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PO RTLAN D , OR BETWEEN DIVISION & POWELL C L IN IC S W S T A R K i B » Wi? h i W ’H i s/eYii à ¥.1 * I Multnimih C iia ty I a l i t i Dapartnaat ( 503 ) 248-3700 (5 0 3 ) 2 3 2 -9 0 5 1 CANADA olice officials in Calgary, Alberta, are pleased that the department has responded favorably to an employees decision to change from male to female. The individual began coming to work dressed as a wo­ man about six months ago and will undergo sex-reassignment surgery in another six months or so. Human Re­ sources Deputy Chief Jack Beaton told local media: “We’re quite proud she stayed here and wanted to go through the transition here— that tells us the police service is on the right path. We have a positive workplace policy and this is an issue of diversity.” The transsexual, who does not want to be identified in the media, said: “It’s been a fairly easy transition. It seems to he the safest place to be.” The $5,440 operation will he paid for by the provincial health care program. P new Canadian Labour Congress campaign will promote tolerance in the workplace. About $10,200 will be spent on posters and but­ tons. One stereotype-busting poster shows seven people with the caption "We’ll give you a $3 bill if you can spot who is gay in this picture.” The correct answer is “all of them.” The material will be circulated among the CLC’s 85 affiliates and 2.2 million members. “Success is when being gay is no longer cause for distinction, like when (Member of Parlia­ ment] Svend Robinson is described simply as an NDP [New Democratic Party] politician and not ‘a gay MP,’ ’’ said C LC Secretary-Treasurer Nancy Riche. A FRANCE rench lesbian tennis pro Amelie Mauresmo, 20, won the Sydney International tennis tournament Jan. 15, defeating Mary Pierce, Lindsay Davenport and Martina Hingis. Mauresmo dedicated her victory to her lover and coach, Sylvie Bourdon. “When you are happy in your life, you do your job better. I think she makes me feel good and we have a great relationship and she brings me a lot of confidence,” Mauresmo said. “1 did­ F n’t have as much in 1998, but bit by bit it is coming and I am getting stronger in my mind, and on the court it helps a lot.” Last year during the Australian Open, both Davenport and Hingis angered Mauresmo with their remarks to reporters. Davenport said: “A couple of times I thought I was playing a guy, the girl was hitting it so hard. She’s so strong in those shoulders. She hits the hall, you know, not like any other girl. She hits it so hard and with so much topspin. Women’s tennis is not usually played like th at.... T he shoulders looked huge. I think that they must have grown.” A t a German-language press confer­ ence, Hingis said: “She is half man.” KENYA he South African Press Agency reported on Jan. 7 that a court in western Kenya allowed a woman to divorce her wife due to “cruelty and violence.” T he report explained that among the Kisii people of Kenya’s western highlands, widows who have never birthed a son and are too old to reproduce can marry a younger woman who is then expected to get pregnant and produce a male heir for the older woman. Kisii women have no inheritance rights. Nyoero Ongori married Mary Orang’o eight years ago. “She beat me up, heat my daughters and never brought a son to the house," Ongori told the court. T NETHERLANDS . ueen Beatrix has knighted Henk Krol, the founder of the Dutch gay newspaper De Gay Krant, on the occasion of the publi­ cation’s 20th anni­ versary. Meanwhile, in conjunction with its 400th issue, the pub­ lication switched from newspaper to magazine format, upgraded the quality of the paper on which it is printed, and added more Henk Krol color. PERU R azine. It appeared on newsstands Jan. 4- Produced by the Movimiento Homosexual de Lima, the publication offers opinion articles, interviews, reviews, a night life guide, news and nude pictures. J o ff M SRP on every one in stock! SUBARU Call today for a free qualification over the phone First Time Buyers ♦ FHA/VA Loons Self-Employed ♦ Complicated Borrowers 1 The Beauty o f AH Wheel D t ive. C W is t '" ® * www.wentworth.subaru.com ¡n¡ Expires close of business 2/17/00 107 S E G ran d • 4 Blocks South of the C onvention C e n te r • 8 7 7 -3 3 0 -7 8 1 8 evista Paradero is the nation’s first gay mag­ After a long day on the job site, nothing beats hubbies and beer in my remodeled bathroom. Thanks for taking our hands and guiding us through the maze o f refinancing. 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