2 6 J n t a a t ' aprii 7. 2ûûû furniture and accessories for a child's home 1517 NE Broadway 281-5516 Open M on-Sat 10-6 Sun 12-5 A Class Act 2 0 0 0 - Classic Jazz The 6th annual classical musk and decadent dessert revue benefiting the Bill and Ann Shepherd Legal Scholarship dedkated to keeping Oregon a hate-free state. Featuring Legendary jazz Man Skip Elliott Bowman and a few of his friends Also check out M Fund of Equity Foundation. Helping 3rd year law students VOICE PERSONAL ADS see page i Makecal Friday April 28th 8 :0 0 p.m. The Old Church Make a date Go get direr Enw D it Pages 36 &. 38 Holly Zapf, ND 1422 SW 11th Portland, Oregon Naturopathic Physician Tickets S 25.00 In odvonce $ 3 0 .0 0 At the door Specialty in Ticket Locations Classical Homeopathy Balloons on Broadway • Gai-Pied c tìJTTf for all ages Information: (5 0 3 ) 2 4 4 -3 2 2 5 •« n v o 2 0 0 ^ N E 'f i n d A v e n u e Portland, O R ^721} cA (A ass 2 Blocks North o f Sandy (5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -1 8 8 8 (800) 843-6793 Effective for ADD, bed wetting, chronic illness & other family challenges. 823 NE Broadway Portland, Oregon 97232 503/460-0630 Be Sure They’re Secure. Eddy K. Hauff Children are the most precious gifts in our lives. Help make sure their financial future will always be bright office 503-281-5880 cell 503-752-3780 with valuable information from AMERICAN FAMILY American Family Life Insurance See my Classified Company! __________ HEALTH U ff AUTO n om iRO, a d w a y I i L BARRE’ L O F I