50 JuoO — t ’ fnhrnnry 4, ÎWifl HOME SERVICES FOR RENT FERNHILL PARK/NE. Very nice one BR, mother- in-law apartment. Bright, vaulted living room. Washer/dryer, nice maintained yard, off-street parking. $595/month. (503) 287-9472. (2/4) SE BELMONT COTTAGE. 2 bedroom, cozy, artis tic house. Wood stove, established veggie garden. No dogs. $875/month plus utilities. Flexible move-in date. 716 SE 26th. Call Michael (503) 781-4947. (2/4) CH ARM IN G COTTAGE, 1,100 square feet, 2 bedrixuns, 2 bonus rooms, eat-in country kitchen, fire place, hardwixxl floors, detached one-car garage, partial basement, front porch, refrigerator and stove, private set ting in Portland. Available Feb. 15th. Nonsmokers, no pets. References and credit check required. $1,000 per mo, plus security and cleaning deposit. To schedule an appointment, call (503) 761-0185. (2/4) BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF HAYDEN BAY and Mt. Hixxl. One BR loft, one and 1/2 bath, fireplace, new mar ble bath, granite kitchen counters. All new appliances, carpet, paint. Must see. $995/month. Marc (503) 283-2891.(2/4) 2 BEDROOM, $595 M O N TH + deposit. Sunny upper 1,250 sq. ft. Share electricity and water, cat OK. (503) 287-6587. (2/4) IRVINGTON DUPLEX. 2BR + office, 1,000 sq. ft., hardwood floors, tiles. Vermont gas stove, upper level, remodeled. Shared W/D. Cat OK. $695+. (503) 249-0363 evenings, 234-5458 days. (2/4) PRIVATE APARTMENT with separate entrance in private home basement. Includes kitchen, bathroom, laundry. In beautiful Eastmoreland, one block from Reed College in Southeast. $500 includes all utilities. (503) 788-9537. (2/4) S T Y L I S T S Dan MacLEOD & Fernando Mendoza ER O TIC EM POW ERM ENT RITU A LS. Downtown office and outcalls. (503) 237-3732. (4/21) EXPERIENCED, HANDSOM E LMT provides a total body experience— including Swedish, pressure point, sports and stimulating erotic massage. LMT Oregon, Washington, Calif. Kyler (503) 224-6909 or 903-1979, pager. (2/18) M I A m i CARE Essentials for Healthy Cells & Strong Bodies 1 High quality, balanced, pharmaceutical grade line of nutritional supplements sup port optimal health and strong immune function. To inquire, call Portland area distributor Deanna Tennancour, RN, toll-free: 877-212-8844. • CO NFIDENTIAL S T D /H IV TESTING & TREATMENT • HEPATITIS A/B VACCINATION FOR GAY AND Bl MEN • CONVENIENT AM & PM APPOINTMENTS OR WALK-INS • GAY & G A Y -F R IE N D L Y STAFF AND C L IN IC IA N S STD WANT TO SHARE H O M E W SW PDX JOHNS LANDING VIEWS. Pri bd and ba, close to Park, bus and WAC. $375 + 1/2 ele + dep. Avail Mar 1, (503) 224-8819. (2/4) SEEKING FEMALE ROOMMATE to rent room with 3 other women at NE household. No smoking, drugs. $330 + dep. includes utilities. (503) 460-3804- (2/4) 4 p.m. Feb. 10 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Pride Foundation supports Pacific Northwest lesbian and gay community organizations, distributing $2.5 million in grants and scholarships since 1987. Lead $750K annual plan. Demonstrated success with individual solicitation and strategic marketing. $40-45,000 + benefits/retirement. EOE, r£sum6 by 3/17/00 to 1122 E. Pike, *1001, Seattle, WA 98122. (2/4) LATINA ADVOCATE. Case-manage Latino fam ilies in domestic violence shelter, co-facilitate support group, answer crisis line, outreach. Full-time, starts at $11.50/hour, benefits. Flexible schedule. Bilingual Spanish/English required. Mail resume and cover letter to: Clackamas Womens Services, attn: Jez, PO Box 22547, Milwaukie, OR 97269. Closes 5 pm, February 18th. (2/4) PIANIST/POSSIBLE M USIC DIR. for New Thought-Religious Science Church located in Parkrose area. For appt. call Rev. Annie Green, (503) 261-0677. (2/4) RN FULL-TIME LPN/CNA ON-CALL Nursing positions working with people living with advanced AIDS. Collaborative management