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bout 600,000 people crowded Sydneys
rainy gay quarter March 4 for the famous
Mardi Gras celebration.
The parade, in its 23rd year, featured 200
floats and about 7,200 marchers.
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he Ontario Human Rights Commission
fined a born-again Christian printer $3,400
on March 2 for refusing to print letterhead for
the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives.
Scott Brockie said he refused the work
because his religious beliefs prevent
him from promoting homo­
But a commission board of
inquiry found that being forced
to adhere to provincial anti-
discrimination laws is a “rea­
sonable limit on Mr. Broc­
kie s religious beliefs.”
Chief Commissioner
Keith Norton noted: “It is
important for every busi­
ness in Ontario to know
that when they offer ser­
vices to the general pub­
lic, they cannot exclude
some clients.”
Brockie plans to appeal the decision, reports
the Toronto Sun.
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“The whole point of the Mardi Gras is actu­
ally not about producing acceptable, palatable
images to the broader community,” explained
event organizer David McLachlan. “[It allows
queers to] express their confidence in who they
are by indeed not, for once, at all compromising
about what they feel and what they want to pre­
sent to the world. Tonight is very much about
the lesbian and gay community of Australia
really having the time of its life.”
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hina now has 150 gay Internet sites, and
the largest one—Guangzhou Comrade, at
www.gztz.org— has pulled in more than 1 mil­
lion visitors, The Baltimore Sun reported Feb. 27.
According to the newspaper, “Collectively,
the Web pages are accelerating the develop­
ment of a nascent gay community in a country
where homosexuality remains largely taboo and
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he Inter-Am erican Commission on
Human Rights in Washington, D.C., has
told the government of El Salvador to supply
anti-HIV medications to 26 Salvadorans who
petitioned the body last September.
In a temporary' ruling, which will remain in
effect for six months while the case proceeds,
the commission instructed the government to
“provide medical attention necessary to protect
the life and health of Jorge Odir Miranda Cortez
and the other 25 aforementioned people."
As a signatory to the 1969 American Con­
vention on H um an Rights, El Salvador is
expected to comply with
the ruling. (El Salvador is
a member of the Organiza­
tion of American States, a
multinational group estab­
lished in 1951 to promote
cooperation and solve
political, juridical and eco­
nomic problems am ong
nations in North and South America. O A S cre­
ated the human rights commission in 1959.)
A t least 1,500 other Salvadorans are
believed to need anti-HIV treatment. Only
about a third of them are insured by the gov­
ernment health agency.
“It will he very important to see how this
plays out,” said A ID S activist Richard Stem,
who is based in C osta Rica. “This situation is
parallel to that in many Latin countries where
only a relatively small percentage of individuals
have access to the social health system.”
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Nationwide Newsgroups Website
the leadership has little tolerance for indepen­
dent organizations.”
Another popular site, Red Dust, provides
maps showing gay meeting places in major cities
at www.nease.net/~jwind/.
comprehensive study of anti-gay discrimi­
nation in Europe finds that “discrimina­
tion against lesbian, gay and bisexual persons
remains endemic and extremely serious," says
the International Lesbian and G ay Association,
which conducted the research.
The study was undertaken to create a report
for the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assem­
bly’s Legal Affairs and Human Rights Commit­
tee, which is preparing recommendations on
combating homophobia.
In a statement, ILG A said: “Homophobic
violence is common, even in countries like Swe­
den which are world leaders in their support for
lesbian and gay rights. Many states are them­
selves guilty of oppression and discrimination.
For example, in three European countries or ter­
ritorial entities, same-sex relationships remain
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