu b . the largest
motorcycle club for gay men and friends in W estern
Canada and the Pacific Northwest, hosts day runs and
camping events, (bcbiker@yahoo.com, www.bordemd-
ers.org.) (4/00)
Lssbian Garden C lub is a social group that
tackles major gardening projects in members'
gardens, holds social events and visits vanous
gardens and nursenes throughout the year.
(Nicki. (5031287-6120.) (4/00)
O ut D ancing teaches partner dancing for
same-sex couples at Sally Mack's School of
Dance. Classes for different dance styles start
the first Friday of each month.
(15031236-5129.) (5/00)
PD X Rain R iders is Portland's gay and les­
bian motorcycle club. (15031641-6452.
www.gaypdx.com/rainnders.) (4/00)
Portland G ay M en's C horus is open to singers.
I support members and volunteers (15031460-3689.
www.pdxgmc.org.) (4/00)
The Real C onnection is a social gathering fo r gay
I men who are artists, w riters, musicians or who pursue
I some creative activity. Monthly potlucks on the second
Fnday. (Todd (5031236-5763.) (4/00)
Rose C ity G ay Freedom B and is a concert band
open to lesbian, gay. transgendered, bi and supportive
musicians and friends. (PO Box 1082, Portland. OR
97207 (5031790-2170.
http://communityoregonhve.com/cc/rcgfb.) (4/00)
Metro: General
Bisexual C om m unity Forum is an age- and gender
inclusive social, support and education network founded
m 1980 Activities include dances, potlucks. field trips
and a polyamory interest group M eetings are held on
the second and fourth Wednesdays (7 3 0 pm at Utopia
Cafe. 3320 SE Belmont St Laury (5031285-4848 )
B rother to B ro th er is a family of African-American
gay and bisexual men dedicated to the empowerment
of. and improvement in the quality of Me within our com­
munity Activities include FRIENDS, a weekly support
and discussion group that meets Wednesdays 5-7 pm.
Board meetings every third Monday of the month at
5 30 pm (Brian. PO Box 3182. Portland. OR 97208
(5031417- 7991.) (4/00)
Lulu's Pervy Playhouse is a social group for
self-identifying women who are into SM Play parties are
held on the second Saturday of the month. (luluhst@hot■
mailcom. www ¡ps. net/wynter/luluspage. html,
(5031231-3992) (05/00)
N o rth w est G ender A llian ce is a social and support
organization for cross-dressers and transsexuals
Monthly open meetings and socials (PO Box 4928.
Portland. OR 97208. (5031646 2802
wwwteleport.com/-nwga.) (4/00)
O regon B ears is a social group for bears and their
admirers Newsletter, activities and monthly social gath­
erings. (15031240-2813. www oregonbears org ) (4/00)
O R G A N (O regon Regional Gay and N aked) is a
social club for nude men who enjoy being gay Monthly
potlucks and events Guests are mvited to attend two
events before deciding on membership (ORGAN. PO
Box 14174. Portland. OR 97293-0174.) (4/00)
P o rtlan d B isexual A llian ce hosts social and politi­
cal events for bisexual and tx-friendty people Organizes
Portland Bi Day rally and publishes calendar of bi
events. Mixed gender discussion groups are held 7 pm
on the first and third Fridays of the month at Laughing
Horse Books. 3652 SE Division St. Open to all
(15031775-9717. pbaObiportlandorg.
mrw.Nporttand.org.) (5/00)
P ortland Gay and Lesbian C om m unity
B ow ling A ssociation bowls Sundays at 4
pm at Hollywood Lanes. 40th Ave. and Halsey
St. iP O Box 80002. Portland. OR 97280-1002
(5031293-0438 BOWLpdx@aolcom
http.//members. aol com/BOWLpdx/pcba html.) (5/00)
l i g a -*6
u _
K -9 C lub is a group of kindred folks and their
dogs who meet to hike and talk in Portland
parks on the second Sunday of each month.