working with a dedicated staff providing individualized holistic care in loving, home-like atmosphere. Fax resume to (503) 236-7129, or apply at Our House, 2727 SE Alder, Portland, 97214. (2/4) DIRECTOR OF NURSING RN needed for 40 hr/week management position working with people with advanced AIDS. Collaborative man agement working with a dedicated staff providing indi vidualized holistic care in a loving, home-like atmos phere. Fax resume to (503) 236-7129, or apply at Our House, 2727 SE Alder, Portland, 97214- (2/4) CLINIC K DESIGN/BUILD HISTORICAL RESTORATION UNIVERSAL DESIGN 6. T O M FITZPATRICK 282-4829 fa x / phone When saving yourself some money. Setting lip bolli yo u r unto mul home in s in u in e with \meriean Family can save you up to 20'< off your premiums. Call Today ________________ r^ = = = = m Matt Forman 526.2999 503 2629 NE 23 pd A ve „ P ortland . OR 97212 ■ lic e n s e r) n WA • O S C C S » 9 ? I0 0 CONSTRUCTION is worth a call. (Zofote P “ aw tctty (?o-// Auto, Home, Life & Business Residential • Interior • Exterior £ Ron Gaylord (503) 774-1810 7 l\ Licensed and Bonded CCB #97068 “Your Independent Insurance Agency” B P □ &□ Elliott, Powell, Baden & Baker, Inc. IRVINGTON/ALAMEDA CLASSIC SGM, mid-30s business professional, seeking similar third housemate to share 4 bed/2 bath home. Completely remodeled with formal living/dining rooms, hardwoods throughout main level, large family room, 2 fireplaces, fourth bedroom is guestroom, private yard with deck/patio, washer/dryer, cable/shared phone in rooms. $275 plus utilities, deposit negotiable, no pets. (503) 275-2326 or 288-0198. (2/4) Classified ad deadline for Feb. 18 issue is R KITCHENS • BATHS • ADDITIONS • REMODEL ROOMMATE W ANTED, Southeast home. Bedroom w/own bath. Share with gay guy and cat, Josh. Both nonsmokers. $350 + 1/2 utilities. $200 refundable deposit. Available February 1st. (503) 760-3814, Jim. (2/4) 12 M INUTES TO NW 23RD—Linton. Gay male household, one BR, 600 square feet, living space with separate entrance, hot tub, views. Clean, quality home with two great guys. $475/month includes everything. (503) 735-9602. (2/4) O INSURANCE ¡1 KEN MAJOR 503 254 3191 Residential Service Upgrades New and remodel C.C.B. 108091 BOEH CONST INC. All phases home remodeling Kitchens • Baths • Decks • Windows Mike 318-5544 665-2297 CCB #121953 Uc/Bond/lns H m c n i v H n su R r H a n m c i u AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE HandyWorks Richard Knittle interior & exterior— all size jobs Kitchens • Bathrooms • Older Homos Export 235-1037 or 449-6207 A company that dupportd our community with rated that redpect your relationdhipd ^S^5lcensed 4 ln8ured___________Free Estimates Call your Family Agents Urban K. Hutchins General Contractor ( 503 ) 232-2295 Eddy K. Hauff office 503-281-5880 cell 503-752-3780 UoMBd, Bf f dfidl Insured CCB* 114183 Remodel • Painting • Roofing Decks • Finish Work • Interior/Exterior Vicki Coons S e H a b la E s p a ñ o l (fi ¡ H n I M K office 503-281-5363 cell 503-702-3464 BoyerArts Studio Print Classes Tues. 6 - 8 pm 280-8845 3531 NE 15th Avenue, Suite A Portland OR 97212 www.amfam.com 1325 NE Fremont 426 SW STARK D O W N TO W N PO RTLAND Multnomah County l e a l t h Department g (503) 248-3700 RG Home Renovations & Repairs R een i G oldin (5 0 3 ) 7 7 4 -5 0 4 8 “No Job Too Small" -Flooring -Windows -Electrical -Plumbing -Sheet Rock -Ceramic Tile Free Estimate* Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB # 1 2 6 8 6 9 M i N ous musical enjoyment for aíl ages Saxophone and C larinet Lessons Beary clean' Too much to do— too little time? Do you hate to clean? Wanna come home to a clean house? Pamper Yourself— Call Now! David R oberts 649-5004 A ll skill levels Meg Grace w 236-6314 25 years of stu d y Place your ad online at uinnnni.justout.com