The RE/MAX S ig n a t u r e P Warm and energetic, Tina is a savvy advocate who knows the business, the market and the city. With her deft guidance, we found a home that meets even our cats’ rigorous requirements! S an d er is an affectio n ate, frien d ly four-year-old cat who is housebroken and easygoing. He is a bit te rri to rial, however, and needs to live in a hom e where th ere are no o th er pets. Both of his eyes are green and p erp etu ally crossed. T a k e him hom e with you! \ ty ’ l y 1' A V . V . ; r o p e r t ie s ! Carolyn Roos and Cherie Weintraub Tina Schafer, g r i sty - Sander and other dogs and cats need loving homes. Contact: OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 1067 NE Columbia Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 • 503.285.7722 RE/MAX Signature Properties 282-4000 X 122 ju s tr m dm CR A N D U N ZIPPIN G i— Video sales & rental DVD sales & rental 3 Full length feature films 2 Theatres Male Features 7 days a week XXX- treme A fiitti-A lillio n D ollar Producer This ad courtesy o f Over 150 DVD titles v a l e n t in e s d a y w e e k e n d - 1 A e-mail: T uesdays : All Male Features in Main Theatre Northwest's Premier Adult Theatre open 9=30 am • 18 & older 12 3 2 1 2 th ave 2 2 3 -1 8 4 6 sw F e b r u a r y h a n d is = m* $ A UN IQ UE PA RA -M ILITA RY SEX CLUB FOR MEN 303 SW 12TH AVENUE, PORTLAND OREGON DOWN BELOW CLUB PORTLAND HOURS 6 PM TO 6 AM — 12 HOUR IN/OUT PRIVILEGES KATE* LOW AS $6 — MEMBERSHIP $3 WITH VALID PHOTO ID (CLUB PORTLAND/CLUB SEATTLE MEMBERSHIPS ARE WELCOME AT ZIPPERS DOWN)