march 17.2000 £ eóourceó A n E xtra H and Jenelle Thompson (503) 952-4413 Provides home and garden maintenance, gar­ den preparation, mowing, edging, mulching, planting, fertilizing, weeding and debris removal. E arth A n g el W orm and G a rden (503) 234-9676, (888) 289-9676 The two enterprising lesbians at this company raise and sell red worms for composting. The worms will eat all organic matter and convert it into the best soil amendment you can find. You’ll never have to turn a compost pile again, because these tiny critters do all the work. When you call, be sure to ask about the truly amazing sex lives of red worms. T h e L o n s e s o m e v ille w o r k s h o p n e x t to D a n n y H ills a n d W a y n e H u g h e s ’ 1 8 9 8 fa r m h o u s e ; H allo w S c a pe in s e t : W a y n e H u g h e s h a s s o m u c h fu n h e c a n ’t c a ll it w o r k Kate O ’Halloran (503) 253-2125 F o u r S e a s o n s L a n d s c a p e M a in t e n a n c e Heather Rosendahl (503) 810-0589 An all-female crew who will install flower beds, container gardens and small shrubs, and do all kinds of garden cleanup and maintenance. T h e G a r d e n A r t is t s Julienne Campbell and Carol Whitten (503) 478-0716 G a r d e n F r ie n d s Because this gay guys’ garden club has grown so large, the members don’t publicize a contact num­ ber. Keep asking around and you might get invit­ ed to a meeting. G a r d e n sc a p e s Donna Burdick and Jamie Hansen (503) 771-7522, (360) 887-0393 This company, with a crew of six women, does all sorts of garden main­ tenance in the Portland area and is a licensed landscape contractor in Washington. The crew handles properties large and small with lawn care, pruning and planting beds. H o ll y h o c k s Hollyann Hood 2707 S.E. Belmont St., Portland (503) 872-8672 H oyt A rbo retum 4000 S.W. Fairview Blvd., Portland (503) 228-8733 Offers guided walks and numerous classes, such as one on pollination on March 25. J oy C r e e k N u r se r y 20300 N.W. Watson Road, Scappoose John Caine, designer (503) 543-7474 This nursery, with a very knowledgeable staff, specializes in garden-worthy perennials, shrubs and trees, as well as some large collections that contain rare plants. Even Martha Stewart sent photographers twice to capture this 40-acre paradise for her magazine. Weekend classes, many of them free, are offered March through October. If you’re bored by geraniums from Safeway, then you’re ready for this treat. L e s b ia n G a r d e n C l u b Nicki (503) 287-6120 L o n e s o m e v il l e Danny Hills and Wayne Hughes (503) 774-5387 E n a J . M o r g a n , landscape designer (503) 526-0306 d ila r y V a le n tin e fin d s h e r s e lf u p a tr e e d o in g H o lly a n n H o o d d e sig n e d th is r o c k p o o l w ith m u ltip le n a in te n a n c e w ith M e g a n G r e e n a u e r , b o th o f s c u p p e r s o n th e b a c k w a ll to c r e a t e a w a te rfa ll e ffe c t ; G a r d e n sc a p e s it a ls o fe a tu r e s a flo a tin g g a z in g b all ‘Re.atíu Cooí Antiques Treasures' & H G a rden T RANSFORMATIONS P r id e L a n d s c a p e M a in t e n a n c e Julie Gates (503) 281-1803 Don Davidson (503) 301-5744 (pager) NEW S A N F R A N C IS C O S TY LE ROW HOUSE C lo se in N o r t h e a s t PRICE $129,500 Square feet: 1182 Levels: 3 Gas Fireplace 10 YEAR TAX ABATEMENT We ere located In Multnomah Village near The bridge. Call for dlnectlone. S ool S alon Leam the basics of creating your own spiritual community by joining this 8-week class. Open to all. Thursday evenings jn April and May. Pre-registration required for all programs. Individual Spiritual Direction sessions by appointment. For information call: - Q n M k | ¡PENINSULA REALTY INC. educational group for gay men on a spiritual journey. Wednesday evenings in April and May. G U T Com m un k y4 h d ld lng Program s One Friday night in March - June. Richard V om . GRI CENTURY 21 PENINSULA REALTY 503-804-9424 503-288-5826 Office 7Ô72 SW Capitol Highway Fortiánd, OK 97219 • 505 - 246-6267 What Makes A Gay Soul Unique? 8-week D ale Rhodes, M .S., M À S m T Spiritual Director H ■ Spiritual Guidance Through Life's Passages V â ’ Interfaith Spiritual Center 3910 Southeast 11th Ave. Portland. OR 97202 (503) 289-410.3 127