Just out. (Portland, OR) 1983-2013, April 07, 2000, Page 21, Image 21

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criminal, while in a further 19, discriminatory
sexual-offenses provisions remain on the statute
Only nine of the Council of Europe’s 41
member states ban anti-gay discrimination in
the workplace, and only seven have registered-
partnership laws.
he New Zealand networks TV3 and TV4
refused to air ads for the gay magazine
OUT! during local broadcasts of the ground­
breaking British series Queer as Folk.
The networks are owned by the Canadian
company CanWest Global Communications
The networks’ public relations manager,
Michele Camilleri, told Wockner News the ads
had been rated for post-midnight-only viewing
by the Television Commercial Approvals
Bureau, and that it is network policy to “usual­
ly” follow the bureau’s recommendations.
“We are the only network in New Zealand
that would commit to screening Queer as Folk,
so it’s a little unfair [to pick on us],” said Camil­
leri. “We have to follow the TCAB.”
OUT! publisher Tony Katavich said he had
no idea how the ads caused offense, adding they
were merely .still-slides of the magazine’s cover.
(The magazine often features shirtless models on
its cover.)
Meanwhile Queer as Folk, which began air­
ing March 8, contains very explicit sex and lan­
For example, when one character comes out
to his parents and
his young nephews,
he says: “I’m queer.
I’m gay. I’m homo­
sexual. I’m a poof,
I’m a poofter, I’m a
ponce. I’m a bum-
boy, batty-boy, back­
side-artist bugger.... 1 suck and I’m sucked. I rim
them and wank them, and every single man’s
had the flickin’ time of his life. And I am not a
Camilleri said some of the language and sex
scenes had to be edited to meet New Zealand’s
broadcast television standards.
our times more Russians contracted HIV in
1999 than in 1998, the health ministry’s
AIDS specialist, Irina Savchenko, said March 2.
An estimated 30,000 people with HIV are
now officially registered, half of whom contract­
ed the virus last year.
Ninety percent of those infected are young
intravenous drug users, Savchenko said.
The health ministry is preparing to launch a
new campaign together with Doctors Without
Borders to promote safer sex and discourage drug
use, officials said.
ll three candidates for mayor of London
said March 5 that police should cease
harassment and arrests of men who have dis­
creet sex in washrooms, darkened parks and
other cruising locations.
In a meeting at the National Film Theatre
sponsored by the Gay
and Lesbian London
group, Labour’s Frank
Dobson said: “If they
[the cops] are wasting
their time roaming
around public lavato­
ries or raiding clubs,
they ought to have
something better to
do. It is the voyeur
element which drives people on. They should
not need to wear a uniform to do it.”
Liberal Democrat Susan Kramer said: “We
have to recognize when we allow little bits of
intolerance, that begins to legitimize discrimina­
tion, which at its extreme end leads to homo­
phobia and hate crimes.”
Tory Steve Norris echoed: “I am personally
upset by police intervention in perfectly con­
sensual arrangements. I also believe the [police]
disciplinary code should be amended so that
internal homophobic activity is dealt with in
the same way as racist offenses.”
London’s estimated half-million gay men
and lesbians are considered an important voting
ix members of the gay group OutRage
zapped Scottish Roman Catholic Cardinal
Thomas Winning as he spoke at St. Mary’s
Catholic Church Hall in London on March 7.
The protesters surrounded Winning and
hoisted posters reading “Stop crucifying queers”
and “Apologise for church homophobia.”
Activist Peter Tatchell snatched away the
microphone and denounced Winning’s support
for anti-gay laws.
Protester Huw Williams screamed: “It’s about
time you stopped supporting discrimination!”
Church workers ripped down the placards
and tried unsuccessfully to hustle the protesters
off the platform. The police were called and
eventually the demonstrators left peacefully.
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■ Compiled by R ex WOCKNER , who has reported
for the gay press since 1985. Fie has a bachelor’s
degree in journalism from Drake University and
started his career as a radio reporter.
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