Last chance to see the show Do Jump! Extremely Physical Theater is taking to Broadway next month Today only at the Echo Theatre (2 pm 1515 SE 37th Ave $17 adults. $13 kids and seniors 503-231-1232) Those fey fellows, the Radical Fairies hold a monthly potluck dinner (6 30 pm. Call Elderberry and Swamplilly for direc tions 503-788-7915.) The Lesbian Community Project holds an Open House Chat nosted by Kathleen Saadat at the LCP office Learn about the early days and share visions of the future (2-5 pm 1001 E Burfiside St. 503-233-3913 ) Mold growing between your toes? Get outta the house1 Join the Adventure Group on a hike at Silver Falls State Park march (503-452-5680) It's My Pleasure offers an introductory class. SM 101 , taught by 'Desta. (6 pm. 3106 NE 64th Ave. Free. Preregister: 503-280-8080) © F riday The Long Yang Club a social group for Asian gay men and lesbians and their fnends. meets on the first Wednesday and third Sunday o f each month at 3 Fnends Coffeehouse. (8 pm 503-963-1841. Wear your green and jig the night away at the St. Patty's Day Dance at the Egyptian Club (3701 SE Division St $4 503-236-8689) New gal in town, "Is it Blarney or is it physics?" is the title of a presentation at this meeting of lesbian singer Jody Crocker Lesbians Enjoying the Sciences (7 pm Call 503-287-0657 for details) Like your music with a laugh track? Check out Melinda & the Angels in W onderbroads a revue about the babes ands broads who broke the rules of the 20th century Plays tonight and Saturday at the Scottish Rite Center (709 SW 15th Ave $16-$181503-288-5181 or Fastixx).) The Portland Bisexual Alliance discus sion group meets to talk about men and bisex uality Open to all. (7-9 pm at Laughing Horse Books. 3652 SE Division St Bi-Une 503-775-9717.) bnngs her guitar and plays just about any song you can think of every Saturday night at the women's club Choices Pub. (9 pm 2845 SE Stark St. 503-236-4321) Get your weekend off to a rousing s ta rt- catch up with the Adventure Group every Saturday morning for the Fun Run/Walk along Portland's waterfront. Meet at the for mer River Queen Restaurant parking tot at 10 am for a two-mile to six-mile run or walk open to all skill levels (Don 503-224-6747.) o M onday Magic is afoot at the Radical Fames Full Northeast 44th Avenue and Sandy Boulevani RSVP 503-7360194) Need some help making a match? Check out Misha's Make-A-Date at Boxxes (9pm 1035 SkV Stark S t Free 503-226-4171.) o W ednesday Feel a need for speed— and hooky? Go downhill skiing with the Adventure Group at M ount Hood Meadows (7:30 am 503-452-5680) o T hursday The Portland Bisexual Alliance nvites you to Bisexual Bowling Night at the Hollywood Bowl. (7 pm. 4030 NE Halsey St Bi-Line 503-775-9717 ) o F riday Single and searchin? Try the Traffic Jam Friday dance at the Egyptian Club Color- coded stickers identify various categories of availability. (9 pm. 3701 SE Division St. 503-236-8689) In O ther W ords hosts readings by 1999 recipi ents of the Oregon Literary Fellowships for Women (7 30 pm 3734 SE Hawthorne B M . 503-232-6003 ) Moon Heart Circle Calling all book worm s to the (Blackhead 503-284-6876.) Literary Triangle a Join MenTalk of Vancouver for a discus sion from 7 to 9 pm. (Peter 360-576-6595. Men TalkofVanc WA Qwebtv net.) The Bisexual Community Forum hosts a discussion of polyamorous bisexuality at Mojo's Coffee Den (7 30 pm. 2853 SE Stark St 503-285-4848 ) monthly book group for the queer crowd at Barnes & Noble Lloyd Center Tonight the group discusses Bittersweet and the science fiction book Bending the Landscape (7 pm. 1231 NE Broadway. 503-331-1307 ) Bom to swing but don t know how? Join Out Dancing for lessons every Fnday evening in March from 7 to 8 pm at Sally Mack s School of Dance. (532 SE Ankeny St $5 503-236-5129) o S aturday SW Washington Gay & Lesbian Socialites yuk it up at Harvey s Comedy Club. (Meet at 6 pm in the lounge, show at 6 30 pm 436 NW Sixth Ave $5 Mike 360-735-1901.) Come out of hibernation with ttv=- Oregon Bears at the fifth anniversary party and St. Patrick's Day Bear Bust at the Dirty Duck. (8-11 pm 429 N W Third Ave $9. $7 members Greg 503-224-8446) Submissions should be sent to Just out Calendar, P.O. Box 14400, Portland, OR 97293-0400; or taxed to (503) 236-1257. Deadline is 15 days before issue date, just out is published on the first and third Friday of each month. Who wants to date a softball player? Here s your chance to hook up with some hunky ath letic guy or gal at the Rose C ity Softball Association s Saint Patty's Bid a Bachelor/ Bachelorette The auction takes place at Embers Avenue, and a night on the town will be provided by RSCA for the lucky winners (630-9 pm. 110 NW Broadway) The Leather-women's Supper Club holds a potluck every third Saturday of the month Come meet and socialize with women who have similar interests (PO Box 14931. Portland. OR 97293.) Shine those boots and head o ff to Crystal's Queer Country Jam at PPAA (8-9 pm lessons ($31 9 pm -1 am dancing ($51 618 SE Alder S t) Sip a latte with the Radical Faeries at the weekly KoffeeKlatch field at 3 Friends Coffeehouse from 9 am until whenever (201 SE 12th Ave 503-235-0826 ) o S unday Learn to eat fire with the Lesbian Avengers and help plan Dyke March 2000 The fun wiH include flirting and plotting the destruction of the patriarchy (5 pm Call for location: 503-452-5408 ) © T uesday ■" Treatment Information Exchani hosts a weekly dinner and meeting at Roi C ity Park Presbyterian Church Tonight s is how to get the most out of case mana< ment (6 30 pm dinner. 7 pm meeting o S aturday Hey guys, it's time to drop your pants and grab your casseroles at the Oregon Regional Gay and Naked (ORGAN) potluck and video night (6.30 pw $5