((5031285-2986.) (4/00)
Long Yang C lu b—P ortlan d C hap ter a social
group for Asian gays and lesbians and their friends,
meets at 8 pm on the first Wednesday and third Sunday
of each month at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse. (15031963-
1841.) (5/00)
( 11 / 00 )
FO REST G roup outings are cooperative
adventures for women. Participants are respon­
sible for providing their own equipment and
choosing outings appropriate for their skill and
fitness level. All skill levels welcome.
(15031286-5382. www.odin.cc.pdx.edu/~gijm)
Infidelity, infertility and incompatibility
are just a few of the themes of
Cun shy, a production of ^
Portland Center Stage
through April 22
Community Crossword
1 Word before face
or heart
5 Be unfaithful to
your fever
10 Staff symbol
14 First fratricide victim
15 Michelangelo sculpture
16 Courtney s group
17 Gay actor of many
19 “___homo!"
20 Forget to use the KY?
21 Army pants
23 First letter in "straight"
24 ‘69 Western of 17-
Across, with "The*
27 Before, in poetry
28 NY Met or LA Dodger
55 Outburst from
Homer Simpson
25 Lasts and lasts
58 More like many honor
27 G et to work on Ttmtf
59 Spaghetti sauce sea­
30 Rocker Brian
26 Right side of an army
29 School transport
31 Org. for souls on ice
61 “You can say that
33 Playing marble'
62 See 29-Across
35 Dunces
65 Long sigh of longing
36 Big Ten Conf. member
66 “And on this farm he
had a chicken,___*
37 Elton John title
67 Noisy clamors
40 Coltis
68 Flesh producer Warhol
45 Sound systems
69 Cherries' leftovers
48 Spasms, like orgasms
70 Jacuzzi effect
50 Title in Song o f
the South
51 Lesbian-feminist
word for a female
1 Condom size everyone
claims to need
38 Take a stab at
52 *
you feud
and clear!*
29 With 62-Across, ‘52
Western of 17-Across
2 Double-reed instruments
32 20th century
art movement
3 Groups that sound
like screwing
34 Cock site
4 "Homy* animals
39 Not with 4
5 Rejected by one’s fever
41 With 46-Across, *53
Western of 17-Across
6 Helped to get by, with
42 The PLO 8 Arafat
7 Legal matters
43 Conductor Georg
8 From
44 Races where Torah
scrolls are kept
9 Civil W ar soldier
58 Explorer Vasco d a ___
10 Unfaithful fever
46 See 41-Across
11 Gay-pom star Richard
60 André, who defended
homosexuality in
47 Politically »»correct
12 Movie with Moor
Southern Oregon: Social
49 Ted's network (abbr.)
13 Professional charges
AbdUI-EINs Lam bda C om m unity C en ter hosts
social events and groups Call for schedule. (Maàng
address PO Box 927 Ashland. OR 97520. Location
281 Fourth St.. Ashland. OR 97520. (5411488-6990.
lambdacntr@aol com. www aekxa org. ) (4/00)
51 7 3 Western of
18 Happy or zero follower
R osetow n R am blers. Portland's gay and lesbian
square dance club, dances at mainstream, plus and
advanced levels (PO Box 5352, Portland. OR
97228-5352 (5031234-9944.
www. rdrop com/users/ramblers.) (5/00)
S ki O u t is a LGBT ski club with outings twice monthly
to Mt. Hood and other destinations. Join us for downhill
and cross-country skiing, snow boarding or lodge loung­
ing. (15031973-3441. www skiout org.) (05/00)
Team P ortlan d Tennis A ssociation plays every
Sunday 8 am-noon at the University of Portland. Women
and men players of all skill levels are welcome (Alex
Godinez (5031282 7210 ) (4/00)
Team Q uest, the athletic and exercise program of
Project Quest, offers individual and group, indoor and
outdoor physical recreation opportunities for people liv­
ing with HIV and AIDS (150314930288 ) (4/00)
53 Silly goose
54 "Run___* (1961
Bobby Vee hit)
55 Biblical Jonathan's
lover, by some
56 W here a top lays?
57 Word for the fox­
hunting set
63 In shape
64 W here drivers
go swinging
22 Gay-rights activist Hay