march 17.2ÛÛÛ* ummminews ment programs such as De Pauls base treatment on research outcomes. She explains that De Paul employs what is called a “strength-based approach; rather than [one based] on pathology or ‘what is wrong with you.’ ” Adds North: “Everyone has within them health. People have within them what they need, but it has been hidden from them because of their experi­ ences.” She says that De Paul “works with peo­ ple’s health rather than their sickness. It’s really a common-sense approach to people.” In addition to psy­ chological theory, addiction treatment is also grounded in spiri­ tuality. Accepting the spiritual portion of human nature is help­ ful to some folks in treatment because, North says, it “helps people feel they don’t have to do it all them­ Terry Le Jeune selves.” Another goal, M c­ Kee notes, is to assist clients with finding mean­ ing in their lives. Le Jeune adds that treatment is a gradual exploration. De Paul’s founders believed that addiction is a progressive, potentially fatal disease that can be successfully treated. However, an individual may undergo treatment several times before he or she recovers from the addiction. ment for young people with no financial resources, as well as adult outpatient and resi­ dential services. T he agency has 80 residential adult and 26 residential youth beds. (A ccord­ ing to M cKee, De Paul’s queer-related services are currently directed to adults, not youths.) W ith a staff of 102, De Paul treats about a thousand adults and roughly 3 5 0 youths per year and has an annual budget of $3.8 million. Treatment for those unable to pay is funded mainly by gov­ ernment contracts. T h e agency has expanded services over the years, offer­ ing gender-specific services to chemical- dependent women and culturally specific services to African American, Hispanic and Asian American clients. Offering substance abuse treatment to the sexual minorities com­ munity fits well into the philosophy of De Paul Treatment Centers. “We devote resources to culturally specific services,” North says. “Staff needs to reflect the population that they treat. T he principal idea is to make people feel welcome.” T he Harvey Milk Group is still in its grow­ ing stages. McKee and Le Jeune say that De Paul intends to expand substance abuse treat­ ment services for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and De Paul's founders believed that addiction is a progressive, potentially fatal disease that can be successfully treated. However, an individual m ay undergo treatment several times before he or she recovers from the addiction. “W e’re talking about something that is chronic. Like diabetes, addiction isn’t unrelated to relapse. It’s a long-term disease that requires long-term care,” explains Gibbs. Unlike most chronic diseases, which are rec­ ognized as requiring ongoing monitoring and treatment, society often views substance addic­ tion and relapse as moral failings. Says North: “It’s the only disease where peo­ ple expect you to get it right the first time.” De Paul offers intensive residential treat- 0 ** W eW enamins 57 36 \T ! 3 3 rd • P o r tla n d , O re g o n ( 503 ) 249-3983 wwvv.rmm en .im in m N on -T radional C ouples N eed M ore T han A C ouple of T raditional S olutions . Floreid Walker has over a decade o f experience and understanding. For your unique financial needs, call and talk with Floreid about: TSA, SEP, SIM PLE & 401k Plans oS College Education Planning Comprehensive Financial Planning cX Roth IRAs & Traditional IRAs cX Life & Disability Insurance c S, Long Term Care Insurance cN Strategic FOCUSPlans for any “what if ? ” scenarios. WADDELL «SrR EED Financial Services I f m S p e c ia liz in g in L j ° me f in a n c in g fo r li I I », |ff C a l l R e n e e o r R o b f o r a f riv a te , N o C o s t C o n s u lt a t io n O f visit o u r w ebsite: ------ b ------- --- 0 5 ) FLOREID WALKER Senior Financial Advisor -$■ All Credit & Loan Types -$• Creative Financing ( 5 The people with a plan fo r you. For a personal financial plan, call: ( j a u M e n & L e s b ia n s . Zero Down Loans 9 Monday through Friday: 7:00am to 10:30am Saturday: 7:00am to 11:30am Sunday:7:00am to 12:30pm & t 768 - * , i s t e t 'c t Seven Days a Week ■ The H arvey M ilk G roup meets two times a week, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, at the De Paul Treatment Center for adults, 1312 S.W. Washington St., Portland, OR 97205. For more information, call (503) 535-1171. T.K. MANTESE is a free-lance writer based in Portland. r ’s A £ etxt SER V IN G BREAKFAST oS ■ ï . / ] # * trans community as the number of clients increases. R ose O ttJ M ortgage Specialists «I I k ov atW c * * * 503 . 238.6036 800.487.6626 Voicemail: 503.291.7713 500 N.E. Multnomah. Suite 278. Portland. OR 97232 www. wadde 11 .com www. flore id wal M e m b e r S IP C *2*0# President's Council Me mb e r " 11