TTTmtmineivs » march 17, 2000 RIVAUX They'll tune your engine. They'll fix your car. And as an added bonus, they'll save the planet. W hatever Y ou W ant S ig n a t u r e P r o p e r t ie s ! Got a sweet tooth? Need a loan? How about a tux? Check out our monthly queer business column can Y O U ... paint, tile, refinish hardwoods, do minor handy work? You can profit up to $ 10,000 by buying a fixer and reselling it on the market within a few months. Call me to discuss “flipping properties” as an investment. PO X Automotive Is a certified Eco-Loflkal Business. 282-3315 Tina Schafer, GRI Midti-AiUlion Dollar Producer RE/M AX Signature Properties Mechanics With A Conscience (and x-ray vision) 282-4000 X 122 e-mail: Gerard Lillie • 5934 N.E. Halsey T imeless D esign hanks to generous sponsors, dedi­ cated volunteers and hours of orga­ nizational work, Pink Flamingo Beach Bingo raised more than $7,000 for Our House of Portland and the Portland Lesbian Choir. All proceeds generated via the Feb. 25 event have been divvied up equally and donated to the two non­ profit community groups. The Portland Lesbian Choir was presented a check by Pink Flamingo volunteer Tina Schafer just prior to the groups Interna­ tional Women’s Day performance at the Portland Conference Center on March 12. C o lo r a d o 's Gill Foundation has awarded ✓ more than $1.1 million in grants to 58 sex­ ual minority and HIV/AIDS organizations across the nation. Oregon recipients include Basic Rights Ore­ gon, which received $15,000 for its Fair Work­ place Project, and the Human Dignity Coalition in Bend, which was awarded $2,500 for general operating support. The Gill Foundations mission is to provide resources for communities in pursuit of social justice and equality. The foundation operates three funding cycles annually. The next due date for proposals is May 31. For further details, pop onto the Internet at www.gillfoun- services technology, allow him to establish stronger relationships with multiple lenders, and provide faster approvals and more lending choices to his clients. In addition to offering conforming and non­ conforming residential loans, Boyer will now provide construction, commercial and small business loans as well. An added plus: Boyer is just a sky bridge away from Lloyd Center Mall and is fully pre­ pared to handle sudden shopping emergencies! he Portland Area Business Association, a k a PABA, has filled its contract position for a membership projects coordinator. Lara Smith has been tapped for the planned three-month position. She is off to a good start, having signed up four new members in her first week at work. Current membership in the business net­ working organization is at the 170 mark, with the goal being 250 members by June, when annual officer and board elections are held. T M arcee Topp has been brought on as the new assistant for Millynn James, an asso­ ciate broker with the Northeast Broadway office of Equity Group Realtors in Portland. Topp is also a licensed broker with real estate experience dating back to the 1980s. For the past decade, Topp has developed her own busi­ ness, Earth Nurturing Realty. Everyone from first-time home buyers to sea­ soned investors will receive experienced service from the team of James and Topp. hanges are happen- ^ ing over at Webato- ry, the Internet design company that operates GayPDX. Greg Carter has left the company, with Bryson Lafferty staying on as principal owner. Lafferty confirmed that the company’s pop­ ular site GayPDX— described as “queer Port­ land online”— is on the selling block “if the price is right." Serious inquires only, please. C >| ary Boyer and his J alter ego, Mortgage Monkey, have made the move to a new address, a spifiy new office and a new client-friendly employer. Boyer is still working in Northeast Portland but is now a senior loan officer with Majestic Mortgage Ser­ vices. Boyer says the change will provide him with access to the latest advances in financial- Originöl wedding rings by Americo's finest jewelry designers. 4 new millennium new outlook A re yo u looking for a w a y to: W ork y o u r ow n flexible h o u rs? Tap the p ow er of the Internet? H ave m ore financial o p tio n s available to you ? T ^ h e R F iné e a l M A ai o t h e r e r i c a n G o o s e C r a f t Rexall, the N asdaq preventive healthcare giant and sports fitness company, is making these options possible with its recent online expansion. Learn how you can build your own business from home. Washington Square 503.620 22431 90 Ì SW Yamhill 503 223 9510 Portland Airport 503 284.9929 or 1-888-545-5485